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Large-scale absolute distance measurement using inter-mode beat of a femtosecond laser

Zhang Xiao-Sheng Yi Wang-Min Hu Ming-Hao Yang Zai-Hua Wu Guan-Hao


Large-scale absolute distance measurement using inter-mode beat of a femtosecond laser

Zhang Xiao-Sheng, Yi Wang-Min, Hu Ming-Hao, Yang Zai-Hua, Wu Guan-Hao
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  • Large-scale absolute distance measurement system with high accuracy plays a significant role in science and engineering applications. In many fields such as aerospace technology, large-scale manufacture, geodetic survey and civil engineering, absolute distance measurement systems with a range of up to kilometers and accuracy of better than several micrometers are generally required. Traditional laser ranging methods such as the time-of-flight method and the interferometry method are difficult to achieve both large scale and high accuracy. With the development of femtosecond optical frequency comb technology, several ranging methods with larger range and higher accuracy are developed. In the frequency domain, the optical frequency comb has a large number of stable mode lines, or the longitudinal modes, at regular intervals, which generates the inter-mode beat signal. In this study, based on the inter-mode beat of a femtosecond laser, an absolute distance measurement system using multi-wavelength interferometric method is demonstrated. It has a simple experimental setup with high accuracy but in a limited range of 2.5 m due to the 2-period of phase detection. To achieve a large-scale measurement system, the measurement range of the experimental system is extended by using the synthetic wavelength generated by tuning the repetition frequency of the laser. With a repetition frequency change of 0.2 MHz, a synthetic wavelength of up to 1.5 km is realized, thus the measurement range of the experimental setup can be extended to 0.75 km. Besides the reference and measurement path beams, a monitor path beam and two alternately opened mechanical shutters are used to measure and compensate for the phase drift due to the unbalanced drift of the electronic circuit. By using this method, the standard deviation of the phase measurement results in 30 min is 0.022 in the experiment, and the phase drift can be compensated for very well. The measurement results from the experimental system are compared with the results from a commercial heterodyne interferometer, and the comparison between results shows a precision of better than 50 m in a displacement of 1125 mm. In the experiment, the repeatability of absolute distance measurement using the range extending method is better than 3 m, thus the range of the distance measurement system can be theoretically extended up to 7.5 km. In conclusion, we demonstrate that a large-scale absolute distance measurement system using inter-mode beat of a femtosecond laser, has a range of up to 7.5 km, an accuracy of better than 50 m and a repeatability of better than 3 m. The accuracy of the experimental system can be further improved by using photodetectors with higher bandwidth so that a higher inter-mode beat and a shorter wavelength can be used.
      Corresponding author: Wu Guan-Hao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates, China (Grant No. 201510003B022), the Foundation of the Laboratory of High-accuracy Measurement of Spacecraft, China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 61575105), the Funding of State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, China (Grant NO. SKLST201406), and the Young Elite Teacher Project of Beijing Higher Education, China (Grant No. YETP0085).

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    Bobroff N 1993 Meas. Sci. Technol. 4 907


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    Qin P, Chen W, Song Y J, Hu M L, Chai L, Wang Q Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 240601 (in Chinese) [秦鹏, 陈伟, 宋有建, 胡明列, 柴路, 王清月 2012 物理学报 61 240601]


    Wu H Z, Cao S Y, Zhang F M, Xing S J, Qu X H 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 100601 (in Chinese) [吴翰钟, 曹士英, 张福民, 邢书剑, 曲兴华 2014 物理学报 63 100601]


    Liao S S, Yang T, Dong J J 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 073201


    Zhang Y Y, Yan L L, Zhao W Y, Meng S, Fan S T, Zhang L, Guo W G, Zhang S G, Jiang H F 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 064209


    Meng F, Cao S Y, Cai Y, Wang G Z, Cao J P, Li T C, Fang Z J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 100601 (in Chinese) [孟飞, 曹士英, 蔡岳, 王贵重, 曹建平, 李天初, 方占军 2011 物理学报 60 100601]


    Minoshima K, Matsumoto H 2000 Appl. Opt. 39 5512


    Minoshima K, Inaba H, Matsumoto H 2007 Digest of the IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meetings Portland, OR, United States, July 23-25, 2007 p186


    Joo K N, Kim S W 2006 Opt. Express 14 5954


    Coddington I, Swann W C, Nenadovic L, Newbury N R 2009 Nature Photonics 3 351


    Wu G H, Takahashi M, Inaba H, Minoshima K 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 2140


    Newbury N R 2011 Nature Photonics 5 186


    Hua Q, Zhou W H, Xu Y 2012 Metrology { Measurement Technology 32 1 (in Chinese) [华卿, 周维虎, 许艳 2012 计测技术 32 1]


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    Hochrein T, Wilk R, Mei M, Holzwarth R, Krumbholz N, Koch M 2010 Opt. Express 18 1613


    Doloca N R, Melners-Hagen K, Wedde M, Pollinger F, Abou-Zeid A 2010 Meas. Sci. Technol. 21 115302

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  • Received Date:  14 December 2015
  • Accepted Date:  07 January 2016
  • Published Online:  05 April 2016

