The level spectrum of collective surface oscillations of even-even nuclei, especially the effect of β-degree of freedom on the level spectrum in the strong coupling theory, is studied. It appears that, except the contribution of a series of β-vibration levels, the effect on other levels is small.
Kirkwood's variational method in the theory of liquids is extended to more general cell model of liquids. The incompleteness in Cohen's theory is thus overcome. It appears that the present theory is able to treat systematically the correlation of molecular motion in the cell model to any degree of approximation. Applied to the one-dimensional case, the theory gives exact result for the free energy...
In the prsent paper some of the results of our studies on the formation of cube texture in an iron silicon alloy with silicon content of 3.25% are described. It is found that cube texture in this alloy can be developed either by the process of secondary recrystallization or simply by the process of primary recrystallization. In case of the formation of cube texture by the former process no nucleat...