We investigate the delayed feedback control to suppress the vibration in a torsional vibrating system. The delayed feedback control is applied to a torsional vibrating system with a nonlinear dynamical absorber.We investigate the effects of gain and delay on vibration suppression of the primary system. The results show that for a fixed gain, the vibration of the primary system can be suppressed at some values of the delay. As the delay varies for a fixed gain, the amplitude of the primary system can be suppressed to a minimum value. The vibration of the primary system is suppressed form 0.24 to 0.03 when the gain and the delay are chosen to be appropriate values. The analytical solutions are consistent well with the numerical simulation.
- delayed feedback /
- torsional vibration /
- suppression
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[1] Shen I Y, Guo W, Pao Y C 1997 J. Vibr. and Acou. 119 504
[2] Kim T C, Singh R 2001 SAE Trans. J. Pass. Cars: Mech. Sys. 110 1934
[3] Muneharu S, Nobuo T, Dong H N 2004 J. Sound and Vibr. 270 657
[4] Kim T C, Rook T E, Singh R 2005 J. Sound and Vibr. 281 995
[5] El-Bassiouny A F 2005 Physica A 366 167
[6] Wang M J, Wang X Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1467 (in Chinese) [王明军、王兴元 2009 物理学报 58 1467]
[7] Zhang M, Hu S S 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 1431 (in Chinese) [张 敏、胡寿松 2008 物理学报 57 1431]
[8] Xing Z C, Xu W, Rong H W, Wang B Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 824 (in Chinese) [邢真慈、徐 伟、戎海武、王宝燕 2009 物理学报 58 824]
[9] Olgac N, Holm-Hansen B T 1996 J. Sound and Vibr. 176 93
[10] Olgac N, Jalili N 1998 J. Sound and Vibr. 218 307
[11] Hosek M, Elmali H, Olgac N 1997 J. Sound and Vibr. 205 151
[12] Zhao Y Y, Xu J 2007 J. Sound and Vibr. 308 212
[13] Wirkus S, Rand R 2002 Nonl Dynam. 30 205
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