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Telecentric in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holographic high-resolution reconstruction method

Zhong Zhi Zhao Wan-Ting Shan Ming-Guang Liu Lei


Telecentric in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holographic high-resolution reconstruction method

Zhong Zhi, Zhao Wan-Ting, Shan Ming-Guang, Liu Lei
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  • In-line digital holography usually employs a phase retrieval algorithm to decouple the phase information but fails to eliminate the unwanted DC and twin image terms when the measured sample does not agree with the sparsity. While the off-axis digital holography can efficiently remove the unwanted image terms but can not reserve the high frequencies of the sample to realize high resolution. The in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holography was then developed to provide a relatively high resolution digital holographic imaging without considering the effect of the unwanted terms. In other words, the in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holography merges all of the best virtues of the mentioned-above methods in an efficient and elegant way. However, this state-of-the-art method requires prior knowledge about the diffraction distance, which results in time-consuming and low accuracy. In other sense, telecentric technology can realize non-diffractive imaging without the knowledge about the diffraction distance or spherical aberration or defocusing aberration. Therefore, in this paper, a novel in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holography is proposed by introducing telecentric imaging architecture, and the corresponding reconstruction method is further proposed by utilizing constrained iterative approach. In this method, telecentric in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holography is first used to acquire focused off-axis and in-line holograms, respectively. The low resolution phase information is reconstructed from the off-axis hologram by using Fourier transform method with the help of the sample-free off-axis hologram, and then multiplexed with the amplitude information obtained from the in-line hologram to act as the initial complex amplitude in the iterative recovery process. As a result, constrained iterations are carried out in the spatial domain and frequency domain to realize high resolution and high speed reconstruction. After simulations, we build an experimental setup and demonstrate the operation of the method with USAF resolution target, onion cells and bee wings. Both the simulation and experimental results show that the proposed method can require no prior knowledge to suppress the phase disturbance caused by the unwanted image terms and optical aberrations, resulting in high speed and full utilization of spatial bandwidth product of the digital camera to yield high resolution reconstruction. We hope that the proposed method will have most practical applications in the case where large resolution, high speed and good quality are needed.
      Corresponding author: Shan Ming-Guang, ; Liu Lei,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61775046), the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, China (Grant No. LC2018027), and the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities, China (Grant Nos. 3072021CF0803, 3072021CFJ0801, 3072021CFT0803)

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    Qiu L R, Wang Y, Wu H X, Sun Y B, Cui H, Zhao W Q, Yuan L, Zhan C L 2018 Opt. Express 26 2314Google Scholar


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    周宏强, 万玉红, 满天龙 2018 物理学报 67 044202Google Scholar

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    张益溢, 吴佳琛, 郝然, 金尚忠, 曹良才 2020 物理学报 69 164201Google Scholar

    Zhang Y Y, Wu J C, Hao R, Jin S Z, Cao L C 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 164201Google Scholar


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    王凤鹏, 王大勇, 王云新, 戎路, 赵洁 2018 中国激光 45 0609001Google Scholar

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    Zhong M, Cui J, Hyun J S, Pan L, Duan P, Zhang S 2020 Meas. Sci. Technol. 31 085003Google Scholar


    Sanchez-Ortiga E, Ferraro P, Martinez-Corral M 2011 Opt. Soc. Am. A 28 1410Google Scholar


    Zhong Z, Bai H Y, Shan M G, Zhang Y B, Guo L L 2017 Opt. Laser Eng. 97 9Google Scholar


    Hao B G, Shan M G, Zhong Z, Diao M, Wang Y, Zhang Y B 2015 J. Opt. 17 035602Google Scholar

  • 图 1  远心同-离轴混合数字全息成像系统示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic of the telecentric in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holography system.

    图 2  远心同-离轴混合数字全息重建算法框图

    Figure 2.  Schematic of telecentric in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holographic reconstruction algorithm.

    图 3  (a)同轴全息图; (b)离轴全息图

    Figure 3.  (a) In-line hologram; (b) off-axis hologram.

    图 4  同轴全息图再现结果 (a)振幅像; (b)相位像

    Figure 4.  Reconstructed results of in-line hologram: (a) Amplitude image; (b) phase image.

    图 5  离轴全息图再现结果 (a)振幅像; (b)相位像

    Figure 5.  Reconstructed results of off-axis hologram: (a) Amplitude image; (b) phase image.

    图 6  再现像误差随迭代次数变化 (a)振幅均方误差收敛曲线; (b)相位均方误差收敛曲线

    Figure 6.  Mean squared errors at each iteration: (a) Amplitude mean square error convergence curve; (b) phase mean square error convergence curve.

    图 7  同-离轴混合数字全息再现结果 (a)振幅像; (b)相位像

    Figure 7.  Reconstructed results obtained by the in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holography: (a) Amplitude image; (b) phase image.

    图 8  USAF分辨率板实验结果 (a)同轴全息图; (b)离轴全息图; (c) 同轴数字全息再现像; (d)离轴数字全息再现像; (e)同-离轴混合数字全息再现像

    Figure 8.  Experimental results of USAF resolution target: (a) In-line hologram; (b) off-axis hologram; (c) amplitude reconstructed image of the in-line hologram; (d) amplitude reconstructed image of the off-axis hologram; (e) amplitude reconstructed image of the in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holography.

    图 9  洋葱表皮细胞实验结果 (a)同轴全息图; (b)离轴全息图; (c)同轴数字全息再现强度像; (d)同轴数字全息再现相位像; (e) 离轴数字全息再现强度像; (f) 离轴数字全息再现相位像; (g) 混合数字全息再现强度像; (h) 混合数字全息再现相位像; (i)相位剖面曲线

    Figure 9.  Experimental results of onion epidermal cell: (a) In-line hologram; (b) off-axis hologram; (c) amplitude reconstructed image of the in-line hologram; (d) phase reconstructed image of the in-line hologram; (e) amplitude reconstructed image of the off-axis hologram; (f) phase reconstructed image of the off-axis hologram; (g) amplitude reconstructed image of the in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holography; (h) phase reconstructed image of the in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holography; (i) phase profile curves.

    图 10  蜜蜂翅膀实验结果 (a)同轴全息图; (b)离轴全息图; (c)同轴数字全息再现强度像; (d)同轴数字全息再现相位像; (e) 离轴数字全息再现强度像; (f) 离轴数字全息再现相位像; (g) 混合数字全息再现强度像; (h) 混合数字全息再现相位像; (i)相位剖面曲线

    Figure 10.  Experimental results of bee wings: (a) In-line hologram; (b) off-axis hologram; (c) amplitude reconstructed image of the in-line hologram; (d) phase reconstructed image of the in-line hologram; (e) amplitude reconstructed image of the off-axis hologram; (f) phase reconstructed image of the off-axis hologram; (g) amplitude reconstructed image of the in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holography; (h) phase reconstructed image of the in-line-and-off-axis hybrid digital holography; (i) phase profile curves

    表 1  不同算法重建振幅和相位的峰值信噪比

    Table 1.  Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of amplitudes and phases reconstructed by different algorithms.

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  • Received Date:  26 January 2021
  • Accepted Date:  18 March 2021
  • Available Online:  07 June 2021
  • Published Online:  05 August 2021

