本文依据电磁监测试验卫星(CSES)的任务要求,自主设计研制了卫星载荷朗缪尔探针仪器,以实现对空间等离子体电子密度、电子温度等参数的测量,为探索大地震短临预测与预警新方法提供空间观测数据. 该朗缪尔探针的传感器采用优化的球形传感器,上半球是收集极,下半球是保护极,消除了其结构与支撑杆连接处的终端效应. 传感器表面采用了TiN镀层,保证了其耐原子氧剥蚀能力和均匀的表面功函数. 通过在意大利国家天体物理研究院行星际物理研究所(INAF-IAPS)的地面等离子体环境下的测试,验证了本文设计的朗缪尔探针载荷的可行性和正确性,能够实现电磁监测试验卫星的任务要求.China seismo-electromagnetic satellite (CSES) is launched to detect the electromagnetic environment in space for the study of seismic early warning. Langmuir probe is one of the payloads of the CSES satellite, and it is the first time that the Langmuir probe technique has been used in the Chinese satellite. The use of the Langmuir probe is to measure the space plasma parameters, such as electron density (Ne), electron temperature (Te), and to identify the instantaneous change of the space plasma. The Langmuir probe payload is composed of three parts, i.e., two sensors, two rods, and one electronics box. The sensor is installed at the top of the rod to extend out of the satellite surface, and is parallel to the direction of the satellite orbit. The electronics box is installed inside the satellite which includes the sweep voltage circuit, sensor signal circuit, DPU control and processing circuit, the satellite interface circuit, power supply circuit, etc. The sensor is spherical. Its upper hemisphere is a collecting electrode, and its lower hemisphere is a protective electrode. The same sweep voltage is applied to the upper hemisphere and the lower one which can eliminate the terminal effect of the connecting point between the traditional spherical structure and the rod. The diameters of the two sensors are respectively 50 and 10 mm, and the surface areas of the two sensors are respectively 1/2000 and 1/13000 times the satellite surface area. The stability of the satellite ground potential is not affected by the sweep voltages on the sensors. In addition, TiN material is coated on the sensor surface to ensure a uniform surface work function, and to prevent the space atomic oxygen erosion. The decontamination function is designed for the Langmuir probe to eliminate the possible pollution on the orbit. A positive 100 V voltage is applied to the sensor to accelerate electrons to bombard the sensor surface, thereby removing the contamination from the sensor surface. The advantage of the electron bombardment effect is that the TiN film is not damaged, meanwhile the positive 100 V voltage has high reliability and safety on orbit. The decontamination function has been proved to be effective by the test in Italy National Institute for Astrophysics-Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology (INAF-IAPS). The plasma environment calibration test of the Langmuir probe is carried out in INAF-IAPS. We measure the electron density and temperature at three different distances from the plasma source, and compare the results with the measured results of the INAF-IAPS reference Langmuir probe. Results show that the test data of our Langmuir probe are consistent with the INAF-IAPS reference data. Our Langmuir probe design is proved to be feasible to achieve the missions of the satellite.
- Langmuir probe /
- China seismoseismo-electromagnetic satellitesatellite /
- ionosphere plasma /
- seismic early warning
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[1] Shen X H, Wu Y, Shan X J 2007 Recent Dev. World Seismog. 8 38 (in Chinese) [申旭辉, 吴云, 单新建 2007 国际地震动态 8 38]
[2] Yang F, Shen X H, Wu Y 2008 Spacecraft Eng. 1 68 (in Chinese) [杨芳, 申旭辉, 吴云 2008 航天器工程 1 68]
[3] Lebreton J P, Stverak S, Travnicek P 2006 Planet. Space Sci. 54 472
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[9] Aroh B 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Logan: Utah State University)
[10] Szuszczewicz E P 1972 J. Appl. Phys. 3 874
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[12] Eriksson A I, Bostrom R, Gill R 2007 Space Sci. Rev. 128 729
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[14] Carsten W, Daniela S, Sonja T 2007 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 20 5529
[15] Lebreton J P 2011 EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 Nantes, France, October 2-7, 2011 p1428
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