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Crystal structures and optical properties of(Fe, Co)-codoped ZnO thin films

Zhang Li Xu Ming Yu Fei Yuan Huan Ma Tao


Crystal structures and optical properties of(Fe, Co)-codoped ZnO thin films

Zhang Li, Xu Ming, Yu Fei, Yuan Huan, Ma Tao
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  • The Fe, Co-codoped Zn0.9FexCo0.1-xO (x=0, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07) thin films are fabricated on the glass substrates by sol-gel method. The surface morphologies, crystal structures, elements and optical properties of the films are investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and photoluminescence (PL) spectrum. The XRD results reveal that all the ZnO films are of wurtzite structure. The diffraction peaks of the clusters, oxide or other impurity phase related to Fe and Co are not observed in the samples. This indicates that codoped is beneficial to the improvement on the dispersion of Fe or Co in ZnO. XPS results reveal that Co elements exist as Co2+, Fe elements exist as Fe2+ and Fe3+, but the increase of relative concentration of Fe leads to the increase of Fe3+ content. The ultraviolet emission peak and blue double emission are observed in the PL spectra of all the samples. Compared with the undoped ZnO film, the Co-codoped ZnO film has a blue shift of ultraviolet emission peak of Fe, the unchanged position of the blue double emission peak, and the weakened luminous intensity. Moreover, the green luminescence peak of the doped ZnO film almost disappears. Finally, the luminescence mechanisms of Fe, Co-codoped ZnO films are discussed by combining the microstructures and compositions of the samples.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Academic and Technical Leader Traning Fund of Sichuan Province (Grant No. 25727501), the Subject Construction Funds of Southwest University for Nationalities of China (Grant No. 2012XWD-S0805), and the Postgraduate Innovative Scientific Research Project of Southwest University for Nationalities, China (Grant No. CX2013SZ03).

    Wolf S A, Awschalom D D, Buhrman R, Daughton J M, Molnar S, Roukes M L, Chtchelkanova A Y, Treger D M 2001 Science 294 1488


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    Wu Y N, Xu M, Wu D C, Dong C J, Zhang P P, Ji H X, He L 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 077505 (in Chinese) [吴艳南, 徐 明, 吴定才, 董成军, 张佩佩, 纪红萱, 何林 2001 物理学报 60 077505]


    Wu Z H, Xu M, Duan W Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 117502 (in Chinese) [吴忠浩, 徐明, 段文倩 2012 物理学报 61 117502]


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    Shen Y B, Zhou X, Xu M, Ding Y C, Duan M Y, Linghu R F, Zhu W J 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3440 (in Chinese) [沈益斌, 周勋, 徐明, 丁迎春, 段满益, 令狐荣峰, 祝文军 2007 物理学报 56 3440]


    Lathiotakis N N, Andriotis A N, Menon M 2008 Phys. Rev. B 78 193311


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    Chen Z C, Zhuge L J, Wu X M, Meng Y D 2007 Thin Solid Films. 515 5462


    Cho Y M, Choo W K, Kim H, Kim D, Ihm Y E 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 3358


    Liu L Q, Xiang B, Zhang X Z, Zhang Y, Yu D P 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 063104


    Chen J J, Liu J J, West A, Yan Y F, Yu M H, Zhou W L 2008 Transactions on Magnetics 44 2681


    Wei X X, Song C, Geng K W, Zeng F, He B, Pan F 2006 J. Phys: Condens. Matter. 18 7471


    Wang X B, Song C, Li D M, Geng K W, Zeng F, Pan F 2006 Appl. Sur. Sci. 253 1639


    Karmakar D, Mandal S K, Kadam R M, Paulose P L, Pajarajan A K, Nath T K, Das A K, Dasgupta I, Das G P 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75 144404


    Xu P S, Sun Y M, Shi C S, Xu F Q, Pan H B 2001 Sci. Chin. Ser. A 31 358 (in Chinese) [徐彭寿, 孙玉明, 施朝淑, 徐法强, 潘海斌 2001 中国科学A辑 31 358]


    Wang K, Zhou Z W, Liu G M, Li Y X 2006 Journal of Functional Materials 6 867 (in Chinese) [王凯, 周祚万, 刘国梅, 李艳霞 2006 功能材料 6 867]


    Lin B X, Fu Z X, Jia Y B, Liao G H 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 2208 (in Chinese) [林碧霞, 傅竹西, 贾云波, 廖桂红 2001 物理学报 50 2208]

  • [1]

    Wolf S A, Awschalom D D, Buhrman R, Daughton J M, Molnar S, Roukes M L, Chtchelkanova A Y, Treger D M 2001 Science 294 1488


