Vol. 19, No. 5 (1963)
1963, 19 (5): 273-284.
doi: 10.7498/aps.19.273
Abstract +
In accordance with the bond formation of impurity atoms in semiconductors, a wave function of the local molecular type was admixed into the band function. We obtained an effective mass-equation with an additional term of the S function type. In the case of simple band structure, the influence of atomic character on the ionization energy, and the relation between the shallow and the deep levels were discussed. Further more, we analyzed the valley-orbit splitting caused by the existance of several equivalent minima of conduction band in Ge and Si. Because of the interaction between bonds, the variation of wave function of a shallow level is small, but the correction on the ionization energy may be appreciable. This is in agreement with the hyper-fine structure data of the electron spin resonance.
1963, 19 (5): 285-296.
doi: 10.7498/aps.19.285
Abstract +
Twenty four single crystals of molybdenum of different orientations after extension at -80℃ (-50℃), 27℃, 1000℃ and ~2000℃ were investigated. From a study of metallographic and X-ray diffraction results, it was found that the slip traces, {112}, {123}, {145} etc., may be interpretted as conjugate slip in two nonparallel {110} planes along the same direction. The appearance of slip traces was different for different orientations of specimen. At different temperatures of extension, the appearance of slip traces of the same specimen orientation may be the same or different depending on the specimen orientation.
1963, 19 (5): 297-305.
doi: 10.7498/aps.19.297
Abstract +
The cold-rolled and recrystaliization textures of molybdenum single crystals of (110)[001] and (111)[112] orientation after a reduction in thickness of 70, 80 and 85 pet were investigated. As the reduction in thickness increased from 70 to 85 pet, the recrystaliization textures gradually changed from the (110)[001], (22l)[114] orientations towards the (320) [001] and (210) [001] orientations. These results can be satisfactorily explained by the point of view of oriented nucleation.
1963, 19 (5): 306-319.
doi: 10.7498/aps.19.306
Abstract +
Starting from the conditions which should be satisfied by the existence of different choice in the phase shift analysis, in this paper the general ambiguity in the analysis of elastic scattering of particles with arbitrary spins has been discussed. The transformation matrices among the different sets of phase shift are given, the real parameters involved are determined by the system of second order algebraic equations. The problem of ambiguity in the phase shift analysis therefore is reduced to the problem of finding the teal roots of those equations. The number of different sets of real roots is twice that of different phase shift choice. Therefore, the kinematical ambiguity in the phase shift analysis in general is solved. When the channel spin is 1/2, it has been shown that only two sets of phase shift exist; when the channel spin is 1, only two sets of phase shift are given also, therefore it has been shown that the Minami's ambiguity is the whole ambiguity in these cases. When the channel spin is 3/2, it has been found that there are four different sets of phase shift. Therefore, in addition to the known transformation there are two new transformation matrices in that case. In general, the ambiguity in the phase shift analysis corresponds to the motion of spin which conserves the components of spin-tensors in the direction of momentum, and the parameters which characterize those general spin motion take the fixed values. In our discussion it has been shown that the systems of algebraic equations which are satisfied by the real parameters in the transformation matrices in the whole integral spin cases are quite different from that in the half integral spin cases. Therefore, the numbers of real roots in those two cases are also different, this means that the numbers of different phase shift sets are quite different. From the properties of those algebraic equation it has been suggested that the ambiguity in the case of integer spin is much smaller than that in the case of half integer spin.
1963, 19 (5): 320-335.
doi: 10.7498/aps.19.320
Abstract +
In this paper, recent advances in the research of coherence properties of electromagnetic radiation are discussed. Using the conception of photon degeneracy and degree of coherence the author is able to explain many problems such as light mixing, intensity fluctuations and the properties of coherent light source. Since the occurrence of radiation process is at random, the intensity of the signal generated by the mixing of different sources can be determined by the correlation of radiation processes as derived in the present paper. Regarding photons as bosons, the phenomena "intensity interferense" is explained as quantum fluctuations. The coherence properties of radiation may thus be interpreted well on the basic conception of quantum machanics.