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Numerical study of plasma aerodynamic actuation mechanism

Cheng Yu-Feng Nie Wan-Sheng Li Guo-Qiang


Numerical study of plasma aerodynamic actuation mechanism

Cheng Yu-Feng, Nie Wan-Sheng, Li Guo-Qiang
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  • Based on the physical processes of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) and quasi-direct-current (quasi-DC) discharge, the plasma aerodynamic actuation mechanism is analyzed, then the numerical model of plasma aerodynamic actuation is founded, finally the DBD and the quasi-DC discharge plasma flow control processes are simulated in the cases of low velocity and high velocity. The results show that the aerodynamic actuation mechanism of DBD plasma is that the discharge changes three kinds of forces in continuum fluent medium, these being shear stress caused by Newton friction, body force caused by electro hydrodynamic and impulsive active force caused by pressure change, and the main aerodynamic actuation mechanism of DBD plasma is body force caused by electro hydrodynamic. The effect of body force is stronger in near space than in the sea level, plasma induced flow velocity increases in near space. The main aerodynamic actuation mechanism of quasi-DC discharge plasma in supersonic air flow is the thermal mechanism of heat plasma, the exploding wires diathermanous model found in this paper is good for the simulation of the process of surface quasi-DC discharge plasma incident shock. The effect of quasi-DC discharge plasma on the supersonic flow field is conform with the effect of protuberance with a bevel to the supersonic flow field, so it can be used to control the shock wave in supersonic aircraft.
      Corresponding author: Cheng Yu-Feng,
    • Funds: Project supported by Experiment Project of Ministries and Commissions, China (Grant No. 2009SY4106002).

    Martiqua L P, Thomas C C 2004 AIAA Journal 42 2177


    Sergey B L, Alexander A F, Dmitry A Y, Francois F 2010 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition Orlando Florida, USA 4–7 January 2010


    Sung Y, Kim W, Mungal M G 2006 Experiments in Fluids 41 479


    Sergey B L, Alexander A F, Dmitry A Y, Francois F, Alexey M 2009 16th AIAA/DLR/DGLR International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference 2009


    Shyy W, Jayaraman B, Andersson A 2002 J. Appl. Phys. 92 6434


    Suzen Y B, Huang P G, Jacob J D 2005 35th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit Toronto Ontario, Canada 6–9 June 2005 p1


    Liang H, Ling Y H, Wu Y, Wu W, Ma Q Y 2009 High Voltage Engineering 35 1071 (in Chinese)[梁华, 李应红, 吴云, 武卫, 马清源 2009 高电压技术 35 1071]


    Liang H, Ling Y H, Cheng B Q, Ma Q Y, Wu Y 2008 Journal of Aerospace Power 23 777 (in Chinese)[梁华, 李应红, 程邦勤, 马清源, 武卫 2008 航空动力学报 23 777]


    Mao M L, Deng X G, Chen L Z, Chen J Q 2009 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics 26 57 (in Chinese)[毛枚良, 邓小刚, 陈亮中, 陈坚强 2009 计算物理 26 57]


    Mao M L, Deng X G, Chen J Q 2008 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica 26 334 (in Chinese)[毛枚良, 邓小刚, 陈坚强 2008 空气动力学报 26 334]


    Xue B M, Yang Y 2008 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics 25 689 (in Chinese)[薛帮猛, 杨永 2008 计算物理 25 689]


    Li G 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)[李刚 2008 博士学位论文 (北京:中国科学院)]


    Che X K, Nie W S, Tu H Z 2010 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica 28 279 (in Chinese)[车学科, 聂万胜, 屠恒章 2010 空气动力学报 28 279]


    Che X K 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: The Academy of Equipment Command & Technology) (in Chinese)[车学科 2010 博士学位论文 (北京: 装备指挥技术学院)]


    Sergey B L, Dmitry A Y 2008 Fluid Dynamics 43 945


    Sergey B L, Dmitry A Y 2008 Jouranal of Propulsion and Power 24 1168


    Shneider M N, Macheret S O, Miles R B 2003 41st Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit Reno Nevada, January 6–9 2003 p1


    Wang J, Li Y H, Cheng B Q, Su C B, Song H M,Wu Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5513 (in Chinese)[王健, 李应红, 程邦勤, 苏长兵, 宋慧敏, 吴云 2009 物理学报 58 5513]


    Fu X 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science & Technology) (in Chinese)[傅鑫 2007 博士学位论文 (南京: 南京理工大学)]


    Jiang J P, Weng J H 1980 The Cathode Electronics and Gas Discharge Theory (Beijing: Qinghua University Press) p156–158 (in Chinese)[江剑平, 翁甲辉 1980 阴极电子学与气体放电原理 (北京:清华大学出版社) 第156—158页]


    Qin Z Y, Zuo G N, Wang Y R, Wu H, Sun G S, Sun Y H 2000 High Voltage Discharge and its Applications (Beijing: Beijing Industrial University Press) pp352–355 (in Chinese)[秦曾衍, 左公宁, 王永荣, 吴弘, 孙广生, 孙鹞鸿 2000 高压强脉冲放电及其应用(北京: 北京工业大学出版社) 第352—355页]


