In recent years, separate absorption, charge and multiplication avalanche photodiodes (SACM-APDs), including InP/InGaAs, InAlAs/InGaAs and Si/Ge APD, have drawn a lot of attention in the field of optical communication. In this paper, on the basis of the circuit model, the frequency response is studied systematically for APDs with different thicknesses of epitaxial layers, different multiplication materials and device structures. The effects of the absorption layer thickness, the dimension of the active area and the parasitic parameters on frequency response are addressed to Si/Ge APD. The simulation resuets are in good agreement with the experimental results, which indicates that the circuit model is helpful for the design optimization of APDs.
- circuit model /
- frequency response
[1] Campbell J C, Holden W S, Qua G J, Dental A G 1985 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-21 1743
[2] Campbell J C, Johnson B C, Qua G J, Tsang W T 1989 J. Lightw. Technol. 7 778
[3] Campbell J C, Tsang W T, Qua G J, Johnson B C 1988 IEEE J. Quant. Electron. 24 496
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[5] Kang Y M, Liu H D, Morse M, Paniccia Mario J, Zadka M, Litski S, Sarid G, Pauchard A, Kuo Y H, Chen H W 2008 Nature Photonics 247 1
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[11] Wang G, Tokumitsu T, Hanawa I, Yoneda Y, Sato K, Kobayashi M 2003 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 51 1227
[12] Mai Y X, Wang G 2009 J. Lightw. Technol. 27 1197
[13] Jiayin Wu, Wang G 2010 Journal of Lightwave Technology 28 784
[14] Chen W, Liu S 1996 IEEE J. Quantum Electron 32 2105
[15] Zarifkar A, Soroosh M,2004 Proc. LFNM 6th Int. Conf. Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling,Sep. 6—9 213
[16] Dai D X, Chen H W, Bowers J E, Kang Y M, Morse M, Paniccia M J 2010 Phys. Status Solidi C 7 2532
[17] Dai D X, Chen H W, Bowers J E, Kang Y M, Morse M, Paniccia M J 2009 Optics Eexpress 17 16549
[18] Oppenheim V, Willsky A S, Young I T 1983 Signals and Systems, 1st ed., Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall
[19] Irwin J D 2002 Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis. 1st ed. (New York: Wiley) p274
[20] Kang Y, Zadka M, Litski S, Sarid G, Morse M, Paniccia M J, Kuo Y H, Bowers J, Beling A, Liu H D, McIntosh D C, Campbell J C, Pauchard A 2008 Optics Express 16 9365
[21] Ning D, Wang S, Zheng X G, Li X, Ning L, Campbell J C, Chad W, Coldren L A 2005 IEEE J. Quantum Electron 41 568
[22] kim D S, Lee S Y, Lee J H, Oh G S, Kim N J, Lee J W, Kim A S, Sin Y K 1996 Conf. Proc. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics society Annu. Meet. 2 332
[23] Nie H, Anselm K A, Lenox C, Yuan P, Hu C, Kinsey G, Streetman B G, Campbell J C 1998 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 10 409
[24] Kinsey G S, Campbell J C, Dentai A G 2001 IEEE Photonics Technology Lletters 13 842
[25] Zhu N H, Liu Y, Zhang S J, Wen J M 2006 Microwave Opt. Tech. Lett. 48 76
[1] Campbell J C, Holden W S, Qua G J, Dental A G 1985 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-21 1743
[2] Campbell J C, Johnson B C, Qua G J, Tsang W T 1989 J. Lightw. Technol. 7 778
[3] Campbell J C, Tsang W T, Qua G J, Johnson B C 1988 IEEE J. Quant. Electron. 24 496
[4] Lenox C, Nie H, Yuan P, Kinsey G, Homles A L Jr, Strectman B G, Campbell J C 1999 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 11 1162
[5] Kang Y M, Liu H D, Morse M, Paniccia Mario J, Zadka M, Litski S, Sarid G, Pauchard A, Kuo Y H, Chen H W 2008 Nature Photonics 247 1
[6] Xue H Y, Xue C L, Cheng B W 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 2542
[7] El-Batawy Y M, Deen M J 2003 IEEE Trans.Electron Devices 50 790
[8] El-Batawy Y M, Deen M J 2005 IEEE Trans Electron Devices 52 335
[9] Banoushi A, Kardan M R, Ataee Naeini M 2005 Solid State Electron. 49 871
[10] Wang G, Tokumitsu T, Hanawa I, Sato K, Kobayashi M 2002 IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett 12 378
[11] Wang G, Tokumitsu T, Hanawa I, Yoneda Y, Sato K, Kobayashi M 2003 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 51 1227
[12] Mai Y X, Wang G 2009 J. Lightw. Technol. 27 1197
[13] Jiayin Wu, Wang G 2010 Journal of Lightwave Technology 28 784
[14] Chen W, Liu S 1996 IEEE J. Quantum Electron 32 2105
[15] Zarifkar A, Soroosh M,2004 Proc. LFNM 6th Int. Conf. Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling,Sep. 6—9 213
[16] Dai D X, Chen H W, Bowers J E, Kang Y M, Morse M, Paniccia M J 2010 Phys. Status Solidi C 7 2532
[17] Dai D X, Chen H W, Bowers J E, Kang Y M, Morse M, Paniccia M J 2009 Optics Eexpress 17 16549
[18] Oppenheim V, Willsky A S, Young I T 1983 Signals and Systems, 1st ed., Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall
[19] Irwin J D 2002 Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis. 1st ed. (New York: Wiley) p274
[20] Kang Y, Zadka M, Litski S, Sarid G, Morse M, Paniccia M J, Kuo Y H, Bowers J, Beling A, Liu H D, McIntosh D C, Campbell J C, Pauchard A 2008 Optics Express 16 9365
[21] Ning D, Wang S, Zheng X G, Li X, Ning L, Campbell J C, Chad W, Coldren L A 2005 IEEE J. Quantum Electron 41 568
[22] kim D S, Lee S Y, Lee J H, Oh G S, Kim N J, Lee J W, Kim A S, Sin Y K 1996 Conf. Proc. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics society Annu. Meet. 2 332
[23] Nie H, Anselm K A, Lenox C, Yuan P, Hu C, Kinsey G, Streetman B G, Campbell J C 1998 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 10 409
[24] Kinsey G S, Campbell J C, Dentai A G 2001 IEEE Photonics Technology Lletters 13 842
[25] Zhu N H, Liu Y, Zhang S J, Wen J M 2006 Microwave Opt. Tech. Lett. 48 76
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