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Influence of mesoporous size and structure on heat transport characteristics of mixed nitrate

He Zhuo-Ya Yang Qi-Rong Li Zhao-Ying Mao Rui Wang Li-Wei Yan Chen-Xuan


Influence of mesoporous size and structure on heat transport characteristics of mixed nitrate

He Zhuo-Ya, Yang Qi-Rong, Li Zhao-Ying, Mao Rui, Wang Li-Wei, Yan Chen-Xuan
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  • Molecular dynamics method is used to simulate the influence of the mesopore size and structure on the heat transport characteristics of the mixed nitrate. The Material Studio software is used to establish the mixed nitrate models of different scales and two structures, and the NaNO3-KNO3 models of different proportions that reach the eutectic state. By calculating the models and sorting out the calculation results, the phase transition of mixed nitrates on a nanometer scale is calculated and the micro-mechanism of heat transport characteristics is analyzed. The results show that the phase transition temperature of the solar salt first increases and then decreases with the increase of the nanopore size, and finally is consistent with the melting point on a macro scale. The proportion of cations has a great influence on the phase transition temperature of mixed nitrate, and the nanowire structures also change the phase transition temperature of nitrate. The bulk thermal expansion coefficient of nitrate decreases with the increase of mesoporous size, increases with the increase of NaNO3 content, and changes with the mesoporous structure. The enhancement of the interaction between ions will increase the thermal conductivity, but it will not have much effect on the specific heat capacity at a constant pressure.
      Corresponding author: Yang Qi-Rong,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51701102)

    Kannan N, Vakeesan D 2016 Renew. Sust. Energy Rev. 62 1092Google Scholar


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    冯妍卉, 冯黛丽, 张欣欣 2019 介孔复合材料的相变及热输运特性 (北京: 科学出版社) 第5−138页

    Feng Y H, Feng D L, Zhang X X 2019 Phase Transition and Thermal Transport Properties of Mesoporous Composite (Beijing: Science Press) pp5−138 (in Chinese)


    袁思伟, 冯妍卉, 王鑫, 张欣欣 2014 物理学报 63 014402Google Scholar

    Yuan S Y, Feng Y H, Wang X, Zhang X X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 014402Google Scholar


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    赵亚溥 2012 表面与界面物理力学 (北京: 科学出版社) 第212−220页

    Zhao Y P 2012 Physical Mechanics of Surfaces and Interfaces (Beijing: Science Press) pp212−220 (in Chinese)


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    冯黛丽, 冯妍卉, 张欣欣 2013 物理学报 62 083602Google Scholar

    Feng D L, Feng Y H, Zhang X X 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 083602Google Scholar


    Asegun H, Chen G 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 235502Google Scholar


    黄丛亮, 冯黛丽, 张欣欣, 李静, 王戈, 侴爱辉 2013 物理学报 62 026501Google Scholar

    Huang C L, Feng Y H, Zhang X X, Li J, Wang G, Chou A H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 026501Google Scholar


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    姜小宝 2013 博士学位论文 (长春: 吉林大学)

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    Sememchenko V K 1961 Surface Phenomena in Metals and Alloys (Oxford Pergamon) pp2−81


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    Kenisarin M 2010 Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 14 955Google Scholar


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    王长宝 2013 硕士学位论文 (北京: 北京工业大学)

    Wang C B 2013 M. S. Thesis (Beijing: Beijing University of Technology) (in Chinese)

  • 图 1  NaNO3和KNO3的单晶胞

    Figure 1.  NaNO3 and KNO3 single crystal cells.

    图 2  混合硝酸盐模型 (a) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 4∶6混合硝酸盐; (b) w (NaNO3) ∶w (KNO3) = 5∶5混合硝酸盐; (c) w (NaNO3) ∶w (KNO3) = 9∶1混合硝酸盐; (d) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 6∶4太阳盐; (e) w(NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 6∶4异结构太阳盐

    Figure 2.  Mixed nitrate model: (a) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 4∶6 mixed nitrate; (b) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 5∶5 mixed nitrate; (c) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 9∶1 mixed nitrate; (d) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 6∶4 solar salt; (e) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 6∶4 heterogeneous solar salts.

