One of the key technologies of interferometric optical fiber sensing system is to overcome polarization-induced signal fading in interferometric fiber sensors. The theoretical and the experimental investigations of the residual polarization-induced phase noise (PIN) in single-mode optical fiber Michelson interferometer based on Faraday rotation mirror (FRM) are conducted in this paper. A theoretical model of the residual PIN based on Jones matrix is developed. Three leading influencing factors of the residual PIN are educed: the rotation deviation angle of FRM, the state of polarization of input light, and the birefrigent effect of the optical fiber. And three methods are proposed to overcome the residual PIN. The maximal PIN with its amplitude of 0.0815 rad possibly exists in the sensing system when the polarization modulation degree equals 1.84 rad. The correctness of the theoretical model is proved by the experimental results.
- Faraday rotation mirror /
- polarization fading /
- Jones matrix /
- polarization-induced phase noise
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[1] Cranch G A, Crickmore R, Kirkendall C K, Bautista A, Daley K, Motley S, Salzano J, Latchem J, Nash P J 2004 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115 2848
[2] Ni M, Yang H Y, Xiong S D, Hu Y M 2006 Appl. Optics 45 1
[3] Hu Y M, Meng Z, Xiong S D, Liu Y, Zhang X L, Fei G Q, Wang Z X 2003 Acta. Acustica 28 155 (in Chinese) [胡永明, 孟洲, 熊水东, 刘阳, 张学亮, 费国强, 王照霞 2003 声学学报 28 155]
[4] Meng Z, Hu Y M, Xiong S D, Liu Y, Ni M, Zhang X L 2002 Chinese J. Lasers 29 415 (in Chinese) [孟洲, 胡永明, 熊水东, 刘阳, 倪明, 张学亮 2002 中国激光 29 415]
[5] Kersey A D, Marrone M J, Dandridge A, Tveten A B 1988 J. Lightwave Technol. 6 1599
[6] Marrone M J, Kersey A D, Dandridge A 1991 Distributed and Multiplexed Fiber Optic Sensors Boston September 4, 1991 p194
[7] Boger Y S, Tur M 1991 Electron. Lett. 27 622
[8] Kersey A D, Marrone M J, Davis M A 1991 Electron. Lett. 27 518
[9] Shinji Y, Kazuo H 1997 J. Lightwave Technol. 15 900
[10] Wang J F, Wang X, Luo H, Meng Z 2010 Chinese J. Lasers 37 1042 (in Chinese) [王建飞, 王潇, 罗洪, 孟洲 2010 中国激光 37 1042]
[11] Arce-Diego J I, Echevarria-Cuenca J, Cobo A, Lopez-Higuera J M 1998 CLEO/Europe Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe Glasgow, September 14-18, 1998 p242
[12] Wu Y F, Xiao H, Zhang S W, Li F, Liu Y L 2008 J. Optoelectron. Laser 19 1446 (in Chinese) [吴悦峰, 肖浩, 张松伟, 李芳, 刘育梁 2008 光电子·激光 19 1446]
[13] Yu M 2007 J. Vibration Shock 16 83 (in Chinese) [于梅 2007 振动与冲击 16 83]
[14] Born, Wolf 1999 Principles of Optics (7th expended edition) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p25
[15] Liao Y B 2000 Fiber Optics (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) p78 (in Chinese) [廖延彪 2000 光纤光学 (北京: 清华大学出版社) 第78页]
[16] Qi L Z, Xiao H, Li F, Liu Y L 2008 Laser Infrared 38 259 (in Chinese) [齐龙舟, 肖浩, 李芳, 刘育梁 2008 激光与红外 38 259]
[17] Ni M 2003 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Science) (in Chinese) [倪明 2003 博士学位论文 (北京: 中国科学院)]
[18] Qian K, Xu X C, Ge Q, Wu X Q, YU L B 2008 Chinese J. Quantum Electron. 25 114 (in Chinese) [钱楷, 徐长春, 葛强, 吴许强, 俞本立 2008 量子电子学报 25 114]
[19] Hao Y Q, Li H N, Yang K Kong P, Su L, Li J F, Chen Z P 2009 J. Appl. Optics 30 626 (in Chinese) [郝蕴琦, 李海宁, 杨坤, 孔鹏, 苏磊, 李俊丰, 陈镇平 2009 应用光学 30 626]
[20] Wang G H, Wu F Q, Xu S C 2004 J. Optoelectron. Laser 15 1477 (in Chinese) [王光辉, 吴福全, 徐世昌 2004 光电子·激光 15 1477]
[21] Liang X 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology) (in Chinese) [梁迅 2008 博士学位论文 (长沙: 国防科学技术大学)]
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