Recently, ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) method has been developed for non-linear and non-stationary signal analysis. The method can work on nature signals (non-linear and nonstationary signals) and reduce the speckle noise. With the EEMD method, the signal is decomposed into several intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) and the frequencies of IMFs are arranged in decrease order (high to low) after the EEMD processing. The scaling mode of the EEMD method is similar to wavelet transform, but the signal resolutions in different frequency domains do not decrease by down-sampling. There are a large population and a developed economy in Weihe watershed, the disasters of droughts and floods caused by the autumn precipitation (here is precipitation in September and October) less or more than normal cause great loss and serious influence. In this paper, we propose the EEMD method to decompose the autumn precipitation series in the Weihe river basin during last 50 years into several IMFs, then extract the information including in the precipitation series and get the characteristics of multi-scales. The result shows that it is well response to the autumn precipitation series in the Weihe river basin and to the abrupt climate change in late 1970s and early 1980s of last century. The response appears earlier for high time scales than for low time scales In addition, the expression of the response for high time scales is the form of variability, but it is the amplitude of variability for low time scales.
- ensemble empirical mode decomposition /
- multi-scale analysis /
- autumn precipitation /
- Weihe river basin
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[1] Gao Y X 1958 Acta Meterol. Sin. 29 83 (in Chinese) [高由禧 1958 气象学报 29 83]
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[3] He M 1984 Meteorol. Monthy 10 10 (in Chinese) [何敏 1984 气象 10 10]
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[8] Chen Y, Shi N 2003 J. Nanjing Institute Meteorol. 26 622 (in Chinese) [谌芸, 施能2003南京气象学院学报 26 622]
[9] Bai H Z, Dong W J 2004 Plateau Meteorol. 23 884 (in Chinese) [白虎志, 董文杰2004高原气象 23 884]
[10] Mu M, Li J P, Chou J F 2002 Climat. Environ. Res. 7 227 (in Chinese) [穆穆, 李建平, 丑纪范 2002气候与环境研究 7 227]
[11] Hou W, Zhou Y, Zhang D Q 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 109202 (in Chinese) [侯威, 周云, 章大全 2011物理学报 60 109202]
[12] Xiong K G, Zhao J H, Feng G L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 149204 (in Chinese) [熊开国, 赵俊虎, 封国林 2012 物理学报 61 149204]
[13] Li J P, Chou J F 2003 Chin. Sci. Bull. 48 703 (in Chinese) [李建平, 丑纪范 2003科学通报 48 703]
[14] Liu S D, Rong P P, Chen J 2000 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 58 110 (in Chinese) [刘式达, 荣平平, 陈炯2000 气象学报 58 110]
[15] Wu Z, Huang N E 2009 Adv. Adapt. Data Anal. 1 1
[16] Wu Z H, Huang N E, Long S R 2007 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104 14889
[17] Flandrin P, Rillin G, Gonçalves P 2004 Proc. Lett. 11 112
[18] Wu Z H, Huang N E 2004 Proc. Roy. Soc. London A 460 1597
[19] Wu Z, Huang N E, Chen X 2009 Adv. Adapt. Data Anal. 1 339
[20] Huang N E, Wu Z, Long S R 2009 Adv. Adapt. Data Anal. 1 177
[21] Chen X Y, Wu Z H, Huang Norden E 2010 Adv. Adapt. Data Anal. 2 1
[22] Huang N E, Shen Z, Long S R 1998 Proc. R. Soc. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 454 903
[23] Huang N E, Wu Z 2008 Rev. Geophys. 46 RG2006
[24] Hou W, Feng G L, Dong W J 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 2663 (in Chinese) [侯威, 封国林, 董文杰 2006 物理学报 55 2663]
[25] Huang N E, Shen S P 2005 Hilbert-Huang Transform and Its Applications (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company) p107
[26] Zhao J P, Huang D J 2001 J. Zhejiang Univ. (Science) 2 247
[27] Lin Z S, Wang S G 2004 J. Tropical Meterol. 20 90 (in Chinese) [林振山, 汪曙光2004热带气象学报 20 90]
[28] Yang Y, Shi N, Bai B 2004 Recouses Sci. 26 37 (in Chinese) [杨扬, 施能, 白彬人2004资源科学 26 37]
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