With the development of power electronic technology and requirement for clean energy, the traditional power systems which are dominated by synchronous generators are gradually changing into the power-electronic-based power systems with diversified power electronic equipment. The power systems are facing a great revolution in their primary equipment, and this has not happened in the past one hundred years. In recent years, with great increasing penetration of power electronic devices into power grids, the large-scale blackouts caused by power electronic devices have been reported, which seriously threatens the safe and stable operation of power systems. Under the above background, in this paper we first introduce several methods of analyzing the traditional power system transient stability from the equal area criterion for the single machine infinite bus system to several Lyapunov function based direct methods for multi-machine systems. Then we introduce some of our recent work on the nonlinear modeling and analysis of a key component of power-electronic-based power systems, voltage source converter (VSC), and propose a multiple machine system model including power electronic equipment and traditional synchronous machines. Finally, we illustrate the transient characteristics of the power electronic devices, and summarize the basic problems and challenges for the transient stability of power-electronic-based power systems. We hope that these basic problems in power-electronic-based power system dynamics including nonlinearity, multi-time-scale, and complexity could arouse the general interest of researchers in the fields of complex systems and statistical mechanics.
- power-electronic-based power system dynamics /
- transient stability analysis /
- grid-connected converter /
- complex system dynamics
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[7] Kundur P, Balu N J, Lauby M G 1994 Power System Stability and Control (Vol. 1) (New York: McGraw-hill) p827
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Liu S, Chen C 2014 Energy Function Analysis of Power Aystem Transient Atability: Network Structure Maintenance Model (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Science Press) p75 (in Chinese)
[11] Chiang H D 2010 Direct Methods for Stability Analysis of Electric Power Systems (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Science Press) p60
[12] Kakimoto N, Ohsawa Y, Hayashi M 1978 Trans. IEE of Japan 98 62
[13] Llamas A, Lopez J, Mili L, Phadke A, Thorp J 1995 IEEE Trans. Power Syst 10 210
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[15] Kalcon G O, Adam G P, Anaya-Lara O, Lo S, Uhlen K 2012 IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 27 1818
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[18] Rygg A, Molinas M, Zhang C, Cai X 2016 IEEE J. Emerging Sel. Top. Power Electron. 4 1383
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[20] Yuan H, Yuan X, Hu J 2017 IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 32 3981
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[21] Yang Z, Mei C, Chen S, Zhan M 2020 IEEE J. Emerging Sel. Top. Power Electron. (in press)
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[22] Kabalan M, Singh P, Niebur D 2016 IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 8 2287
[23] Wu H, Wang X 2018 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 66 6473
[24] Huang L, Xin H, Wang Z, Zhang L, Wu K, Hu J 2017 IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 10 578
[25] Huang M, Wong S C, Chi K T, Ruan X 2012 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers 60 1062
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[31] Gautam D, Vittal V, Harbour T 2009 IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 24 1426
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[33] 李明节, 于钊, 许涛, 贺静波, 王超, 谢小荣, 刘纯 2017 电网技术 41 1035
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Li M J, Yu Z, Xu T, He J B, Wang C, Xie X X, Liu C 2017 Proceedings of the CSEE 41 1035
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[43] Ma J, Sun Y, Yuan X, Kurths J, Zhan M 2016 PLoS ONE 11 e0165943
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[44] Sun Y, Kurths J, and Zhan M 2017 CHAOS 27 083116
