A theoretical study of geometrical structures and electronic properties of Be atom doped boron clusters BeB
$ _n^{0/-} $ (n = 10–15) is performed using the CALYPSO approach for the global minimum search followed by density functional theory calculations. It is found that the global minima obtained for the BeB$ _{10}^{0/-} $ , BeB$ _{11}^{-} $ , BeB$ _{12}^{0/-} $ , and BeB$ _{14}^{-} $ clusters correspond to the quasi-planar or planar structures. However, the global minima obtained for the BeB11, BeB13, BeB$ _{13}^{-} $ , BeB14 clusters correspond to the half-sandwich, cone, cage, squashed tubular structures, respectively. Interestingly, both the neutral and anionic BeB$ _{15}^{0/-} $ clusters have the axially chiral isomers which are chiral with degenerate enantiomers. Natural population analyses reveal that partial charge on Be atom transfer to boron atoms. The average binding energy values of BeB$ _n^{0/-} $ (n = 10–15) indicate that anionic clusters are overall more stable than the corresponding neutral ones, and both neutral and anionic clusters show the same trend that the stability increases gradually with the increase of B atoms number n. Chemical bonding analyses of closed-shell BeB10, BeB$ _{11}^{-} $ , BeB12 clusters reveal that the σ bonds stabilize whole molecular skeleton, and delocalized π bonds render the structure more stable. Furthermore, the three quasi-planar closed-shell clusters possess 3 delocalized π bonds, which quite surprisingly follow the 4m + 2 Hückel rule for aromaticity. Average polarizability of single atom for each quasi-planar or planar structure is larger than other structures, it indicates that quasi-planar or planar structure has stronger electron delocalization. Specifically, BeB$ _{13}^{-} $ and BeB$ _{14}^{-} $ with large first static hyperpolarizability can lead to the remarkable NLO response. The calculated spectra indicate that BeB$ _n^{0/-} $ (n = 10–15) have the meaningful characteristic peaks which can be compared with future experimental values. Our work enriches the database of geometrical structures of doped boron clusters and can provide much insight into the new doped boron clusters.[1] Kroto H W, Heath J R, O’Brien S C, Curl R F, Smalley R E 1985 Nature 318 162
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[11] Jian T, Chen X, Li S D, Boldyrev A I, Li J, Wang L S 2019 Chem. Soc. Rev. 48 3550
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图 1 团簇结构图, 分图中上图为正面观察、下图为侧面观察 (a) BeB10; (b) BeB
$ _{10}^- $ ; (c) BeB11; (d) BeB$ _{11}^- $ ; (e) BeB12; (f) BeB$ _{12}^- $ ; (g) BeB13; (h) BeB$ _{13}^- $ ; (i) BeB14; (j) BeB$ _{14}^- $ ; (k) BeB15 I; (l) BeB$ _{15}^- $ I; (m) BeB15 II; (n) BeB$ _{15}^- $ IIFigure 1. Structures of doped boron clusters BeB
