Under the condition of the spherical square potential model and the effective mass approximation, the electronic scattering cross-section and the electronic probability distribution are obtained in an open-type spherical nanometer system, and the influences of the size and the width of potential barrier on electronic scattering cross-section, resonance energy and resonance width are discussed. The results show that there exist one maximum and one minimum in the distribution curve of the electronic scattering cross-section versus energy, and the maximum of electronic energy probability distribution curve is between the maximum and the minimum of energy in the scattering cross-section curve; the scattering cross-section increases with the increase of r0, the inner radius, and the scattering cross-section curve will change from smoother to sharper with the increase of r0; the scattering cross-section will enlarge with , the width of potential barrier, but it will become abnormal when is between 1.4aCdS and 1.7aCdS; when =1.6aCdS, the scattering cross-section is extremely small; El, the electronic resonance energy changing with , is related to the electronic state, while l, the electronic resonance width will decrease with the increase of ; no matter what is, both El and l satisfy the uncertainty principle of energy and time.
- spherical nanometer system /
- breadth of potential barrier /
- electronic scattering section /
- electronic probability distribution
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[1] Voloshin M B 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 201801
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