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Day-to-day dynamical evolution of network traffic flow with elastic demand

Liu Shi-Xu Chen Wen-Si Chi Qi-Yuan Yan Hai


Day-to-day dynamical evolution of network traffic flow with elastic demand

Liu Shi-Xu, Chen Wen-Si, Chi Qi-Yuan, Yan Hai
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  • Network traffic flow is an aggregated result of a huge number of travelers' route choices, which is influenced by the travelers' choice behaviors. So day-to-day traffic flow is not static, but presents a complex and tortuous day-to-day dynamic evolution process. Studying day-to-day dynamic evolution of network traffic flow, we can not only know whether the traffic network equilibrium can be reached and how the process is achieved, but also can know what phenomenon will occur in the evolution of network traffic flow if the equilibrium is not reached. In a real traffic system, taking day as scale unit, the day-to-day network traffic demand is variable and changes with everyday's traffic network state. The travelers' route choices are also influenced by the previous day's behaviors and network state. Then, will the day-to-day network traffic flow evolution be stable? If it is unstable, when will bifurcation and chaos occur? In this paper we discuss the day-to-day dynamic evolution of network traffic flow with elastic demand in a simple two-route network. The dynamic evolution model of network traffic flow with elastic demand is formulated. Based on a nonlinear dynamic theory, the existence and uniqueness of the fixed point of dynamic evolution model are proved, and an equilibrium stability condition for the dynamic evolution of network traffic flow with elastic demand is derived. Then, the evolution of network traffic flow is investigated through numerical experiments by changing the three parameters associated with travelers, which are the sensitivity of travelers' travel demand to travel cost, the randomness of travelers' route choices, and travelers' reliance on the previous day's actual cost. Our findings are as follows. Firstly, there are three kinds of final states in the evolution of network traffic flow: stability and convergence to equilibrium, periodic motion and chaos. The final state of the network traffic flow evolution is related to the above three parameters. It is found that under certain conditions the bifurcation diagram of the network traffic flow evolution reveals a complicated phenomenon of period doubling bifurcation to chaos, and then period-halving bifurcation. Meanwhile, the chaotic region is interspersed with odd periodic windows. Moreover, the more sensitive to cost the travelers' travel demand the more likely the system evolution is to be stable. The smaller the randomness of travelers' route choices, the less likely the system evolution is to be stable. The lower the degree of travelers' reliance on the previous day's actual cost, the more likely the system evolution is to be stable.
      Corresponding author: Liu Shi-Xu,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51308126, 51378036, 51308018).

    Liu S X, Guan H Z, Yan H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 090506 (in Chinese) [刘诗序, 关宏志, 严海 2012 物理学报 61 090506]


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    Liu S X, Guan H Z, Yan H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 090506 (in Chinese) [刘诗序, 关宏志, 严海 2012 物理学报 61 090506]


    Sheffi Y 1985 Urban Transportation Networks: Equilibrium Analysis with Mathematical Programming Methods (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc.) pp59-61, 309


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    Kusakabe T, Nakano Y 2015 Transp. Res. C 59 278


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    Liu S X, Guan H Z 2013 China Civil Eng. J. 46 136 (in Chinese) [刘诗序, 关宏志 2013 土木工程学报 46 136]


    Iida Y, Akiyama T, Uchida T 1992 Transp. Res. B 26 17


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    Tan Z, Yang H, Guo R Y 2015 Transp. Res. C 61 87


    Di X, Liu H X, Ban X X, Yu J W 2015 Netw. Spat. Econ. 15 537


    He X Z, Peeta S 2016 Transp. Res. B 84 237


    Iryo T 2016 Transp. Res. B 92 88


    Xiao F, Yang H, Ye H B 2016 Transp. Res. B 86 86


    Guo R Y, Huang H J 2008 J. Manag. Sci. in China 11 12 (in Chinese) [郭仁拥, 黄海军 2008 管理科学学报 11 12]


    Guo R Y, Yang H, Huang H J, Tan Z J 2015 Transp. Res. B 71 248


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    He X, Liu H X 2012 Transp. Res. B 46 50


    Han L, Du L 2012 Transp. Res. B 46 72


    Zhao X, Orosz G 2014 Physica D 275 54


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    Li T, Guan H Z, Liang K K 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 150502 (in Chinese) [李涛, 关宏志, 梁科科 2016 物理学报 65 150502]


    Guo R Y, Yang H, Huang H J 2013 Transp. Res. C 34 121


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  • Received Date:  07 December 2016
  • Accepted Date:  28 December 2016
  • Published Online:  05 March 2017

