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Construction of metallic nanocrystalline samples by molecular dynamics simulation

Ma Wen Zhu Wen-Jun Zhang Ya-Lin Chen Kai-Guo Deng Xiao-Liang Jing Fu-Qian


Construction of metallic nanocrystalline samples by molecular dynamics simulation

Ma Wen, Zhu Wen-Jun, Zhang Ya-Lin, Chen Kai-Guo, Deng Xiao-Liang, Jing Fu-Qian
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  • The construction of metallic nanocrystalline (NC) samples by molecular dynamics simulation is investigated. Firstly, the initial NC aluminum and copper samples are assembled by Voronoi geometrical construction method, then the local minimized energy states of the samples are obtained by quenching (or conjugate gradient method). Finally, the simulated annealing method in normal pressure and temperature condition ensembles at zero pressure is used to approximate the global minimized energy states of the samples. The residual internal stress is employed to signify the difference between the simulated and the experimentally synthesized samples for the first time. The structure of grain boundaries, the descending process and the local distribution of the average internal stress and the energy of the samples, as well as the elastic constants of the final samples are observed during these two relaxation procedures. It is found that the energy and the residual internal stress of the samples are close to the experimental data after relaxation. It is enough to obtain the global minimum energy states through Voronoi geometrical construction to investigate the static and dynamic mechanical properties of NC metals with a 5—10 ps local energy minimization and a 40—100 ps of simulated annealing with annealing temperature between the room temperature and 65% of melting point. The annealing time and temperature are of little importantce to the mechanical properties within the parameter windows properly selected.

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    Weertman J R 2002 Nanostructured Materials: Processing, Properties, and Potential Applications (New York: William Andrew Publishing) p397


    Wang H T, Yang W 2004 Adv. Mech. 34 13(in Chinese) [王宏涛、杨 卫 2004 力学进展 34 13]


    Jiang B, Weng G J 2004 J. Mech. Phys. Solids 52 1125


    Zhang L, Wang S Q, Ye H Q 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 2497(in Chinese) [张 林、 王绍青、 叶恒强 2004 物理学报 53 2497]


    van Swygenhoven H, Derlet P M 2008 Dislocations in Solids (Amsterdam: Elsevier) p1


    Meyers M A, Mishra A, Benson D J 2006 Prog. Mater. Sci. 51 427


    Kadau K, Germann T C, Lomdahl P S, Holian B L, Kadau D, Entel P, Kreth M, Westerhoff F, Wolf D E 2004 Metall. Mater. Trans. A 35 2719


    Keblinski P, Wolf D, Phillpot S R, Gleiter H 1999 Scripta Mater. 41 631


    Chen D 1995 Comput. Mater. Sci. 3 327


    van Swygenhoven H, Caro A 1997 Nanostruct. Mater. 9 669


    Schitz J, Vegge T, di Tolla F D, Jacobsen K W 1999 Phys. Rev. B 60 11971


    Dalla Torre F, van Swygenhoven H, Victoria M 2002 Acta Mater. 50 3957


    Frseth A G, Derlet P M, van Swygenhoven H 2006 Scripta Mater. 54 477


    van Swygenhoven H, Derlet P M 2001 Phys. Rev. B 64 224105


    Yamakov V, Wolf D, Phillpot S R, Gleiter H 2002 Acta Mater. 50 5005


    Bringa E M, Caro A, Wang Y M, Victoria M, McNaney J M, Remington B A, Smith R F, Torralva B R, van Swygenhoven H 2005 Science 309 1838


    Xu Z, Wang X X, Liang H Y, Wu H A 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3637(in Chinese) [徐 洲、王秀喜、 梁海弋、 吴恒安 2004 物理学报 53 3637]


    Plimpton S J 1995 J. Comput. Phys. 117 1


    Cui X L, Zhu W J, Deng X L, Li Y J, He H L 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 5545(in Chinese) [崔新林、 祝文军、 邓小良、 李英骏、 贺红亮 2006 物理学报 55 5545]


    Deng X L, Zhu W J, He H L, Wu D X, Jing F Q 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4767(in Chinese) [邓小良、 祝文军、 贺红亮、 伍登学、 经福谦 2006 物理学报 55 4767]


    Parrinello M, Rahman A 1980 J. Appl. Phys. 52 7182


    Hoover W G 1989 Phys. Rev. A 40 2814


    Nose S, Yonezawa F 1986 J. Chem. Phys. 84 1803


    Mishin Y, Mehl M J, Papaconstantopoulos D A, Voter A F, Kress J D 2001 Phys. Rev. B 63 224106


    Mishin Y, Parkas D, Mehl M J, Papaconstantopoulos D 1999 Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 538 535


    Zhu W J, Song Z F, Deng X L, He H L, Cheng X Y 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75 024104


    Wang H Y, Zhu W J, Song Z F, Liu S J, Chen X R, He H L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3703(in Chinese) [王海燕、 祝文军、 宋振飞、 刘绍军、 陈向荣、 贺红亮 2008 物理学报 57 3703]


    Honeycutt J D, Andersen H C 1987 J. Phys. Chem. 91 4950


    Cormier J, Rickman J M, Delph T J 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 89 99


    Bulatov V V, Cai W 2006 Computer Simulations of Dislocations (Oxford: Oxford University Press) p42


    Wu X L, Zhu Y T, Ma E 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 121905


    Liu X M 2003 Micro- and Meso-Scale Structure and Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials (Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press) p112 (in Chinese) [刘孝敏 2003工程材料的微细观结构和力学性能 (合肥: 中国科学技术大学出版社) 第112页]

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  • Received Date:  20 August 2009
  • Accepted Date:  11 November 2009
  • Published Online:  15 July 2010

