Epidemic outbreaks in the real world are often accompanied by rapid information diffusion, which will change individual behavior patterns and affect the spread of epidemics. The community phenomenon in human society will also have an important influence on the spread of epidemics. The above factors to construct a new bilayer network are considered in this work. The activity-driven model is used to generate time-varying online information contact layer network and offline physical contact layer network. The information diffusion of individual online contact layer is used to affect the epidemic spreading dynamics of offline physical contact layer, and the individual mobility factor is used to control the community structure characteristics. In order to obtain the spreading dynamic equation of the whole network and analyze the spreading threshold of the network effectively, the microscopic Markov chain (MMC) approach is improved and extended to time-varying networks. Experimental verification of Monte Carlo simulations shows that the proposed method is highly accurate in predicting epidemic outbreak thresholds. The results show that individual mobility has no effect on the epidemic outbreak threshold, but it will affect the final number of infections in each community. The greater the individual contact capability of the online contact layer, the smaller the individual contact capability of the offline contact layer that can effectively suppress the epidemic spread. The above findings can present an important reference for effectively preventing and controlling the epidemic transmission in the real world.
- microscopic Markov chain approach /
- bilayer network /
- epidemic spreading /
- community structure
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图 5 (a)—(c) 个体接触能力在不同的
$\lambda $ 下对流行病爆发阈值的影响; (d)—(f)线上信息接触层接触能力在不同的$\lambda $ 下对流行病爆发阈值影响的波动率; (g)—(i)线下物理接触层接触能力在不同的$\lambda $ 下对流行病爆发阈值影响的波动率Figure 5. (a)–(c) Influence of individual contact ability on epidemic outbreak threshold under different conditions; (d)–(f) volatility of the impact on epidemic outbreak thresholds under different virtual network layer contact capabilities; (g)–(i) volatility of impact on epidemic outbreak thresholds for different physical contact layer contact capacities.
表 1 符号的含义
Table 1. Description of all symbols
符号 描述 $N$ 网络中的个体数 $t$ 时间步 ${k_{\text{v}}}$ 线上信息接触层中的活跃个体在单位时间步长中产生的连边数 ${k_{\text{p}}}$ 线下物理接触层中的活跃个体在单位时间步长中产生的连边数 $a_{l, i}^{\text{V}}$ 线上信息接触层中个体i 在$l$社团的活跃性类别 $a_{l, i}^{\text{P}}$ 线下物理接触层中个体i 在$l$社团的活跃性类别 $ \left\langle {{k_{\text{v}}}} \right\rangle $ 线上信息接触层的平均度 $\left\langle {{k_{\text{p}}}} \right\rangle $ 线下物理接触层的平均度 $\lambda $ 信息扩散率 $\delta $ 信息遗忘率 $\beta $ 流行病传染率 $\mu $ 流行病恢复率 ${\beta ^{\text{U}}}$ 状态为U的个体的流行病传染率 ${\beta ^{\text{A}}}$ 状态为A的个体的流行病传染率 $\sigma $ 捕捉${\beta ^{\text{U}}}$和${\beta ^{\text{A}}}$之间差异的参数, 又称为自我保护率: ${\beta ^{\text{A}}} = \sigma {\beta ^{\text{U}}}$ $h$ 个体流动率 $P_{l, i}^X$ 个体i 在$l$社团处于状态X的概率 ${r_{l, i}}\left( t \right)$ 处于$l$社团的个体i 在时间$t$内没有被任何邻居告知的概率 $q_{l, i}^{\text{A}}\left( t \right)$ 处于$l$社团且状态为A的个体i 在时间$t$内没有被任何邻居感染的概率 $q_{l, i}^{\text{U}}\left( t \right)$ 处于$l$社团且状态为U的个体i在时间$t$内没有被任何邻居感染的概率 -
[1] 李翔, 李聪, 王建波 2020 复杂网络传播理论-流行的隐秩序(上卷) (北京: 高等教育出版社) 第10页
Li X, Li C, Wang J B 2020 Theory of Spreading on Complex Networks: Hidden Rules of Epidemics (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p10 (in Chinese)
[2] Garten R J, Davis C T, Russell C A, et al. 2009 Science 325 197
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[6] Anderson R M, Anderson B, May R M 1992 Infectious Diseases of Humans: Dynamics and Control (Oxford: Oxford University Press) p127
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[13] Zhang Q P, Zhong L, Gao S Y, Li X M 2018 IEEE Trans. Cybern. 48 3411
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[14] Salehi M, Sharma R, Marzolla M, Magnani M, Siyari P, Montesi D 2015 IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng. 2 65
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[15] Wang B H, Chen W S, Wang J C, Zhang B, Zhang Z Q, Qiu X G 2019 IEEE Trans. Cybern. 49 4308
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[16] 孙皓宸, 刘肖凡, 许小可, 吴晔 2020 物理学报 69 240201
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Sun H C, Liu X F, Xu X K, Wu Y 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 240201
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[17] Wang H, Zhang H F, Zhu P C, Ma C 2022 Chaos 32 083110
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[18] Wang W, Liu Q H, Cai S M, Tang M, Braunstein L A, Stanley H E 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 29259
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[20] Funk S, Gilad E, Watkins C, Jansen V A 2009 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106 6872
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[23] Fortunato S 2010 Phys. Rep. 486 75
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[24] 常振超, 陈鸿昶, 刘阳, 于洪涛, 黄瑞阳 2015 物理学报 64 218901
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Chang Z C, Chen H C, Liu Y, Yu H T, Huang R Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 218901
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[25] Huang H, Chen Y, Ma Y 2021 Appl. Math. Comput. 388 125536
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[27] Aleta A, Martín-Corral D, Pastore Y Piontti A, et al. 2020 Nat. Hum. Behav. 4 964
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[28] Metcalf C J E, Morris D H, Park S W 2020 Science 369 368
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[30] Mossong J, Hens N, Jit M, et al. 2008 PLOS Med. 5 e74
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