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Euler-Lagrange equation for general n-order character functional and unification of quantitative causal principle, principle of relativity and general Newton’s laws

Zhang Xin-You L. J. Li Huang Y. C.


Euler-Lagrange equation for general n-order character functional and unification of quantitative causal principle, principle of relativity and general Newton’s laws

Zhang Xin-You, L. J. Li, Huang Y. C.
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  • This paper gives a general n-order character functional, and uses the quantitative causal principle to derive the general variational principle; furthermore the Euler-Lagrange equation and conservative quantities for a general n-order character functional are derived, and the link between the principle of relativity and the quantitative causal principle is revealed. Newton's first, second, and third laws are then derived, but the third laws is also regarded as a new law: it is a theorem that force is zero in translational invariance, and its general physical meaning in classic mechanics is revealed. The results obtained have been successful applied to the galaxy gravitational potential correction, molecular potential, quark confinement potential, etc., and the results are consistent with the physical experiments.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11275017, 11173028).

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    Ding G T 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3620(in Chinese) [丁光涛 2009 物理学报 58 3620]


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    Fetter A L, Walecka J D 1980 Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua (New York: McGraw-Hill, International series in pure and applied physics)


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    Huang Y C, Jiang Y G, Lee X G 2007 Science in China G 50 339


    Zou P C, Huang Y C 2012 Physics Letters A 376 3575


    Peng Q H 1979 Chinese Science 3 274


    Tong Y 1981 Astronomical Journal 22 285


    Zheng X T, Tong Y 1984 Astronomical Journal 25 285


    Liao L, Huang Y C 2007 Physical Review D 75 025025


    Eichten E, Gottfried K, Kinoshita T, Lane K D, Yan T M 1980 Phys. Rev. D 21 203


    Liao L, Huang Y C 2007 Annals of Physics 322 2469


    Huang Y C, Yu C X 2007 Physical Review D 75 044011


    Yu C X, Huang Y C 2007 Physics Letters B 647 49


    Zhu Z, Yu H R 1997 Molecular structure and molecular potential energy function (Beijing: Science Press)


    Huang Y C, Huo Q H 2008 Physics Letters B 662 290


    Huang Y C, Yang J L 2008 Physics Letters B 668 438


    Huang Y C, Yi L X 2010 Annals of Physics 325 2140


    Zhou B H, Huang Y C 2011 Physical Review D 84 047701


    Zhou B H, Huang Y C 2011 Physical Review A 84 032505


    Zhang Z L, Huang Y C 2014 Annals of Physics 342 143


    Zhang M L, Sun X T, Wang X X 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 110202


    Jia L Q, Zhang M L, Wang X X 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 070204


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  • Received Date:  13 March 2014
  • Accepted Date:  27 May 2014
  • Published Online:  05 October 2014

