In this paper, we present an adaptive method to improve the synchronization of complex networks. We summarize the effects of the average degree of network and the size of network on the synchronization. By this adaptive method, We obtain a power low relationship between the synchronous capacity and the size of network. At the same network size, this method can enhance the network synchronous capacity several orders of magnitude higher than that of unweighted network. When the network size is larger, it is more efficient to improve synchronous capacity.
- mean field /
- network synchronization /
- eigenvalue /
- scale-free network
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[1] Shao J, Havlin S, Stanley H E 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 018701
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[17] Wu Y, Shang Y, Chen M Y, Zhou C S, Kurths J 2008 chaos 18 037111
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