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Influence of external forcing on the predictability of Lorenz model

Li Ai-Bing Zhang Li-Feng Xiang Jie


Influence of external forcing on the predictability of Lorenz model

Li Ai-Bing, Zhang Li-Feng, Xiang Jie
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  • The influence of external forcing on chaotic character, Lorenz map structure and the predictability is studied with the Lorenz system which has a forcing term, and the atmospheric predictability forced by sea surface temperature (SST) is also analyzed. The chaotic attractors are related to the forcing term that changes the moving rules of system and makes randomicity of attractors reduce. The probability distribution function of Lorenz system in the x-y plane has a bimodal structure with two clearly separated peaks. In the absence of forcing, both peaks are equally likely. When an external forcing introduced, the probability of state moving around two Lorenz attractors is changed, and it makes the two peaks asymmetric. It is found that the single cusp of Lorenz map obtained in the absence of forcing splits into two cusps that represent two branches of the Lorenz attractor when the forcing is introduced. On Lorenz map, the moving directions of two cusps and the difference between two cusps and single cusp are determined by the sign and the magnitude of forcing term. The predictability of Lorenz system is also deeply affected by external forcing. The predictability is increased by introducing forcing, and especially the range of increasing is larger when the absolute value of forcing term is bigger. It is also found that the higher potential predictability is obtained by forcing with the stronger SST which causes the larger external variance.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40975031).

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    Lorenz E N 1963 J. Atmos. Sci. 20 130


    Evans E N, Bhatti J K, Pann L, Pena M, Yang S C, Kalnay E, Hansen J 2004 Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 85 520


    Palmer T N 1993 Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 74 49


    Tsonis A A 1992 Chaos: From Theory to Applications (New York: Plenum press) p274


    Palmer T N 1999 J. Clim. 12 575


    Yadav R S, Dwivedi S, Mittal A K 2005 J. Atmos. Sci. 62 2316


    Sikka D R, Gadgil S 1980 Mon. Wea. Rev. 108 1840


    Christiansen B 2003 J. Clim. 16 3681


    Shukla J 1998 Science 282 728


    Palmer T N 1994 Ind. Natl. Sci. Acad. 60 57


    Pal P K, Shan S 1999 Ind. J. Radio Space Phys. 28 271


    Mittal A K, Dwivedi S, Pandey A C 2003 Ind. J. Radio Space Phys. 32 209


    Mittal A K, Dwivedi S, Pandey A C 2005 Nonlin. Pro. Geophy. 12 707


    Dwivedi S, Mittal A K, Pandey A C 2007 Atmoshpere-Ocean 45 71


    He W P, Feng G L, Dong W J, Li J P 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 969 (in Chinese) [何文平, 封国林, 董文杰, 李建平 2006 物理学报 55 969]


    He W P, Feng G L, Gao X Q, Chou J F 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3175 (in Chinese) [何文平, 封国林, 高新全, 丑纪范 2006 物理学报 55 3175]


    Ding R Q, Li J P 2007 Chin. J. Atmos. Sci. 31 571 (in Chinese) [丁瑞强, 李建平 2007 大气科学 31 571]


    Chen B H, Li J P, Ding R Q 2006 Sci. Chin. D 36 1068 (in Chinese) [陈宝花, 李建平, 丁瑞强 2008 中国科学(D辑) 36 1068]


    Ding R Q, Li J P 2007 Phys. Lett. A 364 396


    Ding R Q, Li J P 2008 Chin. J. Geophy. 51 1007 (in Chinese) [丁瑞强, 李建平 2008 地球物理学报 51 1007]


    Ding R Q, Li J P 2009 Acta Meteor. Sin. 67 241 (in Chinese) [丁瑞强, 李建平 2009 气象学报 67 241]


    Wolf A, Swift J B, Swinney H L, Vastano J A 1985 Physica D 16 285


    Shukla J, Gutzler D S 1983 Mon. Wea. Rev. 111 1273


    Trenberth K E 1984 Mon. Wea. Rev. 112 2369


    Wang J, Guo Y F 2004 J. Appl. Meteor. Sci. 15 291 (in Chinese) [王嘉, 郭裕福 2004 应用气象学报 15 291]

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  • Received Date:  04 May 2011
  • Accepted Date:  05 June 2012
  • Published Online:  05 June 2012

