We report a low loss photonic crystal slab waveguide formed by deforming the innermost holes on either side of a single line defect so that the circular air holes are changed to elliptical holes. The group velocity and group velocity dispersion of this waveguide depend strongly on the innermost elliptical air holes. We obtain the photonic bands and group index of guided modes in this kind of photonic crystal waveguide by guided mode expansion method and investigate the dependence of photonic bands and group index of guided modes in this photonic crystal waveguide on the parameter of the innermost elliptical air holes. For waveguides with the optimum innermost elliptical air holes, we achieved a wider single mode region below the light line, in which light can easily propagate without intrinsic loss. At the same time, this kind of waveguide has nearly constant group velocity and vanishing group velocity dispersion in a 3—5 nm bandwidth. These results will be applicable to design and fabricate photonic crystal slab waveguides with low group velocity, low dispersion and low loss characteristics.
- photonic crystal slab waveguide /
- group velocity /
- group index /
- group velocity dispersion
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[1] [1]Han S Z,Tian J, Feng S, Ren C, Li Z Y, Cheng B Y, Zhang D Z 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 5659(in Chinese) [韩守振、田洁、冯帅、 任承、 李志远、 程丙英、 张道中 2005 物理学报 54 5659]
[2] [2]Lu H, Tian H P, Li C H, Ji Y F 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2049 (in Chinese) [鲁辉、田慧平、李长红、纪越峰 2009 物理学报 58 2049]
[3] [3]Tang H X, Zuo Y H, Yu J Z, Wang Q M 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 288
[4] [4]Tang H X, Zuo Y H, Yu J Z, Wang Q M 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 2011
[5] [5]Yamada K, Morita H, Shinya A, Notomi M 2001 Opt. Commun. 198 395
[6] [6]SoljaDcˇiDc' M, Johnson S G, Fan S, Ibanescu M, Ippen E P, Joannopoulos J D 2002 Proc. SPIE 4870 248
[7] [7]Baba T, Mori D 2007 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 2659
[8] [8]Mulot M, Saynatjoki A, Arpiainen S, Lipsanen H, Ahopelto J 2007 J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Op. 9 s415
[9] [9]Petrov A, Eich M 2005 Proc. SPIE 6017 601708
[10] ]Shinya A, Notomi M, Kuramochi E 2003 Proc. SPIE 5000 125
[11] ]Frandsen L H, Lavrinenko A V, Fage-Pedersen J, Borel P I 2006 Opt. Express 14 9444
[12] ]Li J G, Huang Z R 2006 IEEE 19th LEOS Annual Confevence, Montreal, October 29—November 2, 2006 p827
[13] ]Andreani L C, Gerace D 2006 Phys. Rev. B 73 235114
[14] ]Andreani L C, Agio M 2002 IEEE J. Quantum Elect. 38 891
[15] ]Petrov A Y, Eich M 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 4866
[16] ]Shen H, Tian H, Ji Y 2009 Opt. Appl. 39 295
[17] ]Li J, White T P, O’Faolain L, Gomez-lglesias A, Krauss T F 2008 Opt. Express 16 6227
[18] ]Kubo S, Mori D, Baba T 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 2981
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