In this article, we have introduced a new Regge trajectory, αq, with vacuum quantum numbers, αq(0) = αp(0) = 1, but α′q(0)≠ α′p(0). αq as well as αp takes part in the high energy non-exchange processes, and they interfere with each other. The consequence of the two vacuum Regge trajectories is equivalent to an effective trajectory αe, the slope of which at zero energy α′e(0) is dependent on the processes. The essential difference of our theory from the old one deduced from a single vacuum trajectory, αp, is that α′e(0) will be different for different processes. This does not conflict with the newest experiments.It is expected that the α′e(0) for K-N scattering will take different values from those of π-N and N-N. The existence of αq may not influence the relations between the total cross-sections of the crossed processes, but the polarization of the high energy nucleon after scattering will decrease much more slowly, than absence of αq, as energy increases.