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Magnetic monopole array model for modeling ship magnetic signatures

Guo Cheng-Bao Yin Qi-Qi


Magnetic monopole array model for modeling ship magnetic signatures

Guo Cheng-Bao, Yin Qi-Qi
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Aiming at the problems of low accuracy and low adaptability of the existing ship magnetic field inversion modeling methods with equivalent sources, a new method of inversion modeling of magnetic monopole array of ship magnetic fields is proposed. Three-dimensional ship magnetic monopole array is arranged according to the ship ferromagnetic structure, and the inversion prediction model of ship magnetic fields is established by regularization technology. Three typical forms of magnetic monopole arrays are established: rectangular magnetic monopole array on the horizontal surface of the draft line, cuboid magnetic monopole array enclosing the ship hull, three-dimensional ship magnetic monopole array distributed according to the ship’s ferromagnetic structure. The theoretical analysis shows that the three-dimensional ship magnetic monopole array reduces the blindness of the equivalent magnetic source setting, and the obtained equivalent magnetic source is highly consistent with the real magnetic source, which can reproduce the complete magnetic field information of the ship to a greater extent. The magnetic field of a typical virtual ship is applied to the validation test. The results show that the proposed three-dimensional ship magnetic monopole array has higher precision and adaptability than the rectangular or cuboid magnetic monopole array. In particular, the proposed three-dimensional ship magnetic monopole array can realize the mutual conversion between the near and far magnetic fields, and between the magnetic fields above and below the ship. The proposed three-dimensional ship magnetic monopole array model has the unique advantages of small complexity, simple modeling and flexible layout, and it provides an alternative method for the high-precision data processing and explanation to the inversion modeling of ship magnetic fields, ship magnetic field positioning, et al.
      Corresponding author: Guo Cheng-Bao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51277176).

    Holmes J J 2007 Modeling A Ships Ferromagnetic Signatures (Maryland: Morgan & Claypool Publishers) p3


    Holmes J J 2008 Reduction of a Ships Magnetic Field Signatures (Maryland: Morgan & Claypool Publishers) p8


    Nixon D A, Baker F E 1981 J. Appl. Phys. 52 539Google Scholar


    Kildishev A V, Nyenhuis J A, Morgan M A 2002 IEEE Trans. Magn. 38 2465Google Scholar


    陈杰, 鲁习文 2009 物理学报 58 3839Google Scholar

    Chen J, Lu X W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3839Google Scholar


    Synnes S A 2008 IEEE Trans. Magn. 44 2277Google Scholar


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    隗燕琳, 陈敬超, 李贵乙, 王彦东, 曾小军 2017 计算机测量与控制 25 213

    Wei Y L, Chen J C, Li G Y, Wang Y D, Zeng X J 2017 Computer Measurement & Control 25 213


    林春生, 龚沈光 2007 舰船物理场(北京: 兵器工业出版社) p233

    Lin C S, Gong S G 2007 Ships Physical Fields (Beijing: The Publishing House of Ordnance Industry) p233 (in Chinese)


    戴忠华, 周穗华, 单珊 2018 电子学报 46 1524Google Scholar

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    Vuillermet Y, Chadebec O, Coulomb J L, Rouve L L, Cauffet G, Bongiraud J P, Demilier L 2008 IEEE Trans. Magn. 44 1054Google Scholar


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    郭成豹, 肖昌汉, 刘大明 2008 物理学报 57 4182Google Scholar

    Guo C B, Xiao C H, Liu D M 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 4182Google Scholar


    Dirac P A M 1931 Proc. Roy. Soc. A 133 60Google Scholar


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    Tikhonov A N, Arsenin V Y 1977 Math. Comput. 32 491


    Hansen P C, O'Leary D P 1993 SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 14 1487Google Scholar


    郭成豹, 周炜昶 2017 兵工学报 38 1988Google Scholar

    Guo C B, Zhou W C 2017 Acta Armamentarii 38 1988Google Scholar


    郭成豹, 刘大明 2012 兵工学报 33 912

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    郭成豹, 刘大明 2014 兵工学报 35 1638Google Scholar

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    Chadebec O, Coulomb J, Janet F 2006 IEEE Trans. Magn. 42 515Google Scholar


    Morandi A, Fabbri M, Ribani P L 2010 IEEE Trans. Magn. 46 3848Google Scholar


    Zhao K Z, Vouvakis M N, Lee J F 2005 IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 47 763Google Scholar

  • 图 1  磁单极子模型

    Figure 1.  Magnetic monopole model.

    图 2  铁磁舰船航行通过一个磁传感器线阵

    Figure 2.  Ferromagnetic ship runs over a line array of magnetic sensors.

    图 3  铁磁舰船及其下方的虚拟磁传感器长方形阵列

    Figure 3.  Ferromagnetic ship stands over a virtual array of magnetic sensors.

    图 4  舰船结构上的磁单极子阵列分布

    Figure 4.  Magnetic monopole array in the geometry of ship.

    图 5  机组和推进轴的磁单极子分布

    Figure 5.  Magnetic monopoles for the engine block and the shaft.

    图 6  根据L曲线法得到正则化参数

    Figure 6.  Regularization parameter obtained by the L-curve method.

    图 7  舰船磁场预测值和测量值的对比

    Figure 7.  Comparison of predicted and measured values of ship's magnetic field.

    图 8  吃水线水平面上的长方形磁单极子阵列

    Figure 8.  Rectangular magnetic monopole array on the horizontal surface of the draft line.

