A time-dependent theory for helix traveling wave tubes in beam-wave interaction is presented. The effect of wave on electrons is described by radio frequency (RF) field equations and space charge (SC) field equations, while the effect of electrons on waves is described by electron dynamic equations. The RF field equations are achieved from Ampere’s law and Faraday law, combined with sheath helix model RF field. The SC field equations are achieved from a space charge wave model. The electron dynamic equations are achieved by substituting the RF field equations and the SC field equations into the Lorenz force equation. Using coupling impedance to treat exciting sources of RF field equations, the RF and the SC field equations can be solved with the help of high frequency simulation software, such as HFSS or HFCS, which makes this time-dependent theory more flexible. The feasibility of this theory is proved by numerical simulation.
- helix traveling wave tubes /
- beam-wave interaction /
- time-dependent theory /
- coupling impedance
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[1] Liao F J 2008 Technology of Vacuum Electronics(Beijing: National Defense Industry Press)p48(in Chinese)[廖复疆 2008 真空电子技术(北京:国防工业出版社)第48页]
[2] Liu S G, Li H F, Wang W X, Mo Y L 1985 Introduction to Microwave Electronics (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press)p542 (in Chinese)[刘盛纲、李宏福、王文祥、莫元龙 1985 微波电子学导论(北京:国防工业出版社)第542页]
[3] Pierce J R 1950 Traveling Wave Tubes(New York: Van Nostrand)
[4] Hu Y L, Yang Z H, Li J Q, Li B 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6665(in Chinese)[胡玉禄、杨中海、李建清、李 斌 2009 物理学报 58 6665]
[5] Liu P K, Xiong C D, Liu S G 1997 Acta Phys. Sin. 46 892(in Chinese)[刘濮鲲、熊彩东、刘盛纲 1997 物理学报 46 892]
[6] Xiao L 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)[肖 刘 2006 博士学位论文 (北京: 中国科学院电子学研究所)] 〖7] Chernin D P, Antonsen T M Jr 2001 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 48 3
[7] Chernin D P, Antonsen T M Jr, Levush B 2003 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 50 2540
[8] Freund H P, Zaidman E G, Antonsen T M Jr 1996 Phys. Plasmas 3 3145
[9] Freund H P, Zaidman E G 1997 Phys. Plasmas 4 2292
[10] Freund H P 1999 Phys. Plasmas 6 3633
[11] Li B, Yang Z H, Li J Q 2009 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 56 919
[12] Xu L, Yang Z H, Li B 2009 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 56 1141
[13] Lee J F, D K Sun, Cendes Z J 1991 IEEE Trans. Magn. 27 4032
[14] Li B, Yang Z H 2003 Chin. Phys. 12 1235
[15] Li J Q, Mo Y L 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 2716
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