$_{n}^{ 0/–}$ (n = 10−15): (a) BeB10; (b) BeB$ _{10}^- $ ; (c) BeB11; (d) BeB$ _{11}^- $ ; (e) BeB12; (f) BeB$ _{12}^- $ ; (g) BeB13; (h) BeB$ _{13}^- $ ; (i) BeB14; (j) BeB$ _{14}^- $ ; (k) BeB15 I; (l) BeB$ _{15}^- $ I; (m) BeB15 II; (n) BeB$ _{15}^- $ II.图 2 分子轨道图 (a) HOMO BeB10; (b) LUMO BeB10; (c) HOMO BeB
$_{11}^{-}$ ; (d) LUMO BeB$_{11}^{-}$ ; (e) HOMO BeB12; (f) LUMO BeB12; (g) HOMO BeB$_{13}^{-}$ ; (h) LUMO BeB$_{13}^{-}$ ; (i) HOMO BeB14; (j) LUMO BeB14; (k) HOMO BeB$_{15}^{-}$ I; (l) LUMO BeB$_{15}^{-}$ I; (m) HOMO BeB$_{15}^{-}$ II; (n) LUMO BeB$_{15}^{-}$ IIFigure 2. Molecular orbitals: (a) HOMO BeB10; (b) LUMO BeB10; (c) HOMO BeB
$ _{11}^- $ ; (d) LUMO BeB$ _{11}^- $ ; (e) HOMO BeB12; (f) LUMO BeB12; (g) HOMO BeB$ _{13}^- $ ; (h) LUMO BeB$ _{13}^- $ ; (i) HOMO BeB14; (j) LUMO BeB14; (k) HOMO BeB$ _{15}^- $ I; (l) LUMO BeB$_{15}^{-}$ I; (m) HOMO BeB$_{15}^{-}$ II; (n) LUMO BeB$_{15}^{-}$ II.图 9 红外光谱 (a) BeB10; (b) BeB
$_{10}^{-}$ ; (c) BeB11; (d) BeB$_{11}^{-}$ ; (e) BeB12; (f) BeB$_{12}^{-}$ ; (g) BeB13; (h) BeB$_{13}^{-}$ ; (i) BeB14; (j) BeB$_{14}^{-}$ ; (k) BeB15 I; (l) BeB$_{15}^{-}$ IFigure 9. Calculated infrared spectra: (a) BeB10; (b) BeB
$_{10}^{-}$ ; (c) BeB11; (d) BeB$_{11}^{-}$ ; (e) BeB12; (f) BeB$_{12}^{-}$ ; (g) BeB13; (h) BeB$_{13}^{-}$ ; (i) BeB14; (j) BeB$_{14}^{-}$ ; (k) BeB15 I; (l) BeB$_{15}^{-}$ I.表 1 BeB
$_{n}^{ 0/–}$ (n = 10—15)的几何参数Table 1. Geometrical parameters of BeB
$ _{n}^{ 0/–} $ (n = 10−15).Symmetry 最短Be—B键长/Å 结构 BeB10 Cs 1.83 准平面结构 BeB$ _{10}^- $ Cs 1.80 准平面结构 BeB11 Cs 1.97 半三明治结构 BeB$ _{11}^- $ Cs 1.86 准平面结构 BeB12 Cs 1.85 准平面结构 BeB$ _{12}^- $ C2v 1.83 平面结构 BeB13 C2v 1.93 圆锥结构 BeB$ _{13}^- $ Cs 1.80 笼型结构 BeB14 C2 1.88 压扁的管状结构 BeB$ _{14}^- $ C2 1.84 准平面结构 BeB15 I C1 1.87 三维结构 BeB15 II C1 1.87 三维结构 BeB$ _{15}^- $ I C1 1.84 三维结构 BeB$ _{15}^- $ II C1 1.84 三维结构 表 2 BeB
$ _{n}^{ 0/–} $ (n = 10—15)的最低谐振频率和平均结合能Table 2. The lowest frequencies and average binding energy of BeB
$ _{n}^{ 0/–} $ (n = 10−15).BeB10 BeB$_{10}^{-}$ BeB11 BeB$ _{11}^{-} $ BeB12 BeB$ _{12}^{-} $ BeB13 BeB$ _{13}^{-} $ BeB14 BeB$ _{14}^{-} $ BeB15 I, II BeB$ _{15}^{-} $ I, II 最低谐振频率/cm–1 117 109 236 65 119 65 171 228 243 103 73 91 平均结合能/eV 4.71 5.06 4.78 5.16 4.89 5.17 4.91 5.19 4.97 5.22 4.97 5.26 表 3 BeB
$ _{n}^{ 0/–} $ (n = 10—15)的偶极矩, Eg, NPA电荷. 上标a, b 代表自旋向上和自旋向下电子Table 3. The dipole moments (μ), energy gaps (Eg), and NPA charges on doped atom of BeB
$ _{n}^{ 0/–} $ (n = 10−15). The markers “a” and “b” denote the alpha and beta electrons, respectively.BeB10 BeB$_{10}^{-}$ BeB11 BeB$_{11}^{-}$ BeB12 BeB$_{12}^{-}$ BeB13 BeB$_{13}^{-}$ BeB14 BeB$_{14}^{-}$ BeB15 I, II BeB$_{15}^{-}$ I, II μ/ Debye 0.80 0.58 1.49 1.59 1.31 0.66 0.22 1.12 2.57 0.86 1.95 1.88 Eg/eV 2.94 2.81a
