To obtain the output intrinsic safety criterion of Buck converters, the experimental research on its output-short circuit discharge characteristics is conducted by using the safety spark test apparatus. It is found that its spark discharge process can be divided into four stages, i.e., the dielectric-breakdown, spark-generation, spark-keeping and spark-extinguishment. According to the obtained spark discharge characteristics, the output short-circuit spark discharging energy (OSSDE) is deeply analyzed. It is indicated that the OSSDE of the Buck converter with a given inductance is a concave function of load resistance RL when RL is less than the critical resistance RLC corresponding to this inductance, while that is a convex function of RL in the case of RL > RLC. Considering the actual parameter range of the Buck converter, it is further pointed out that when RL RLC, the OSSDE increases with the increase of RL and reaches its maximum in the case of RL=RLC; when RL > RLC, the OSSDE first increases and then decreases with the increase of RL and reaches its maximum in the case of RL, DCM. The most dangerous operating conditions of the converter in whole dynamic range are obtained, i.e., the converter operates in DCM when the input voltage is the highest and RL=RL, DCM. Meanwhile, the maximum OSSDE is achieved. According to the energy equivalence, an output intrinsic safety criterion for Buck converter is proposed by modeling the output short-circuit discharging behaviour as a simple capacitive circuit. The theoretical analysis and proposed criterion are verified by the simulation and experimental results.
- Buck converters /
- intrinsic safety /
- short-circuit spark discharging energy /
- output-intrinsic safety criterion
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[21] Liu S L, Liu J, Cheng H L, Zhong J M 2008 China Patent ZL 200510043096.0 [2008-01-09]
[22] Liu S L, Zhong J M, Fan W B, Zhan M 2012 J. China Coal Soc. 37 2123 (in Chinese) [刘树林, 钟久明, 樊文斌, 战美2012煤炭学报 37 2123]
[1] Hohenstein D 2001 Control Solutions 74 42
[2] Liu S L 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Xi’an: Xi’an University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese) [刘树林2007博士学位论文 (西安: 西安科技大学)]
[3] Li J B, Xie K, Cheng R J 2011 Coal Sci. Tech. 39 75 (in Chinese) [黎剑兵, 谢楷, 程仁杰2011炭科学技术 39 75]
[4] Tong Q, Zhang D L, Xu D G 2009 Power Electron. 43 45 (in Chinese) [佟强, 张东来, 徐殿国2009电力电子技术 43 45]
[5] Liu S L, Liu J, Zhong J M 2008 Proceedings of the CSEE 28 60 (in Chinese) [刘树林, 刘健, 钟久明2008中国电机工程学报 28 60]
[6] Liu S L, Liu J, Hong M, Zhang Y Q 2008 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 23 1813
[7] SAC/TC9, China Quality Press 2012 The National Explosion-Proof Electrical Standards (No.1) (Beijing: China Standard Press) (in Chinese) [全国防爆电气设备标准化技术委员会, 中国质检出版社2012防爆电气国家标准汇编(一) (北京: 中国标准出版社)]
[8] Eckhoff P K 2002 J. Loss Prevent. Proc. Industries 305
[9] Meng Q H 1999 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: China University of Mininng and Technology) (in Chinese) [孟庆海1999博士学位论文 (北京: 中国矿业大学)]
[10] Liu S L, Liu J 2008 J. China Coal Soc. 33 707 (in Chinese) [刘树林, 刘健2008煤炭学报 33 707]
[11] Liu S L, Liu J, Li Y 2008 J. Coal Sci. Engineer. 14 485
[12] Yang R, Zhang B 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3789 (in Chinese) [杨汝, 张波 2007物理学报 56 3789]
[13] Xie F, Yang R, Zhang B 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8393 (in Chinese) [谢帆, 杨汝, 张波 2010 物理学报 59 8393]
[14] Lu W G, Zhou L W, Luo Q M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 5648 (in Chinese) [卢伟国, 周雒维, 罗全明 2007 物理学报 56 5648]
[15] Sha J, Bao B C, Xu J P, Gao Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 120501 (in Chinese) [沙金, 包伯成, 许建平, 高玉 2012 物理学报 61 120501]
[16] Wang F Q, Zhang H, Ma X K 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2842 (in Chinese) [王发强, 张浩, 马西奎2008物理学报 57 2842]
[17] Zhou G H, Xu J P, Bao B C, Wang J P, Jin Y Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 010503 (in Chinese) [周国华, 许建平, 包伯成, 王金平, 金艳艳2011 物理学报 60 010503]
[18] Zhang X, Bao B C, Wang J P, Ma Z H, Xu J P 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 160503 (in Chinese) [张希, 包伯成, 王金平, 马正华, 许建平2012物理学报 61 160503]
[19] Liu J, Liu S L, Yang Y L, Zhang Y M 2005 Proceedings of the CSEE 25 52 (in Chinese) [刘健, 刘树林, 杨银玲, 张燕美2005中国电机工程学报 25 52]
[20] Cheng H, Li H Q, Wang C 2012 J. China Coal Soc. 37 506 (in Chinese) [程红, 李鹤群, 王聪2012煤炭学报 37 506]
[21] Liu S L, Liu J, Cheng H L, Zhong J M 2008 China Patent ZL 200510043096.0 [2008-01-09]
[22] Liu S L, Zhong J M, Fan W B, Zhan M 2012 J. China Coal Soc. 37 2123 (in Chinese) [刘树林, 钟久明, 樊文斌, 战美2012煤炭学报 37 2123]
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