对于轴向磁化的圆柱状铁磁体,同时考虑偶极作用和交换作用,得到了偶极-交换自旋波的本征方程,给出了频谱的数值结果。当自旋波波矢β较小,即偶极能起主要作用时,相当于静磁模的结果,β较大,即交换能起主要作用时,过渡到宏观自旋波交换模理论的结果。Taking both dipole and exchange interaction into aceount we have deduced the secular equation for the dipole-exchange spin waves in an axially magnetized cylin-drical ferromagnet. Numerical results of frequency spectra are also given. When the wave vector of the spin wave is small, dipole energy is the most important term and our results coincide with that of magnetostatic modes. When the wave vector becomes large, exchange energy plays a greatrole, and our results approach those of the theory of macroscopic exchange waves.
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