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Nonresonant parametric control of Chens system

Wang Meng-Jiao Zeng Yi-Cheng Chen Guang-Hui He Juan


Nonresonant parametric control of Chens system

Wang Meng-Jiao, Zeng Yi-Cheng, Chen Guang-Hui, He Juan
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  • In this paper, nonfeedback chaos control of Chens system is realized with nonresonant parametric drive. A periodic signal whose frequency is far higher than the systems mean frequency is used as the input. And the system variables of the controlled system are decomposed into slowly varying variables which change according to the systems mean frequency and fast varying variables which change according to the frequency of periodic signal. Then, by averaging method, a slowly varying dynamics is obtained. According to the dynamical characteristics of the slowly varying dynamics, the available control parameter range is obtained. Numerical simulation results show that this method can lead the controlled system to the target state rapidly, even when the control signal is disturbed by noise in certain SNR ranges, so the proposed method is feasible.

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    Zhang L P, Jiang H B, Bi Q S 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 010507


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  • Received Date:  05 February 2010
  • Accepted Date:  30 April 2010
  • Published Online:  15 January 2011

