Temporal imaging is one of the important research issues of time lens. The theory of temporal imaging is investigated briefly. The experiment using electro-optic phase modulation to perform optical pulses compression is demonstrated. And the simulation and the discussion using electro-optic phase modulation and cross phase modulation to perform temporal imaging system are presented. The experimental results show that the temporal imaging system which consisits of time lens basing electro-optic phase modulation can effectively compress the optical pulses. However, the compression coefficient is restricted by the aperture of the time lens, and the resolution of the temporal imaging system is low. Further more, the simulation results and the analysis results indicate that the temporal imaging system which consists of time lens basing cross phase modulation has a bigger compression coefficient and a higher resolution. However, this temporal imaging system is difficult to realize.
- optical pulse compression /
- time lens /
- electro-optic phase modulation /
- cross phase modulation
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[1] Kolner B H, Nazarathy M 1989 Opt. Lett. 14 630
[2] Godil A A, Auld B A, Bloom D M 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 62 1047
[3] [4] Bennett C V, Kolner B H 2000 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 36 430
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[7] [8] [9] Azaa J 2005 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 17 94
[10] [11] Bennett C V 1999 Opt. Lett. 24 783
[12] Bennett C V, Kolner B H 2001 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 37 20
[13] [14] Ng T T, Parmigiani F, Ibsen M, Zhang Z W, Petropoulos P, Richardson D J 2008 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 20 1097
[15] [16] Foster M A, Salem R, Okawachi Y, Turner-Foster A C, Lipson M, Gaeta A L 2009 Nat. Photon. 3 581
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[19] [20] [21] Foster M A, Turner A C, Lipson M, Gaeta A L 2008 Opt. Express 16 1300
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