The gamma-rays, cmitted in the decay of Ag110m have been studied by use of gamma-spectro-meter and gamma-gamma coincidence techniques Fourteen gamma-rays have been found with energies of 448, 620, 656, 679, 705, 741, 764,817, 884, 936, 1384, 1473, 1504 and 1560 kw. All those gamma-rays can be fitted into seven excited levels in Cd110 of energies 656 kev, 1473 kev, 1540 kev, 2160 kev, 2219 kev, 2476 kev and 2924 kev respectively. The generally accepted cascade relationship between gamma-rays has been verified. Furthermore, coincidence measurements have pointed out that the 1560 kev gamma-ray is emitted during the transition between 2219 kev level and 656 kcv level, that the 817 kev gamma-ray belongs to transition beween 1473 kev level and 656 kev level, and that the 764 kev gamma-ray should proceed the 1504 kev gamma-ray. A modified decay schcml has been proposed.