    图 3  不同温度下离子之间的径向分布函数 (a) w(K+)-w(Na+); (b) w(K+)-w(N); (c) w(Na+)-w(N)

    Figure 3.  Radial distribution function of ions at different temperatures: (a) w(K+)-w(Na+); (b) w(K+)-w(N); (c) w(Na+)-w(N).

    图 4  不同尺度下离子之间的径向分布函数和相互作用能 (a) n(K+)-n(Na+); (b) n(K+)-n(N); (c) n(Na+)-n(N); (d)相互作用能

    Figure 4.  Radial distribution function and interaction energy of ions at different scales: (a) n(K+)-n(Na+); (b) n(K+)-n(N); (c) n(Na+)-n(N); (d) interaction energy.

    图 5  不同比例下离子之间的径向分布函数和相互作用能(w(NaNO3):w(KNO3)) (a) w(K+)-w(Na+); (b) w(K+)-w(N); (c) w(Na+)-w(N); (d)相互作用能

    Figure 5.  Radial distribution function and interaction energy of ions at different proportions (w(NaNO3):w(KNO3)): (a) w(K+)-w(Na+); (b) w(K+)-w(N); (c) w(Na+)-w(N); (d) interaction energy.

    图 6  两种结构下离子之间的径向分布函数和相互作用能 (a) n(K+)-n(Na+); (b) n(K+)-n(N); (c) n(Na+)-n(N); (d)相互作用能

    Figure 6.  Radial distribution function and interaction energy of ions at two structures: (a) n(K+)-n(Na+); (b) n(K+)-n(N); (c) n(Na+)-n(N); (d) interaction energy.

    图 7  离子数为2760的太阳盐的均方位移和自扩散系数 (a)均方位移; (b)自扩散系数

    Figure 7.  Mean square displacement and self diffusion coefficient of solar salt with ion number of 2760: (a) Mean square displacement; (b) self diffusion coefficient.

    图 8  不同尺度下太阳盐的体热膨胀系数和体积 (a)体热膨胀系数; (b)体积

    Figure 8.  Thermal expansion coefficient and volume of solar salts at different scales: (a) Thermal expansion coefficient; (b) volume.

    图 9  不同比例下太阳盐的体热膨胀系数和体积(w(Na+)∶w(K+)) (a)体热膨胀系数; (b)体积

    Figure 9.  Thermal expansion coefficient and volume of solar salts at different proportions (w(Na+)∶w(K+)): (a) Thermal expansion coefficient; (b) volume.

    图 10  两种结构下太阳盐的体热膨胀系数和体积 (a)体热膨胀系数; (b)体积

    Figure 10.  Thermal expansion coefficient and volume of solar salts at two structures: (a) Thermal expansion coefficient; (b) volume.

    图 11  不同尺度下太阳盐导热率

    Figure 11.  Thermal conductivity of solar salts at different scales.

    图 12  不同比例下混合硝酸盐导热率

    Figure 12.  Thermal conductivity of mixed nitrates at different ratios.

    图 13  不同尺度下太阳盐定压比热容

    Figure 13.  Fixed-pressure specific heat capacity of solar salts at different scales.

    图 14  不同比例(w(Na+)∶w(K+))下混合硝酸盐定压比热容

    Figure 14.  Fixed-pressure specific heat capacity of mixed nitrate at different ratios (w(Na+)∶w(K+)).

    表 1  太阳盐($w({\rm NaNO_3}): w({\rm KNO_3}) = 6:4$)中NaNO3和KNO3的离子数

    Table 1.  Ion numbers of NaNO3 and KNO3 in solar salts ($w({\rm NaNO_3}): w({\rm KNO_3}) = 6: 4$)

    离子数种类Model size/nm
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  混合硝酸盐中NaNO3和KNO3的离子数(总离子数为460)

    Table 2.  Ion numbers of NaNO3 and KNO3 in mixed nitrate (total number of ions is 460).

