Laser-induced damage of fused silica optics at 351 nm is a key factor limiting the output energy of high-power laser facility, especially the damage growth process. A comprehensive understanding of its damage growth behavior is of critical importance for high-power laser facility. Thus we study the laser-induced damage growth on the exit surface of fused silica under the subsequent illumination of 5 ns square pulses at 351 nm on a large-aperture high-power laser facility. Experiment is conducted with a 36 cm thick UV grade fused silica focus lens in clean atmosphere and at room temperature. 56 laser shots of 3 fluence in a range from 0.1 J/cm2 to 8.1 J/cm2 are fired during the experiment. And the damage initiation process and growth process are monitored and recorded with an online optics damage inspection instrument which has an optical resolution of about 50 m. Experimental results demonstrate that the sizes of exit-surface damage sites exponentially or linearly grow with laser shots and the damage growth rate increases with laser fluence. However, it is found that even under the same laser conditions the damage grow rate is not a fixed value, which means that besides the laser fluence other parameters also influence the damage grow process. In order to highlight some tendencies, we consider the single-shot damage growth rate and calculate the average of inside fluence bins. Statistical analysis shows that smaller sites tend to grow with larger growth rates than larger sites under the irradiation of the same laser fluence. This result indicates that damage growth rate is influenced by both laser fluence and damage site size. It suggests that the damage growth rule needs to be incorporated into a size-dependent growth effect. The result that higher growth rates are obtained for small damage sites may be related to the damage growth mechanism of fused silica. Damage crater of fused silica consists of a central core and numerous surrounding cracks. The defects in the central core absorb laser energy and yield plasma, then the plasma pressure will open the cracks on the periphery of the crater and lead to lateral and axial expansion of cracks which can be identified as damage growth. The fact that smaller sites grow faster than larger sites implies that smaller sites more efficiently couple laser energy into fracture energy. Our results have important implications for both the prediction of fused silica optics lifetime and the fundamental understanding of laser damage mechanism.
- laser-induced damage /
- damage growth /
- fused silica /
- surface
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[20] Lamaignère L, Dupuy G, Bourgeade A, Benoist A, Roques A, Courchinoux R 2014 Appl. Phys. B 114 517
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[26] Carr C W, Matthews M J, Bude J D, Spaeth M L 2007 Proc. SPIE 6403 64030K
[1] Bercegol H, Boscheron A, Di-Nicola J M, Journot E, Lamaignère L, Něauport J, Razě G 2008 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 112 032013
[2] Chambonneau M, Grua P, Rullier J L, Natoli J Y, Lamaignère L 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 117 103101
[3] Bertussi B, Cormont P, Palmier S, Legros P, Rullier J L 2009 Opt. Express 17 11469
[4] Wong J, Ferriera J L, Lindsey E F, Haupt D L, Hutcheon I D, Kinney J H 2006 J. Non-cryst. Solids 352 255
[5] Norton M A, Hrubesh L W, Wu Z, Donohue E E, Feit M D, Kozlowski M R, Milam D, Neeb K P, Molander W A, Rubenchik A M, Sell W D, Wegner P 2001 Proc. SPIE 4347 468
[6] Razě G, Morchain J M, Loiseau M, Lamaignere L, Josse M A, Bercegol H 2003 Proc. SPIE 4932 127
[7] Norton M A, Donohue E E, Hollingsworth W G, McElroy J N, Hackel R P 2004 Proc. SPIE 5273 236
[8] Norton M A, Donohue E E, Feit M D, Hackel R P, Hollingsworth W G, Rubenchik A M, Spaeth M L 2005 Proc. SPIE 5991 599108
[9] Norton M A, Donohue E E, Feit M D, Hackel R P, Hollingsworth W G, Rubenchik A M, Spaeth M L 2007 Proc. SPIE 6403 64030L
[10] Norton M A, Carr A V, Carr C W, Donohue E E, Feit M D, Hollingsworth W G, Liao Z, Negres R A, Rubenchik A M, Wegner P 2008 Proc. SPIE 7132 71321H
[11] Negres R A, Norton M A, Cross D A, Carr C W 2010 Opt. Express 18 19966
[12] Lamaignère L, Reyné S, Loiseau M, Poncetta J C, Bercegol H 2007 Proc. SPIE 6720 67200F
[13] Raman R N, Demos S G, Shen N, Feigenbaum E, Negres R A, Elhadj S, Rubenchik A M, Matthews M J 2016 Opt. Express 24 2634
[14] Laurence T A, Bude J D, Shen N, Feldman T, Miller P E, Steele W A, Suratwala T I 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 151114
[15] Demos S G, Negres R A, Raman R N, Shen N, Rubenchik A M, Matthews M J 2016 Opt. Express 24 7792
[16] Suratwala T I, Miller P E, Bude J D, Steele W A, Shen N, Monticelli M V, Feit M D, Laurence T A, Norton M A, Carr C W, Wong L L 2011 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94 416
[17] Ye X, Huang J, Liu H J, Geng F, Sun L X, Jiang X D, Wu W D, Qiao L, Zu X T, Zheng W G 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 31111
[18] Negres R A, Abdulla G M, Cross D A, Liao Z M, Carr C W 2012 Opt. Express 20 13030
[19] Negres R A, Liao Z M, Abdulla G M, Cross D A, Norton M A, Carr C W 2011 Appl. Opt. 50 D12
[20] Lamaignère L, Dupuy G, Bourgeade A, Benoist A, Roques A, Courchinoux R 2014 Appl. Phys. B 114 517
[21] Negres R A, Cross D A, Liao Z M, Mattews M J, Carr C W 2014 Opt. Express 22 3824
[22] Lamaignère L, Dupuy G, Donval T, Grua P, Bercegol H 2011 Appl. Opt. 50 441
[23] Han W, Huang W W, Wang F, Li K Y, Feng B, Li F Q, Jing F, Zheng W G 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 106105
[24] Liao Z M, Abdulla G M, Negres R A, Cross D A, Carr C W 2012 Opt. Express 20 15569
[25] Liao Z M, Raymond B, Gaylord J, Fallejo R, Bude J, Wegner P 2014 Opt. Express 22 28845
[26] Carr C W, Matthews M J, Bude J D, Spaeth M L 2007 Proc. SPIE 6403 64030K
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