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Automatic recognition of mid-altitude radial convergence and study on the relationship between the convergence and strong convective weather based on Doppler weather radar data

Wang Ping Niu Zhi-Yong


Automatic recognition of mid-altitude radial convergence and study on the relationship between the convergence and strong convective weather based on Doppler weather radar data

Wang Ping, Niu Zhi-Yong
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  • To identify the mid-altitude radial convergence of a strong convective weather automatically, we propose a method based on recognition of ‘positive-negative velocity region-pairs’ (region-pairs)in a single elevation angle of the Doppler radar radial velocity image. First of all, according to the principle of the radar detection, this paper explains the phenomenon that the convergence field formed by the airflow must produce a local maximum in positive or negative velocity region in the radial velocity image.The algorithms for recognizing these regions and matching the positive-negative pair are then devised.By searching a set of region-pairs with longitudinal extension, which are obtained from the multiple single elevation radial velocity images, we can judge whether there is a mid-altitude radial convergence in the convective storm, and estimate important parameters, such as the strength and extended thickness of the mid-altitude radial convergence.Finally, we determine the position of optimal section and present the cross-sectional view of the mid-altitude radial convergence. We have tested 384 samples with obvious mid-altitude radial convergence and 365 heavy rainfall samples without obvious mid-altitude radial convergence. Experimental results show that the recognition rate of obvious mid-altitude radial convergence is 100% and the false alarm rate is 0.Compared with the manual way by means of the cross-sectional view, the proposed method in this paper can more rapidly recognize the mid-altitude radial convergence (and reduce the recognition time from minutes to seconds). At the same time, it can present a great deal of quantitative information, including the strength, height, thickness, and position of the mid-altitude radial convergence.Furthermore, it shows the cross-sectional view automatically.We can obtain good results from the comparison between the mid-altitude radial convergence and strong convective weather by using the given parameters.We test and verify the strong correlation between the mid-altitude radial convergence and severe surface wind.Moreover, the height of the strongest mid-altitude radial convergence plays an important role in discrimination of strong hail and torrential rain. Also the strength of the mid-altitude radial convergence can be used to estimate the maximum dimensions of the hail.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin, China(Grant No.09JCYBJC07500), and the Special Scientific Research Fund of Meteorological Public Welfare Profession of China(Grant No.GYHY200706004).

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    Ran L K, Zhou Y S, Yang W X 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 099201 (in Chinese) [冉令坤, 周玉淑, 杨文霞 2011 物理学报 60 099201]


    Liao Y F, Yu X D, Tang X X, Zhu J J 2007 Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences 4 433(in Chinese)[廖玉芳, 俞小鼎, 唐小新, 朱金菊 2007 大气科学学报 4 433]


    Jin H Y, Gu S S, Wang S S, Niu L L and Liu W 2008 Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences 5 702 (in Chinese) [金宏忆, 顾松山, 王珊珊, 牛丽莉, 刘伟 大气科学学报 5 702]


    Yu X D, Zheng Y Y, Liao Y F 2008 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 32 508 (in Chinese) [俞小鼎, 郑媛媛, 廖玉芳 2008 大气科学 32 508]


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  • [1]

    Przybylinski R W 1999 Weather and Forecasting 10 203


    Zhang G C 2011 Strong convection weather analysis and forecasting (1st Ed.) (Beijing: China Meteorological Press) p168–169 (in Chinese) [章国材 2011 强对流天气分析与预报 第一版 (北京: 气象出版社) 第168–169页]


    Ran L K, Zhou Y S, Yang W X 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 099201 (in Chinese) [冉令坤, 周玉淑, 杨文霞 2011 物理学报 60 099201]


    Ernani De Lima Nascimento, Droegemeier K K 2006 Journal of the atmospheric Sciences 63 2246


    Lemon L R, Stephen Parker 1996 the 18th Conference on Severe Local Storms San Francisco, February 19–23, 1996 p70


    Schmocker G K 1996 15th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Norfolk, August 19–23, 1996 p306


