A very simple and highly accurate method of investigating the behavior of atomic system in a strong magnetic field has been developed based on the generalized pseudospectral discretization. As examples, we present the calculations of the binding energies and quadruple moments for the ground and low-lying excited states of the hydrogen atom in a magnetic field ranging from zero up to 1000 a.u.. The obtained results are found to be in excellent agreement with other high-accuracy theoretical calculations. The present method may be straightforwardly applied to cross electric-magnetic field in an arbitrary orientation.
- strong magnetic field /
- CWDVR generalized pseudospectral method /
- energy level /
- quadrupole moment
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[1] Canuto V, Ventura J 1977 Fundam.Cosm.Phys.2 203
[2] Garstang R H 1977 Rep.Prog.Phys.40 105
[3] Ruder H, Wunner G, Erold H, Geyer F 1994 Atoms in Strong Magnetic Fields (Springer, Berlin)
[4] Potekhin A Y, Pavlov G G 1993 Astrophys.J.407 330
[5] Cacciani P, Luc-Koenig E, Pinard J, Thomas C, Liberman S 1986 Phys.Rev.Lett. 56 1124
[6] Korolev A V, Liberman M A 1994 Phys.Rev.Lett.72 270
[7] Braams B J 1991 Plasma Phys. Control.Fusion.33 715
[8] Zakrzewski J, Dupret K, Delande D 1995 Phys.Rev.Lett.74 522
[9] Shertzer J 1989 Phys. Rev. A 39 3833
[10] Dimova M G, Kaschiev M S, Vinitsky S I 2005 J.Phys.B 38 2337
[11] Deng S H, Gao S, Li Y P, Pei Y C, Lin S L 2010 Acta Phys.Sin. 59 826 (in Chinese)[邓善红、高 嵩、李永平、裴云昌、林圣路 2010 物理学报 59 826 Wang J H, Hsue C S 1995 Phys.Rev. A 52 4508 〖13] Zhao L B, Stancil P C 2007 J.Phys.B 40 4347
[12] Meng H Y, Kang S, Shi T Y, Zhan M S 2007 Acta Phys.Sin. 56 3198 (in Chinese)[孟慧艳、康 帅、史庭云、詹明生 2007 物理学报 56 3198 Kang S, Liu Q, Zhong Z X, Zhang X Z, Shi T Y 2006 Acta Phys.Sin. 55 3380(in Chinese)〖康 帅、刘 强、钟振祥、张 现周、史庭云 2006 物理学报 55 3380] 〖16] Kravchenko Y P, Liberman M A, Johansson B 1996 Phys.Rev.Lett.77 619
[13] Kravchenko Y P, Liberman M A, Johansson B 1996 Phys.Rev. A 54 287
[14] Mori K, Hailey C J 2002 Astropnysical Journal 564 914
[15] Potekhin A Y, Chabrier G 2003 Astropnysical Journal 585 955
[16] Guan X 2006 Phys.Rev.A 74 023413
[17] Potekhin A Y, Turbiner A V 2001 Phys.Rev.A 63 065402
[18] Lozovik Y E, Klyuchnik A V 1978 Phys.Lett.A 66 282
[19] Baye D, Vincke M, Hesse M 2008 J.Phys.B 41 055005
[20] Bethe H A, Salpeter E 1977 Quantum Mechanics of One- and Two-electron Atom (Plenum, New York)
[21] Zeng S L, Zou S Y, Yan J 2009 Chin.Phys.Lett. 26 053202
[22] Zeng S L, Zou S Y, Wang J G, Yan J 2009 Acta Phys.Sin. 58,8180 (in Chinese)[曾思良、邹士阳、王建国、颜 君 2009 物理学报 58 8180 Feit M D, Fleck J A 1983 J.Chem.Phys.78 301 〖28] Feit M D, Fleck J A, Steiger A 1982 J.Comp.Phys. 47 412
[23] Abramowitz M, Stegun I A 1965 Handbook of Mathematical Functions (Dover, New York)
[24] Gregory C C, Tromp J W 1995 J.Chem.Phys.103 1812
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