    Awschalom D D, Flatte M E 2007 Nature Phys. 3 153


    Navale S C, Gosavi S W, Mulla I S 2008 Talanta. 75 1315


    Zhang J, Wang S, Wang Y, Xu M, Xia H J, Zhang S, Huang W, Guo X Z, Wu S 2009 Sens. Actuators B 139 411


    Yang P D, Yan H Q, Mao S, Russo R, Johnson J, Saykally R, Morris N, Pham J, He R, Choi H J 2002 Adv. Funct. Mater. 12 323


    Wang X D, Zhou J, Song J H, Liu J, Xu N S, Wang Z L 2006 Nano Lett. 6 2768


    Law M, Greene L E, Johnson J C, Saykally R, Yang P 2005 Nat. Mater. 4 455


    Kumar R, Singh A P, Thakur P, Chae K H, Choi W K, Angadi B, Kaushik S D, Patnaik S 2008 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 155002


    Shan F K, Kim B I, Liu G X, Liu Z F, Sohn J Y, Lee W J, Shin B C, Yu Y S 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 4772


    Cui J B, Gibson U 2006 Phys. Rev. B 74 045416


    Wu Y N, Xu M, Wu D C, Dong C J, Zhang P P, Ji H X, He L 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 077505 (in Chinese) [吴艳南, 徐 明, 吴定才, 董成军, 张佩佩, 纪红萱, 何林 2001 物理学报 60 077505]


    Wu Z H, Xu M, Duan W Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 117502 (in Chinese) [吴忠浩, 徐明, 段文倩 2012 物理学报 61 117502]


    Li A X, Bi H, Liu Y M, Wu M Z 2008 Chin. J. Luminescence 29 289 (in Chinese) [李爱侠, 毕红, 刘艳美, 吴明在 2008 发光学报 29 289]


    Han S J, Song J W, Yang C H, Park S H, Park J H, Jeong Y H 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 4212


    Hu Z G, Duan Y M, Xu M, Zhou X, Chen Q Y, Dong C J, Linghu R F 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1166 (in Chinese) [胡志刚, 段满益, 徐明, 周勋, 陈青云, 董成军, 令狐荣峰 2009 物理学报 58 1166]


    Shen Y B, Zhou X, Xu M, Ding Y C, Duan M Y, Linghu R F, Zhu W J 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3440 (in Chinese) [沈益斌, 周勋, 徐明, 丁迎春, 段满益, 令狐荣峰, 祝文军 2007 物理学报 56 3440]


    Lathiotakis N N, Andriotis A N, Menon M 2008 Phys. Rev. B 78 193311


    Ueda K, Tabata H, Kawai T 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 988


    Wang C Z, Chen Z, He Y, Li L, Zhang D 2009 Appl. Sur. Sci. 255 6881


    Chen Z C, Zhuge L J, Wu X M, Meng Y D 2007 Thin Solid Films. 515 5462


    Cho Y M, Choo W K, Kim H, Kim D, Ihm Y E 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 3358


    Liu L Q, Xiang B, Zhang X Z, Zhang Y, Yu D P 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 063104


    Chen J J, Liu J J, West A, Yan Y F, Yu M H, Zhou W L 2008 Transactions on Magnetics 44 2681


    Wei X X, Song C, Geng K W, Zeng F, He B, Pan F 2006 J. Phys: Condens. Matter. 18 7471


    Wang X B, Song C, Li D M, Geng K W, Zeng F, Pan F 2006 Appl. Sur. Sci. 253 1639


    Karmakar D, Mandal S K, Kadam R M, Paulose P L, Pajarajan A K, Nath T K, Das A K, Dasgupta I, Das G P 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75 144404


    Xu P S, Sun Y M, Shi C S, Xu F Q, Pan H B 2001 Sci. Chin. Ser. A 31 358 (in Chinese) [徐彭寿, 孙玉明, 施朝淑, 徐法强, 潘海斌 2001 中国科学A辑 31 358]


    Wang K, Zhou Z W, Liu G M, Li Y X 2006 Journal of Functional Materials 6 867 (in Chinese) [王凯, 周祚万, 刘国梅, 李艳霞 2006 功能材料 6 867]


    Lin B X, Fu Z X, Jia Y B, Liao G H 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 2208 (in Chinese) [林碧霞, 傅竹西, 贾云波, 廖桂红 2001 物理学报 50 2208]

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  • Received Date:  18 July 2012
  • Accepted Date:  17 August 2012
  • Published Online:  05 January 2013

