稳态微聚束(steady-state micro-bunching, SSMB)原理采用激光操控储存环中的电子, 可形成具有精微纵向/时间结构的电子束团, 即微聚束. 通过有机结合微聚束辐射的强相干特性以及储存环内电子束的高回旋频率特性, SSMB光源可提供高平均功率、窄带宽的相干辐射, 波段可覆盖从太赫兹到软X射线, 具有巨大的科学及产业应用前景. 本文在对现有加速器光源—同步辐射光源和自由电子激光简要介绍的基础上, 对SSMB的概念及潜力、原理验证实验进展、核心物理及关键技术挑战、清华SSMB-EUV光源方案及其对科学研究和芯片光刻潜在的变革性影响进行总结论述. 所综述的工作是在我国自己创新性工作基础上进行的, 对于国内读者了解该领域的工作及发展具有一定的帮助.Based on the laser manipulation of electron beam, the steady-state micro-bunching (SSMB) mechanism promises an electron bunch length six orders of magnitude smaller than that in a conventional storage ring. With the combination of the strong coherent characteristic of the radiation from micro-bunching and the high repetition rate of a storage ring, high-average-power, narrow-band coherent radiation with wavelengths ranging from THz to soft X-ray can be expected from an SSMB ring. Such a novel light source can provide unprecedented opportunities for accelerator photon science and industry applications like extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. In this paper, the SSMB concept and its potential, the progress of SSMB proof-of-principle experiment, the key physics issues and technical challenges of an SSMB ring, the Tsinghua SSMB-EUV light source and its potential revolutionary influence on scientific research and EUV lithography are all reviewed. Some important results of the SSMB research achieved by us are also presented.
- accelerator light source /
- steady-state micro-bunching /
- proof-of-principle experiment /
- extreme ultraviolet lithography
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[32] Pan Z, Rui T, Wan W, et al. 2019 Proceedings of the 39th International Free Electron Laser Conference Hamburg, Germany, August 26–30, 2019 p700
[33] Li C, Feng C, Jiang B, et al. 2019 Proceedings of the 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019 p1507
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图 8 纵向强聚焦SSMB原理示意图
Fig. 8. Schematic layout of a storage ring using two RF systems (in SSMB laser modulators) for longitudinal strong focusing and an example beam distribution evolution in the longitudinal phase space. Note that the beam distribution in longitudinal phase space at the modulators are tilted
图 10 SSMB-EUV光源辐射能谱样例. 对应
$\sigma_{\bot}=5, \; 10,\; $ $ 20\ $ µm, 辐射总功率分别为39, 7, 1.7 kW. 阴影区对应辐射波长$(13.5\pm {13.5}/{100})$ nm. 计算所用参数: 电子束能量$E_{0}= $ $ 400$ MeV, 平均流强$I_{\text{avg}}=1$ A, 调制激光波长$\lambda_{\text{L}} = 1064\; {\rm{nm}}$ , 辐射波长$\lambda_{\text{r}}= {\lambda_{\text{L}}}/{79}=13.5$ nm, 辐射波荡器周期长度$\lambda_{{\rm{u}}}= $ 1 cm, 辐射波荡器参数$K=1.14$ , 辐射波荡器周期数Nu = 79Fig. 10. An example EUV SSMB radiation calculation with a microbunch length of 3 nm and different transverse sizes
$\sigma_{\bot}$ . The total radiation power are 39, 7, 1.7 kW, corresponding to$\sigma_{\bot}=5,\; 10, \;20\ $ µm, respectively. The shaded area corresponds to wavelength of$(13.5\pm {13.5}/{100})$ nm. Parameters used for the calculation:$E_{0}=400$ MeV,$I_{\text{avg}}$ = 1 A,$\lambda_{\text{L}}=1064$ nm,$\lambda_{\text{r}}= {\lambda_{\text{L}}}/{79}=13.5$ nm,$\lambda_{{\rm{u}}}=1$ cm,$K=1.14$ ,$N_{{\rm{u}}}=79$ , and b.w. means bandwidth表 1 清华SSMB-EUV光源总体设计参数
Table 1. The design parameters of Tsinghua SSMB-EUV light source
技术参数 单位 设计指标 储存环周长 m 100—150 电子束能量 MeV $\geqslant 400$ 束流强度 A $\geqslant 1$ 辐射波长 nm 5—100 13.5 nm EUV功率
(2%带宽内)kW $\geqslant 1$ 13.5 nm EUV峰值/
0.1%b.w.$> 10^{23}$ 表 2 各类EUV光源特点
Table 2. Characteristics of different EUV light sources
光源原理 主要特点 LPP 技术成熟, 已商业化, EUV光功率最高500 W左右, 难以支撑下一代光刻技术的进一步发展 SR 技术成熟, 成本较低, 但EUV光功率达不到EUV光刻大规模量产需求 SRF-FEL EUV光功率可达1—10 kW量级, 造价相对高昂(数十亿), 规模较大(数百米), 商业化必须做能量回收(ERL), 实现大功率EUV输出, 还需许多技术突破 SSMB EUV光功率可大于1 kW, 造价(数亿到十亿)及规模(周长$100—150$ m)适中, 作为一种全新的光源原理, 原理实验验证已经实现, 需要建设运行在EUV波段的 SSMB加速器光源研究装置, 培养科学及产业用户, 并提高其技术成熟度 -
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[32] Pan Z, Rui T, Wan W, et al. 2019 Proceedings of the 39th International Free Electron Laser Conference Hamburg, Germany, August 26–30, 2019 p700
[33] Li C, Feng C, Jiang B, et al. 2019 Proceedings of the 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference Melbourne, Australia, May 19–24, 2019 p1507
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[40] Deng X J 2021 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Tsinghua University)
[41] 张耀 2022 博士学位论文 (北京: 清华大学)
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[67] Bakshi V 2018 Proceedings of 2018 Source Workshop Prague, Czech Republic, November 5–7, 2018 pS11
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