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[45] Y Sun, J Ma, J Kurths, M Zhan 2018 Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 474 20170733
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[46] M He, W He, J Hu, X Yuan, M Zhan 2019 Nonlinear Dynamics 95 1965
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[47] Q Yue, J Yu, Zhan M 2019 IET RPG 2019 International Conference on Renewable Power Generation Shanghai, China, October 24–25, 2019 p294
[48] Qiu Q, Ma R, Kurths J, Zhan M 2020 Chaos 30 013110
Google Scholar
[49] Yang Z Q, Ma R, Chen S, Zhan M 2020 IEEE J. Emerging. Sel. Top. Power Electron. (in press)
Google Scholar
[50] Ma R, Yang Z, Cheng S, Zhan M 2020 Sustained Oscillations and Bifurcations in Three-phase VSC Tied to AC Gird (submitted) IET Renewable Power Generation
[51] Strogatz S H 2018 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: with Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering (Vol. 2) (Boulder: Westview Press) p241
[52] Kuehn C 2015 Multiple Time Scale Dynamics (Vol. 1) (Berlin: Springer International Publishing) p53
图 4 (a) 简单系统在故障前、故障中、故障后的三条不同功率特性曲线; (b) 暂态稳定(红色曲线)和临界稳定(蓝色曲线)情况下的功角的时域波形[9]
Figure 4. (a) Power-angle relationships for three different states of before-fault (
$ P_{\rm {I}} $ ), during-fault ($ P_{\rm {II}} $ ), and post-fault ($ P_{\rm {III}} $ ); (b) time-domain responses of the power angle when the system are stable (red curve) and critical stable (blue curve), respectively[9]图 8 参数
$ U_{\rm {g}} $ 变化时的分岔图(包含亚临界霍普夫分岔和广义鞍结点分岔). 小图中显示$ U_{\rm {g}} $ 减小时经过霍普夫分岔点的特征根轨迹Figure 8. Bifurcation diagram with the variation of
$ U_{\rm {g}} $ including a sub-critical Hopf bifurcation and a generalized saddle-node bifurcation. The sub-figure shows the eigenvalue traces when$ U_{\rm {g}} $ decreases and passes through the Hopf bifurcation point表 1 电力电子化系统与传统电力系统暂态问题初步比较
Table 1. Comparison of transient problems between Power-electronic-based power systems and traditional power systems
复杂性 时间尺度 系统阶数 传统电力系统 非线性项较少且单一 机电与电磁时间尺度较好分离 同步机二阶模型 电力电子化电力系统 非线性项分布广泛且复杂 多时间尺度间强耦合 装备多样化且高阶 -
[1] 周孝信, 陈树勇, 鲁宗相, 黄彦浩, 马士聪, 赵强 2018 电机工程学报 38 1893
Google Scholar
Zhou X X, Chen S Y, Lu Z X, Huang Y H, Ma S C 2018 Proceedings of the CSEE 38 1893
Google Scholar
[2] 袁小明, 程时杰, 胡家兵 2016 电机工程学报 36 5145
Google Scholar
Yuan X M, Cheng S J, Hu J B 2016 Proceedings of the CSEE 36 5145
Google Scholar
[3] 胡家兵, 袁小明, 程时杰 2019 电机工程学报 39 5457
Google Scholar
Hu J B, Yuan X M, Cheng S J 2019 Proceedings of the CSEE 39 5457
Google Scholar
[4] Biaabjerg F, Ma K 2013 IEEE J. Emerging Sel. Top. Power Electron. 1 139
Google Scholar
[5] Biaabjerg F, Teodorescu R, Liserre M, Timbus A V 2006 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 53 1398
[6] National Grid ESO LFDD 09/08/2019 Incident Report https://www.nationalgrideso.com/document/152346/download [2019-11-10]
[7] Kundur P, Balu N J, Lauby M G 1994 Power System Stability and Control (Vol. 1) (New York: McGraw-hill) p827
[8] Anderson P M, Fouad A A 2002 Power System Control and Stability (Vol. 2) (Boloken: John Wiley & Sons) p13
[9] 傅书逷, 倪以信, 薛禹胜 1999 直接法稳定分析(北京: 中国电力出版社) 第25页
Fu S T, Ni Y Y, Xue Y S 1999 Direct Method Stability Analysis (Vol. 1) (Beijing: China Electric Power Press) p25 (in Chinese)
[10] 刘笙, 陈陈 2014 电力系统暂态稳定的能量函数分析: 网络结构保持模型(北京: 科学出版社) 第75页
Liu S, Chen C 2014 Energy Function Analysis of Power Aystem Transient Atability: Network Structure Maintenance Model (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Science Press) p75 (in Chinese)
[11] Chiang H D 2010 Direct Methods for Stability Analysis of Electric Power Systems (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Science Press) p60
[12] Kakimoto N, Ohsawa Y, Hayashi M 1978 Trans. IEE of Japan 98 62
[13] Llamas A, Lopez J, Mili L, Phadke A, Thorp J 1995 IEEE Trans. Power Syst 10 210
[14] Xue Y, Cutsem T V, Ribbens-Pavella V 1988 IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 3 400
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[15] Kalcon G O, Adam G P, Anaya-Lara O, Lo S, Uhlen K 2012 IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 27 1818
[16] Harnefors L, Bongiorno M, Lundberg S 2007 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 54 3323
Google Scholar
[17] Sun J 2011 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 26 3075
