The crystal structure of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid has been determined by the method of symmetry elements. The crystal is monoclinic, space group C2h6, with parameters a=13.28?,b=5.64?,c=16.14? and β*=83°45′. Each unit cell has four molecules. The interatomic distances are calculated and discussed.From the result of crystal structure, two carboxyls in the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid form...
In this paper a new method of interpretation of the Patterson diagram is discribed.. It can be used to determine no-heavy atom crystal structures.Appling this method to determine the structure of E.D.T.A. [CH2N(CH7COOH)2]2 we have obtained a very good result. The crystals are monoclinic, space group C2h6, with parameters a=13.28?,b=5.64?,c=16.14? and β*=83°45′.The plane group of projection on (hol...
It is assumed that the weak interaction Hamiltonian for hyheroas decaying into a mu-cleon and a meson is of the Yukawa type, and that the parity violating factors of the terms involving Λ and Σ hyperons are respectively 1 +εγ5 and 1-εγ5 (ε=±1). The influence of strong interaction is taken into account for the innitial hyheron systems. It is found that the theoretical up-down asymmetries for variou...
The scattering of an arbitrarily polarized uniform plane electromagnetic wave by an infinite metal rod of elliptical cross section with any eccentricity in a homogeneous isotropic medium of infinite extent with finite conductivity is analized rigorously as a boundary value problem using elliptical cylinder coordinates, the scattered field arround the rod is obtained in terms of calculable Mathieu ...