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Effect of surface plasmon polariton of Ag nanoparticles on the photoluminescence property of up-conversion materials

Tong Jian-Bo Huang Qian Zhang Xiao-Dan Zhang Cun-Shan Zhao Ying


Effect of surface plasmon polariton of Ag nanoparticles on the photoluminescence property of up-conversion materials

Tong Jian-Bo, Huang Qian, Zhang Xiao-Dan, Zhang Cun-Shan, Zhao Ying
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  • Silver nanoparticles are added into Yb3+ and Er3+ co-doped NaYF4 up-conversion materials using co-sintering process. Changes in diffraction intensity and surface morphology are inspected by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope measurement, respectively. The optical absorption and Photoluminescence spectra are measured using UV/visible spectrophotometer and photoluminescence measurements. By optimizing the quantity of Ag nanoparticles, we obtain obvious enhancements of the photoluminescence intensities of Yb3+ and Er3+ co-doped NaYF4 materials, which shows a 28% enhancement in 300—800 nm wavelength range and a 55% enhancement at 544 nm. Different mechanisms are proposed for light quenching and surface plasmon enhanced absorption with Ag nanoparticles adjustment.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2011CB201605, 2011CB201606), the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2009AA050602), the Science and Technology Supporting Project of Tianjin (Grant No. 08ZCKFGX03500), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60976051), the International Cooperation Project between China- Greece Government (Grant No. 2009DFA62580), Ministry of education key laboratory of topics(Grant No. 2011KFKT06), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 65011981), and the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China (Grant No. NCET-08-0295).

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  • [1]

    Courrol L C, Ranieri I M, Baldochi S L, Samad R E, Freitas A Z, Gomes L, Vieira N D 2007 Journal of Luminescence 121 474


    Heumann E, Bär S, Rademaker K, Huber G, Butterworth S, Diening A, Seelert W 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 061108


    Downing E, Hesselink L, Ralston J, Macfarlane R 1996 Science 273 1185


    Li Z, Zhang Y 2006 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 45 7732


    Saxena V N 1983 Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 21(5) 306


    Gibart P, Auzel F, Guillaume J C, Zahraman K 1995 13th EPVSEC (Nice France) p85


    Aisaka T,Fujii M,Hayashi S 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett.92 132105


    Tao A,Sinsermsuksakul P,Yang P 2007 Nat. Nanotechnol 2 435


    Raether H 1988 Surface Plasmons on Smooth and Rough Surfaces and on Grating. Springer Tracts in Modern Physics Vol.88, Springer, Berlin.


    Shlager K L, Schneider J B 1995 IEEE Antennas Propagation Magazine 37 No.4


    Zhang H, Xu D, Huang Y, Duan X F 2011 Chem. Commun. 47 979


    Wei H Y, Lin J, Feng Z B, Li D W, Ma Y, Huang W H 2010 Materials Science and Engineering B 172 321


    Wang Y H,Zhou J, Wang T 2007 Chinese Journal Of Inorganic Chemistry 23 No.8


    Jin X, Zhang X D, Lei Z F, Xiong S Z, Song F, Zhao Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 4580 (in Chinese) [金鑫, 张晓丹, 雷志芳, 熊绍珍, 宋峰, 赵颖 2008 物理学报 57 4580]


    Auzel F 2004 Chem. Rev. 104 139


    Huang Q, Wang J, Cao L R, Sun J, Zhang X D,Geng W D, Xiong S Z, Zhao Y 2009 Acta Phys. 58 1980 (in Chinese) [黄茜, 王京, 曹丽冉, 孙建, 张晓丹, 耿卫东, 熊绍珍, 赵颖 2009 物理学报 58 1980]


    Huang Q, Zhang X D, Ji W W, Wang J, Mi J, Li L N, Sun J, Geng WD, Geng X H, Zhao Y 2010 Acta Phys. 59 536 (in Chinese) [黄茜, 张晓丹, 纪伟伟, 王京, 倪牮, 李林娜, 孙建, 耿卫东, 耿新华, 赵颖 2010 物理学报 59 536]


    Wang L Y, Li Y D 2006 Chem. Commun. 42 2557


    Liu L S, Lv S C, Sun J T 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 6637 (in Chinese) [刘丽莎, 吕树臣, 孙江亭 2010 物理学报 59 6637]


    Li C R, Xu W, Dong B, Li S F, Ding J H, Cheng Y Q, Yin H T 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 047901


    Hao E,Schatz G C 2004 Chem. Phys. 120 357


    Kneipp K, Kneipp H,Itzkan I, Dasari R R, FeldMS 2002 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 R597


    Xu H X, Aizpurua J, Käll M, Apell P 2000 Phys. Rev. E 62 4318


    Bozhevolnyi S I,Beermann J, Coello V 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 197403


    Maier S A,Atwater H A 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 011101


    Feng W,Sun L D,Yan C H 2009 Chem. Commun. 42 4393


    Bardhan R,Grady N K, Cole J R, Joshi A , Halas N J 2009 ACS Nano 3 744


    Zhang H, Li Y J, Ivanov I A, Qu Y Q, Huang Y, Duan X F 2010 Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 49 2865


    Schietinger S, Aichele T, Wang H Q, Nann T, Benson O 2010 Nano Lett. 10 134

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  • Received Date:  25 May 2011
  • Accepted Date:  18 June 2011
  • Published Online:  05 February 2012