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[18] Rygg A, Molinas M, Zhang C, Cai X 2016 IEEE J. Emerging Sel. Top. Power Electron. 4 1383
Google Scholar
[19] Huang Y, Yuan X, Hu J, Zhou P 2015 IEEE J. Emerging Sel. Top. Power Electron. 3 1193
Google Scholar
[20] Yuan H, Yuan X, Hu J 2017 IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 32 3981
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[21] Yang Z, Mei C, Chen S, Zhan M 2020 IEEE J. Emerging Sel. Top. Power Electron. (in press)
Google Scholar
[22] Kabalan M, Singh P, Niebur D 2016 IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 8 2287
[23] Wu H, Wang X 2018 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 66 6473
[24] Huang L, Xin H, Wang Z, Zhang L, Wu K, Hu J 2017 IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 10 578
[25] Huang M, Wong S C, Chi K T, Ruan X 2012 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers 60 1062
[26] Huang M, Peng Y, Chi K T, Liu Y, Sun J, Zha X 2017 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 32 8868
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[27] Zhang C, Cai X, Li Z, Rygg A, Molinas M 2017 IET Power Electron. 10 894
Google Scholar
[28] Sun J, Wang G, Du X, Wang H 2018 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 34 3025
[29] Ying J, Yuan X X, Hu J B 2017 IEEE Trans. Energy Convers. 32 1502
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[30] Vittal E, O’Malley M, Keane A 2010 IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 25 433
[31] Gautam D, Vittal V, Harbour T 2009 IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 24 1426
[32] Hu Q, Fu L, Ma F, Ji F 2019 IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 34 3220
Google Scholar
[33] 李明节, 于钊, 许涛, 贺静波, 王超, 谢小荣, 刘纯 2017 电网技术 41 1035
Google Scholar
Li M J, Yu Z, Xu T, He J B, Wang C, Xie X X, Liu C 2017 Proceedings of the CSEE 41 1035
Google Scholar
[34] Menck P J, Heitzig J, Kurths J, Schellnhuber H J 2014 Nat.Commun. 5 3969
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[35] Schultz P, Heitzig J, Kurths J 2014 New J.Phys. 16 125001
Google Scholar
[36] Rohden M, Sorge A, Timme M, Witthaut D 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 064101
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[37] Schafer B, Witthaut D, Timme M, Latora V 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 1975
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[38] Motter A E, Myers S A, Anghel M, Nishikawa T 2013 Nat. Phys. 9 191
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[39] Yang Y, Nishikawa T, Motter A E 2017 Science 358 3184
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[40] Dorfler F, Chertkov M, Bullo F 2013 PNAS 110 2005
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[41] Grob D, Arghir C, Dorfler F 2018 Automatica 90 248
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[42] Carareto R, Baptista M S, Grebogi C 2013 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 18 1035
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[43] Ma J, Sun Y, Yuan X, Kurths J, Zhan M 2016 PLoS ONE 11 e0165943
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[44] Sun Y, Kurths J, and Zhan M 2017 CHAOS 27 083116
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[45] Y Sun, J Ma, J Kurths, M Zhan 2018 Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 474 20170733
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[46] M He, W He, J Hu, X Yuan, M Zhan 2019 Nonlinear Dynamics 95 1965
Google Scholar
[47] Q Yue, J Yu, Zhan M 2019 IET RPG 2019 International Conference on Renewable Power Generation Shanghai, China, October 24–25, 2019 p294
[48] Qiu Q, Ma R, Kurths J, Zhan M 2020 Chaos 30 013110
Google Scholar
[49] Yang Z Q, Ma R, Chen S, Zhan M 2020 IEEE J. Emerging. Sel. Top. Power Electron. (in press)
Google Scholar
[50] Ma R, Yang Z, Cheng S, Zhan M 2020 Sustained Oscillations and Bifurcations in Three-phase VSC Tied to AC Gird (submitted) IET Renewable Power Generation
[51] Strogatz S H 2018 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: with Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering (Vol. 2) (Boulder: Westview Press) p241
[52] Kuehn C 2015 Multiple Time Scale Dynamics (Vol. 1) (Berlin: Springer International Publishing) p53
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