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Transmission of low energy electrons through PET nanocapillaries with 800 nm in diameter

Li Peng-Fei Liu Wan-Qi Ha Shuai Pan Yu-Zhou Fan Xu-Hong Du Zhan-Hui Wan Cheng-Liang Cui Ying Yao Ke Ma Yue Yang Zhi-Hu Shao Cao-Jie Reinhold Schuch Lu Di Song Yu-Shou Zhang Hong-Qiang Chen Xi-Meng


Transmission of low energy electrons through PET nanocapillaries with 800 nm in diameter

Li Peng-Fei, Liu Wan-Qi, Ha Shuai, Pan Yu-Zhou, Fan Xu-Hong, Du Zhan-Hui, Wan Cheng-Liang, Cui Ying, Yao Ke, Ma Yue, Yang Zhi-Hu, Shao Cao-Jie, Reinhold Schuch, Lu Di, Song Yu-Shou, Zhang Hong-Qiang, Chen Xi-Meng
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  • The transmission of 2-keV electrons through Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) nanocapillaries with 800 nm diameter and 10 μm length was studied. The transmitted electrons were detected using microchannel plates (MCPs) with a phosphor screen. It is found that the transmission rate for the transmitted electrons with the incident energy can reach up to 10 % for the aligned capillaries in the beam direction, but drops to less than 1 % when the tilt angle exceeds the geometrical allowed angle. There is no corresponding shift of the transmitted electrons with the incident energy as the tilt angle changes, and thus no guiding of the incident electrons in the insulating capillaries, unlike what is observed with positive ions. The angular distribution of the transmitted electrons within the geometrical allowed angle splits into two peaks along the observation angle perpendicular to the tilt angle in the final stage of the transmission. The time evolution of the transmitted full angular distribution shows that, at the beginning when the beam turns on, the transmission profile forms a single peak. As the incident charge/time accumulates, the transmission profile starts stretching in the plane perpendicular to the tilt angle and gradually splits into two peaks. This splitting tends to disappear as the tilt angle of the nanocapillaries increases beyond the geometrical allowed angle. Simulation of the charge deposition in the capillaries, directly exposed to the beam, indicates that positive charge patches are formed, which are not conducive to guiding, as seen with positive ions. Depending on the simulation results, we provide an explanation for our data. Then, the possible reasons for the splitting of the transmission angular profiles are discussed.
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