2.94b3.48 2.93 1.67a
3.55b3.33 3.80 1.85a
2.26b3.35 NPA charges
on doped atom1.62 1.64 1.56 1.37 1.64 1.66 1.72 1.60 1.69 1.68 1.70 1.67 表 4 BeB
$ _n^{0/-} $ (n = 10—15)的极化率Table 4. Polarizabilities of BeB
$ _n^{0/-} $ (n = 10−15).各项同性平均极化率α 每个原子的平均极化率$\bar \alpha $ 各项异性极化率Δα 第一超极化率β0 偶极矩方向上的投影值βprj BeB10 167.32 15.21 124.78 133.79 –59.10 BeB$ _{10}^- $ 196.08 17.83 142.11 216.95 –113.85 BeB11 153.17 12.76 63.19 319.45 155.00 BeB$ _{11}^- $ 203.90 16.99 139.92 233.54 199.10 BeB12 196.31 15.10 145.51 24.98 6.10 BeB$ _{12}^- $ 223.77 17.21 164.05 254.97 –254.97 BeB13 174.08 12.43 48.62 61.41 –26.71 BeB$ _{13}^- $ 210.56 15.04 119.68 941.20 –901.01 BeB14 191.44 12.76 73.13 450.89 –450.89 BeB$ _{14}^- $ 260.09 17.34 203.63 958.78 –958.78 BeB15 I 215.11 13.44 122.84 601.71 –597.78 BeB15 II 215.12 13.44 122.87 604.10 –600.31 BeB$ _{15}^- $ I 235.61 14.73 130.97 516.03 –223.98 BeB$ _{15}^- $ II 235.62 14.73 130.93 517.15 –224.33 表 5 BeB
$ _n^{0/-} $ (n = 10—15)的激发特性Table 5. The excitation properties of BeB
$ _n^{0/-} $ (n = 10−15).振子强度最大的激发态的波长/nm
(振子强度, 第几激发态)第一激发态的波长/nm
(对应第几激发态)BeB10 252 (0.2108, 22) 748 (0.0003) 748 (1) BeB$ _{10}^- $ 313 (0.1205, 34) 1038 (0.0001) 887 (5) BeB11 331 (0.0077, 22) 859 (0.0022) 859 (1) BeB$ _{11}^- $ 242 (0.3008, 27) 548 (0) 510 (2) BeB12 282 (0.2870, 22) 702 (0.0038) 702 (1) BeB$ _{12}^- $ 346 (0.0119, 32) 3201 (0.0003) 3201 (1) BeB13 308 (0.0377, 31) 800 (0.0015) 800 (1) BeB$ _{13}^- $ 234 (0.0875, 36) 582 (0.0003) 582 (1) BeB14 311 (0.1049, 15) 468 (0.0041) 468 (1) BeB$ _{14}^- $ 533 (0.0472, 14) 1984 (0) 982 (4—6) BeB15 I 339 (0.0295, 33) 1292 (0.0006) 1122 (1—2) BeB$ _{15}^- $ I 276 (0.0954, 24) 531 (0.0027) 531 (1) -
[1] Kroto H W, Heath J R, O’Brien S C, Curl R F, Smalley R E 1985 Nature 318 162
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[3] Novoselov K S, Geim A K, Morozov S V, Jiang D, Zhang Y, Dubonos S V, Grigorieva I V, Firsov A A 2004 Science 306 666
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[5] Zhai H J, Wang L S, Alexandrova A N, Boldyrev A I 2002 J. Chem. Phys. 117 7917
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[6] Zhai H J, Kiran B, Li J, Wang L S 2003 Nat. Mater. 2 827
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[8] Bean D E, Fowler P W 2009 J. Phys. Chem. C 113 15569
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[11] Jian T, Chen X, Li S D, Boldyrev A I, Li J, Wang L S 2019 Chem. Soc. Rev. 48 3550
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[34] Zubarev D Y, Boldyrev A I 2008 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10 5207
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