Including the spin-two-phonon interaction, for the two-state tunneling system with the spin coupled to the lattice phonon (i.e., spin-lattice phonon coupling model) at a finite temperature, the non-classical energy state and the quantum coherence dissipation are studied by the expansion approach of the correlated squeezed-coherent state of phonon. To restrain the quantum coherence loss caused by the Debye-Waller’s coherent scattering of the particle spin by the coherent phonons, the non-classical correlation effects are used in our research with the special consideration of the spin-two-phonon interaction, i.e., 1) the particle spin-displaced phonon state correlation; 2) the process coherence between the one-phonon coherent state and the phonon squeezed state which originates from the squeezed-coherent state of phonon; 3) the renormalization of the phonon displacement. We find the new phenomena that the phonon squeezed state is enhanced significantly due to the particle spin-two phonon interaction, in particular, at the same time the effects of the squeezed coherent state and the representation correlation will be essentially increased. Therefore, the striking decline in the quantum tunneling (Δ0σx) and the serious quantum coherence loss by the Debye-Waller coherent scattering are restricted more noticeably, as a result, the energy of the non-classical state for the two-level system with spin coupled to the lattice phonon is much lower.
- non-classical energy state /
- quantum tunneling coherence loss /
- spin-two-phonon interaction /
- squeezed coherent state effect
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[1] Leggett A J, Chakravarty A T, Dorsey A T 1987 Rev. Mod. Phys. 59 1
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[47] Akhiezer A I, Bargakhter V G, Peletminskii S V 1968 Spin Wave (North-Halland: Amsterdam)
[48] Mandel L, Wolf E 1995 Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p1042-1047
[49] Majernikava E, Koval J 1998 Physica 37 23
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