    Shao L L, Huang Y 2002 Meteorological Monthly 28 47 (in Chinese) [邵玲玲, 黄炎 2002 气象 28 47]


    Qi L Y, Nong M S, Wang J 2012 Meteorological Monthly 38 438 (in Chinese) [祈丽燕, 农孟松, 王冀 2012 气象 38 438]


    Qian W H, Shan X L, Zhu Y F 2012 Chinese J. Geophys. 5 1513 (in Chinese) [钱维宏, 单晓龙, 朱亚芬 2012 地球物理学报 5 1513]


    Zhao R X, Wu G X, Zhang H 2008 Chinese J. Geophys. 51 1670 (in Chinese) [赵瑞霞, 吴国雄, 张宏 2008 地球物理学报 51 1670]


    Chen J L, Huang R H 2008 Chinese J. Geophys. 51 352 (in Chinese) [陈际龙, 黄荣辉 2008 地球物理学报 51 352]


    Chen Z M, Yang K Q, Wu H Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4362 (in Chinese) [陈忠明, 杨康权, 伍红雨 2009 物理学报 58 4362]


    Jiang Z, Li X F, Zhou Y S, Gao S T 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 054215


    Ran L K, Chu Y L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8094 (in Chinese) [冉令坤, 楚艳丽 2009 物理学报 58 8094]


    Chen G C, Chen Y, Qiao L 2011 Meteorological Monthly 37 871 (in Chinese) [陈贵川, 谌芸, 乔林 2011 气象 37 871]


    Klimowski B A, Hjelmfelt M R, Bunkers M J 2004 Weather and Forecasting 19 727


    Yu X D,Yao X P, Xiong T N, Zhou X G, Wu H, Deng S B, Song Y 2006 Doppler radar principle and business applications (1st ED.) (Beijing: China Meteorological Press) p48, 118 (in Chinese) [俞小鼎, 姚秀萍, 熊廷南, 周小刚, 吴洪, 邓北胜, 宋燕 2006 多普勒天气雷达原理与业务应用 第一版(北京: 气象出版社) 第48, 118页]


    Wang Y, Tang Y, Zhao J X 2009 Meteorological Monthly 35 91 (in Chinese) [王彦, 唐熠, 赵金霞 2009 气象 35 91]


    Andra D L 1997 28th Conf. on Radar meteorology Austin, October 5–9 1997 p364–365


    Li J X, Ren X X, Jin L J 2008 Journal of Shanxi Meteorology 84 18 (in Chinese) [李军霞, 任晓霞, 晋立军 2008 山西气象 84 18]


    Ran L K, Zhou Y S, Yang W X 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 099201 (in Chinese) [冉令坤, 周玉淑, 杨文霞 2011 物理学报 60 099201]


    Liao Y F, Yu X D, Tang X X, Zhu J J 2007 Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences 4 433(in Chinese)[廖玉芳, 俞小鼎, 唐小新, 朱金菊 2007 大气科学学报 4 433]


    Jin H Y, Gu S S, Wang S S, Niu L L and Liu W 2008 Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences 5 702 (in Chinese) [金宏忆, 顾松山, 王珊珊, 牛丽莉, 刘伟 大气科学学报 5 702]


    Yu X D, Zheng Y Y, Liao Y F 2008 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 32 508 (in Chinese) [俞小鼎, 郑媛媛, 廖玉芳 2008 大气科学 32 508]


    Mu X Y, Dang R Q, Chen Q P, Fang D X, Ge W Z 2007 Journal of Applied Meterological Science 18 42 (in Chinese) [慕熙昱, 党人庆, 陈秋萍, 方德贤, 葛文忠 2007应用气象学报 18 42]


    Chen M X, Yu X D, Tan X G, Wang Y C 2004 Journal of Applied Meterological Science 15 754 (in Chinese) [陈明轩, 俞小鼎, 谭晓光, 王迎春 2004 应用气象学报 15 754]


    Funk T W, Darmofal K E, Kirkpatrick J D 1999 Weather and Forecasting 14 976

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  • Received Date:  12 July 2013
  • Accepted Date:  07 September 2013
  • Published Online:  05 January 2014