    图 9  包围船体的长方体磁单极子阵列

    Figure 9.  Cuboid magnetic monopole array enclosing the ship hull.

    图 10  按照船体铁磁结构分布的三维船体磁单极子阵列

    Figure 10.  Three-dimensional ship magnetic monopole array distributed according to the ferromagnetic structure of the ship hull.

    图 11  舰船磁场测量点分布俯视图

    Figure 11.  Top view of the distribution of magnetic field measurement points on ship.

    图 12  舰船磁场测量点分布侧视图

    Figure 12.  Side view of distribution of magnetic field measurement points on ship.

    图 13  舰船磁场测量点分布后视图

    Figure 13.  Rear view of the distribution of magnetic field measurement points on ship.

    图 14  +1B深度典型测量点线上的舰船磁场预测值和真实值对比

    Figure 14.  Comparison of predicted and real values of ship's magnetic field on typical measuring point line in +1B depth.

    图 15  +2B深度典型测量点线上的舰船磁场预测值和真实值对比

    Figure 15.  Comparison of predicted and real values of ship's magnetic field on typical measuring point line in +2B depth.

    图 16  +5B深度典型测量点线上的舰船磁场预测值和真实值对比

    Figure 16.  Comparison of predicted and real values of ship's magnetic field on typical measuring point line in +5B depth.

    表 1  验证试验的计算结果

    Table 1.  Results of the validation test.

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  • [1]

    Holmes J J 2007 Modeling A Ships Ferromagnetic Signatures (Maryland: Morgan & Claypool Publishers) p3


    Holmes J J 2008 Reduction of a Ships Magnetic Field Signatures (Maryland: Morgan & Claypool Publishers) p8


    Nixon D A, Baker F E 1981 J. Appl. Phys. 52 539Google Scholar


    Kildishev A V, Nyenhuis J A, Morgan M A 2002 IEEE Trans. Magn. 38 2465Google Scholar


    陈杰, 鲁习文 2009 物理学报 58 3839Google Scholar

    Chen J, Lu X W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3839Google Scholar


    Synnes S A 2008 IEEE Trans. Magn. 44 2277Google Scholar


    Kamondetdacha R, Kildishev A V, Nyenhuis J A 2004 IE EE Trans. Magn. 40 2176Google Scholar


    蒋敏志,林春生 2003 武汉理工大学学报·信息与管理工程版 25 168

    Jiang M Z, Lin C S 2003 Journal of WUT (Information & Management Engineering) 25 168


    隗燕琳, 陈敬超, 李贵乙, 王彦东, 曾小军 2017 计算机测量与控制 25 213

    Wei Y L, Chen J C, Li G Y, Wang Y D, Zeng X J 2017 Computer Measurement & Control 25 213


    林春生, 龚沈光 2007 舰船物理场(北京: 兵器工业出版社) p233

    Lin C S, Gong S G 2007 Ships Physical Fields (Beijing: The Publishing House of Ordnance Industry) p233 (in Chinese)


    戴忠华, 周穗华, 单珊 2018 电子学报 46 1524Google Scholar

    Dai Z H, Zhou S H, Shan S 2018 Acta Electronica Sinica 46 1524Google Scholar


    吴志东, 周穗华, 郭虎生 2013 武汉理工大学学报 35 67Google Scholar

    Wu Z D, Zhou S H, Guo H S 2013 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology 35 67Google Scholar


    Alqadah H F, Valdivia N P, Williams E G 2016 Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 65 109Google Scholar


    Chadebec O, Coulomb J L, Bongiraud J P, Cauffet G, Thiec P L 2002 IEEE Trans. Magn. 38 1005Google Scholar


    Chadebec O, Couloumb J L, Cauffet G, Bongiraud J P 2003 IEEE Trans. Magn. 39 1634Google Scholar


    Vuillermet Y, Chadebec O, Coulomb J L, Rouve L L, Cauffet G, Bongiraud J P, Demilier L 2008 IEEE Trans. Magn. 44 1054Google Scholar


    Yang C S, Lee K J, Jung G, Chung H J, Park J S, Kim D H 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 07D905Google Scholar


    郭成豹, 肖昌汉, 刘大明 2008 物理学报 57 4182Google Scholar

    Guo C B, Xiao C H, Liu D M 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 4182Google Scholar


    Dirac P A M 1931 Proc. Roy. Soc. A 133 60Google Scholar


    Dirac P A M 1948 Phys. Rev. 74 817Google Scholar


    Tikhonov A N, Arsenin V Y 1977 Math. Comput. 32 491


    Hansen P C, O'Leary D P 1993 SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 14 1487Google Scholar


    郭成豹, 周炜昶 2017 兵工学报 38 1988Google Scholar

    Guo C B, Zhou W C 2017 Acta Armamentarii 38 1988Google Scholar


    郭成豹, 刘大明 2012 兵工学报 33 912

    Guo C B, Liu D M 2012 Acta Armamentarii 33 912


    郭成豹, 刘大明 2014 兵工学报 35 1638Google Scholar

    Guo C B, Liu D M 2014 Acta Armamentarii 35 1638Google Scholar


    Chadebec O, Coulomb J, Janet F 2006 IEEE Trans. Magn. 42 515Google Scholar


    Morandi A, Fabbri M, Ribani P L 2010 IEEE Trans. Magn. 46 3848Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  15 February 2019
  • Accepted Date:  12 March 2019
  • Available Online:  01 June 2019
  • Published Online:  05 June 2019

