As a key approach to understanding complex systems (e.g. biological, physical, technological and social systems), the complex networks are ubiquitous in the whole world. Synchronization in complex networks is significant for a more in-depth understanding of the dynamic characteristics of the networks, where tremendous efforts have been devoted to their mechanism and applications in the last two decades. However, many real-world networks consist of hundreds of millions of nodes. Studying the synchronization of such large-scale complex networks often requires solving a huge number of coupled differential equations, which brings great difficulties to both computation and simulation. Recently, a spectral coarse graining approach was proposed to reduce the large-scale network into a smaller one while maintaining the synchronizability of the original network. The absolute distance between the eigenvector components corresponding to the minimum non-zero eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix is used as a criterion for classifying the nodes without considering the influence of the relative distance between eigenvector components in an original spectral coarse graining method. By analyzing the mechanism of the spectral coarse graining procedure in preserving the synchronizability of complex networks, we prove that the ability of spectral coarse graining to preserve the network synchronizability is related to the relative distance of the eigenvector components corresponding to the merged nodes. Therefore, the original spectral coarse graining algorithm is not satisfactory enough in node clustering. In this paper, we propose an improved spectral coarse graining algorithm based on the relative distance between eigenvector components, in which we consider the relative distance between the components of eigenvectors for the eigenvalues of network coupling matrix while clustering the same or similar nodes in the network, thereby improving the clustering accuracy and maintaining the better synchronizability of the original network. Finally, numerical experiments on networks of ER random, BA scale-free, WS small-world and 27 different types of real-world networks are provided to demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the coarse graining effect of the network compared with the original algorithm. Furthermore, it is found that the networks with obvious clustering structure such as internet, biological, social and cooperative networks have better ability to maintain synchronization after reducing scale by spectral coarse-grained algorithm than the networks of fuzzy clustering structure such as power and chemical networks.
- complex network /
- synchronizability /
- spectral coarse graining /
- relative distance
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表 1 分别采用ISCG和ISCGR算法对实际网络约简后
${\lambda _2}$ 的保持情况统计表Table 1. The Statistics table of maintaining
${\lambda _2}$ obtained by using ISCG and ISCGR algorithms for some real-world networks in coarse graining network.种类 网络 节点 边 文献 Δλ2 (30%N) Δλ2 (20%N) Δλ2 (10%N) Δλ2 (2%N) ISCG ISCGR ISCG ISCGR ISCG ISCGR ISCG ISCGR 化学 DD_g1 327 899 [27] 2.06% 1.77% 7.66% 7.17% 34.90% 23.46% 187% 173% DD_g1046 707 1646 [27] 1.40% 1.31% 7.27% 6.62% 42.92% 17.81% 191% 94% 合作 netscience 379 914 [27] 0.13% 0.13% 1.05% 1.05% 5.79% 5.46% 49.74% 39.41% ca-GrQc 4158 13422 [27] 0 0 0 0 0.03% 0.03% 0.34% 0.20% 社交 ia-infect-dublin 410 2765 [27] 0.91% 0.95% 3.59% 2.46% 13.47% 14.37% 104% 51% moreno_crime 829 1473 [28] 0.01% 0.01% 0.39% 0.24% 3.02% 2.32% 13.34% 13.05% socfb-Sim81 1518 32988 [28] 0 0 0 0 0 0 23.65% 11.82% ia-email-univ 1133 5451 [27] 0 0 0 0 0.07% 0.06% 0.26% 0.16% 电力 东北电网 58 70 [29] 8.14% 5.78% 24.36% 18.63% 54.65% 54.65% — — IEEE162 162 280 [29] 2.35% 2.10% 16.94% 8.68% 27.70% 25.65% 113% 113% IEEE145 145 422 [29] 0.85% 0.80% 4.14% 3.16% 17.85% 14.22% 240% 230% 生物 diseasome 516 1188 [27] 0.22% 0.11% 0.79% 0.67% 2.58% 2.02% 33.45% 15.82% 互联网 Route views 6474 12572 [28] 0 0 0 0 0.07% 0.07% 1.07% 0.57% Wiki-vote 889 2914 [27] 0.02% 0.01% 0.07% 0.05% 0.17% 0.17% 0.61% 0.49% 技术 bibd_12_4 495 2951 [27] 0.02% 0.01% 0.20% 0.06% 0.80% 0.41% 29.02% 19.73% G1 800 19176 [27] 0 0 0 0 0.27% 0.19% 0.56% 0.55% GD00_c 638 1020 [27] 0.02% 0.02% 0.27% 0.27% 1.50% 1.15% 4.29% 2.75% dwt_1005 1005 3808 [27] 2.17% 0.49% 4.25% 1.61% 23.93% 10.83% 129% 92% dwt_503 503 2762 [27] 4.94% 3.68% 9.33% 6.18% 44.00% 21.32% 138% 117% 数学 130bit 584 6058 [27] 0.01% 0 0.02% 0.01% 0.68% 0.36% 1.51% 1.15% ash608 608 1212 [27] 0.74% 0.40% 6.95% 1.10% 18.29% 13.73% 51.99% 30.57% bibd_12_5 792 7860 [27] 0.02% 0 0.07% 0.03% 0.35% 0.11% 25.14% 5.84% jagmesh3 1089 3136 [27] 0.31% 0.10% 1.44% 1.13% 16.86% 9.25% 192% 127% frb45-21-1 945 386854 [27] 0.03‱ 0 0.23‱ 0.04‱ 0.51‱ 0.28‱ 1.39‱ 1.34‱ kneser_6_2_1 676 2017 [27] 0.03% 0.01% 0.16% 0.13% 1.83% 0.44% 81% 30% EX1 560 4368 [27] 0 0 0.03% 0.03% 3.08% 0.41% 123% 26% 随机 G43 1000 9990 [27] 0 0 0.01% 0 0.13% 0.11% 0.95% 0.50% -
[1] Watts D J 2004 Annu. Rev. Sociol. 30 243
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Zhu T X, Wu Y, Xiao J H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 040502
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[29] 罗筱如 2012 硕士学位论文 (重庆: 西南大学)
Luo X R 2012 M.S. Thesis (Chongqing:Southwest University) (in Chinese)
[30] Ai J, Zhao H, Kathleen M C, Su Z, Li H 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 078902
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[31] Ravasz E, Somera A L, Mongru D A, Oltvai Z N, Barabási A L 2002 Science 297 1551
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