Possible geometrical structures of WnNim (n+m≤7; m=1, 2) clusters have been optimized by using the density functional theory (B3PW91) at the LANL2DZ level. For the ground state structures, the NBO,vibration frequencies, spectrum and polarizability are studied. The calculated results show: the hybrid phenomenon is very strong within W and Ni atoms, while weak in the W-Ni atoms. In the process of forming alloy clusters, the charge transfer happens owing to the interaction of W and Ni so that most of Ni atom is positive and while W atom is negative. The optical properties indicated, the number of the vibrational peak is the most in the IR and Raman of W6Ni cluster, the IR and raman absorption peak of W5Ni2 is the strongest and the IR absorption peak of W2Ni has only one; the bonding between atoms shows stronger with the increasing of W content in the WnNim (n+m≤7; m=1, 2) clusters.
- WnNim (n+m≤7 /
- m=1 /
- 2) Clusters /
- Electronic Structure /
- Spectram Properties /
- Density Functional Theory
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[1] Feng C J, Xue Y H, Zhang X Y, Zhang X C 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 1436
[2] Zhao L X, Feng X J, Cao T T, Liang X, Luo Y H 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 2709
[3] Chen X, Peng X, Deng K M, Xiao C Y, Hu F L, Tan W S 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5370 (in Chinese)[陈 宣\,彭 霞\,邓开明\,肖传云\,胡凤兰\,谭伟石 2009 物理学报 58 5370]
[4] Yang J, Wang N Y, Zhu D J, Chen X, Deng K M, Xiao C Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3112 (in Chinese)[杨 剑\,王倪颖\,朱冬玖\,陈 宣\,邓开明\,肖传云 2009 物理学报 58 3112]
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[14] Tang G Y, Yang X 2007 Physical Experiment of College 20 7(in Chinese)[唐国艳\,杨 雪 2007 大学物理实验 20 7]
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[19] Zhang X R, Ding X L, Yang J L 2005 International Journal of Modern Physics B 15, 16 and 17 2427
[20] Weidele H, Kreisle D, Recknagel E, Icking-Konert G S, Handschuh H, Gantefor G, Eberhardt W 1995 Chem. Phys. Lett 237 425
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[22] Trickl T, Cromwell E F, Lee Y T, Kung A H 1989 J. Chem. Phys 91 6006
[23] Lin Q B, Li R Q, Wen Y H, Zhu Z Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 181 (in Chinese)[林秋宝\,李仁全\, 文玉华\, 朱梓忠 2008 物理学报 57 181]
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