    $w({\rm NaNO_3}): w({\rm KNO_3})$种类Model
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  不同尺度下太阳盐的相变温度

    Table 3.  Phase transition temperature of solar salts at different scales.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  不同比例的混合硝酸盐的相变温度

    Table 4.  Phase transition temperature of mixed nitrates at different proportions

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 5  纳米线结构太阳盐的相变温度

    Table 5.  Phase transition temperature of nanostructured solar salts.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 6  两种结构下太阳盐导热率

    Table 6.  Thermal conductivity of solar salts at two structures.

    DownLoad: CSV
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    Kannan N, Vakeesan D 2016 Renew. Sust. Energy Rev. 62 1092Google Scholar


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    Deng Y, Qian T T, Guan W M 2017 J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 33 198Google Scholar


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    尹辉斌, 王文豪, 陈昌杰 2017 广东化工 22 33Google Scholar

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    李进, 王峰, 张世广, 吴玉庭 2020 华电技术 42 17Google Scholar

    Li J, Wang F, Chang S G, Wu Y T 2020 Huadian Technologies 42 17Google Scholar


    李彦, 李鹏, 朱群志, 余杨敏 2018 硅酸盐学报 46 625Google Scholar

    Li Y, Li P, Zhu Q Z, Yu Y Y 2018 Journal of Silicate 46 625Google Scholar


    冯妍卉, 冯黛丽, 张欣欣 2019 介孔复合材料的相变及热输运特性 (北京: 科学出版社) 第5−138页

    Feng Y H, Feng D L, Zhang X X 2019 Phase Transition and Thermal Transport Properties of Mesoporous Composite (Beijing: Science Press) pp5−138 (in Chinese)


    袁思伟, 冯妍卉, 王鑫, 张欣欣 2014 物理学报 63 014402Google Scholar

    Yuan S Y, Feng Y H, Wang X, Zhang X X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 014402Google Scholar


    Bore M T, Pham H N, Switzer E E 2005 J. Phys. Chem. B 109 2873Google Scholar


    Zhang J R, Feng Y H, Yuan H B 2015 Comput. Mater. Sci. 109 300Google Scholar


    Wang L P, Sui J, Zhai M 2015 J. Phys. Chem. C 119 18697Google Scholar


    赵亚溥 2012 表面与界面物理力学 (北京: 科学出版社) 第212−220页

    Zhao Y P 2012 Physical Mechanics of Surfaces and Interfaces (Beijing: Science Press) pp212−220 (in Chinese)


    李亚琼, 梁凯彦, 王静静, 黄秀兵 2020 工程科学学报 42 1229Google Scholar

    Li Y Q, Liang K Y, Wang J J, Huang X B 2020 J. Eng. Sci. 42 1229Google Scholar


    Min X, Fang M H, Huang Z H 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 12964Google Scholar


    Gao J K, Tao W W, Chen D 2018 Nanomaterials 8 385Google Scholar


    Sirota E B 2007 Macromolecules 40 1043Google Scholar


    冯黛丽, 冯妍卉, 张欣欣 2013 物理学报 62 083602Google Scholar

    Feng D L, Feng Y H, Zhang X X 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 083602Google Scholar


    Asegun H, Chen G 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 235502Google Scholar


    黄丛亮, 冯黛丽, 张欣欣, 李静, 王戈, 侴爱辉 2013 物理学报 62 026501Google Scholar

    Huang C L, Feng Y H, Zhang X X, Li J, Wang G, Chou A H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 026501Google Scholar


    Ni H O, Wu J, Sun Z 2019 Chem. Eng. J. 377 120029Google Scholar


    Elena N, Anabel P, Tomos H 2017 Energy Stor. Sci. Tech. 6 688


    吴玉庭, 王涛, 马重芳 2012 太阳能学报 33 148Google Scholar

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    官云许, 杨启容, 何卓亚, 王力伟 2021 功能材料 52 2153Google Scholar

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    李成祥, 孟庆元, 杨立军 2008 哈尔滨工业大学学报 40 705Google Scholar

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    Pan G, Ding J, Wang W L 2016 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 103 417Google Scholar


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    王长宝 2013 硕士学位论文 (北京: 北京工业大学)

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  08 July 2021
  • Accepted Date:  14 September 2021
  • Available Online:  18 January 2022
  • Published Online:  05 February 2022