    Popov N A 2001 Plasma Phys. Rap. 27 886


    Ling Y H, Wu Y, Liang H, Song H M, Jia M 2010 Chinese Sci. Bull. 55 1 (in Chinese)[李应红, 吴云, 梁华, 宋慧敏, 贾敏 2010 科学通报 55 1]


    Menter F R 1994 AIAA Journal 32 1598


    Edward H A 2006 Aerospace America 21 31


    Guo Z Y, Zhao W H 1984 Arc Discharge and Plasma (Beijing: Science Press) p141 (in Chinese)[过增元, 赵文华 1986 电弧和热等离子体 (北京: 科学出版社)第141页]

  • [1]

    Martiqua L P, Thomas C C 2004 AIAA Journal 42 2177


    Sergey B L, Alexander A F, Dmitry A Y, Francois F 2010 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition Orlando Florida, USA 4–7 January 2010


    Sung Y, Kim W, Mungal M G 2006 Experiments in Fluids 41 479


    Sergey B L, Alexander A F, Dmitry A Y, Francois F, Alexey M 2009 16th AIAA/DLR/DGLR International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference 2009


    Shyy W, Jayaraman B, Andersson A 2002 J. Appl. Phys. 92 6434


    Suzen Y B, Huang P G, Jacob J D 2005 35th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit Toronto Ontario, Canada 6–9 June 2005 p1


    Liang H, Ling Y H, Wu Y, Wu W, Ma Q Y 2009 High Voltage Engineering 35 1071 (in Chinese)[梁华, 李应红, 吴云, 武卫, 马清源 2009 高电压技术 35 1071]


    Liang H, Ling Y H, Cheng B Q, Ma Q Y, Wu Y 2008 Journal of Aerospace Power 23 777 (in Chinese)[梁华, 李应红, 程邦勤, 马清源, 武卫 2008 航空动力学报 23 777]


    Mao M L, Deng X G, Chen L Z, Chen J Q 2009 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics 26 57 (in Chinese)[毛枚良, 邓小刚, 陈亮中, 陈坚强 2009 计算物理 26 57]


    Mao M L, Deng X G, Chen J Q 2008 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica 26 334 (in Chinese)[毛枚良, 邓小刚, 陈坚强 2008 空气动力学报 26 334]


    Xue B M, Yang Y 2008 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics 25 689 (in Chinese)[薛帮猛, 杨永 2008 计算物理 25 689]


    Li G 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)[李刚 2008 博士学位论文 (北京:中国科学院)]


    Che X K, Nie W S, Tu H Z 2010 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica 28 279 (in Chinese)[车学科, 聂万胜, 屠恒章 2010 空气动力学报 28 279]


    Che X K 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: The Academy of Equipment Command & Technology) (in Chinese)[车学科 2010 博士学位论文 (北京: 装备指挥技术学院)]


    Sergey B L, Dmitry A Y 2008 Fluid Dynamics 43 945


    Sergey B L, Dmitry A Y 2008 Jouranal of Propulsion and Power 24 1168


    Shneider M N, Macheret S O, Miles R B 2003 41st Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit Reno Nevada, January 6–9 2003 p1


    Wang J, Li Y H, Cheng B Q, Su C B, Song H M,Wu Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5513 (in Chinese)[王健, 李应红, 程邦勤, 苏长兵, 宋慧敏, 吴云 2009 物理学报 58 5513]


    Fu X 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science & Technology) (in Chinese)[傅鑫 2007 博士学位论文 (南京: 南京理工大学)]


    Jiang J P, Weng J H 1980 The Cathode Electronics and Gas Discharge Theory (Beijing: Qinghua University Press) p156–158 (in Chinese)[江剑平, 翁甲辉 1980 阴极电子学与气体放电原理 (北京:清华大学出版社) 第156—158页]


    Qin Z Y, Zuo G N, Wang Y R, Wu H, Sun G S, Sun Y H 2000 High Voltage Discharge and its Applications (Beijing: Beijing Industrial University Press) pp352–355 (in Chinese)[秦曾衍, 左公宁, 王永荣, 吴弘, 孙广生, 孙鹞鸿 2000 高压强脉冲放电及其应用(北京: 北京工业大学出版社) 第352—355页]


    Popov N A 2001 Plasma Phys. Rap. 27 886


    Ling Y H, Wu Y, Liang H, Song H M, Jia M 2010 Chinese Sci. Bull. 55 1 (in Chinese)[李应红, 吴云, 梁华, 宋慧敏, 贾敏 2010 科学通报 55 1]


    Menter F R 1994 AIAA Journal 32 1598


    Edward H A 2006 Aerospace America 21 31


    Guo Z Y, Zhao W H 1984 Arc Discharge and Plasma (Beijing: Science Press) p141 (in Chinese)[过增元, 赵文华 1986 电弧和热等离子体 (北京: 科学出版社)第141页]

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  • Received Date:  23 April 2011
  • Accepted Date:  09 June 2011
  • Published Online:  05 March 2012

