Optical solitons in gaseous atomic media display many striking features under electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). Study of theoretical model, which describes these features of optical solitons, has important meaning in optical informational process and propagation. Two-dimensional saturated nonlinear Schrdinger equation, which describes the spatial soliton evolution in the three-level gaseous atomic EIT media, is transformed into the Hamilton system with the symplectic structure. The Hamilton system is discretizated by the symplectic method. The corresponding symplectic scheme is obtained. Evolution behaviors of two and four spatial solitons with the same amplitude in a three-level, gaseous atomic EIT media are simulated by the symplectic scheme. Numerical results further show that the phase difference and the direction of the entering gauss beams have an obvious effect on the interaction of multi-solitons. The entering Gauss beam can form the stable optical solitons in a gaseous atomic media.
- two dimensional saturated nonlinear Schrdinger equation /
- symplectic method /
- spatial soliton /
- gaseous atomic EIT media
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[1] Vakhitov M G, Kolokolov A A 1973 Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Radiofiz. 16 1020 [Sov. J. Radiophys. Quantum Electron. 1973 16 783]
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[21] Ding P Z, Li Y X, Wu C X, Jin M X 1993 Journal of Jilin University: Sci. Ed. 4 75 (in Chinese) [丁培柱, 李延欣, 吴承埙, 金明星 1993 吉林大学自然科学学报 4 75]
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