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王亮平 韩娟娟 吴坚 郭宁 吴刚 李岩 邱爱慈



王亮平, 韩娟娟, 吴坚, 郭宁, 吴刚, 李岩, 邱爱慈

Simulation of planar wire array Z-pinch based on single wire behavior

Wang Liang-Ping, Han Juan-Juan, Wu Jian, Guo Ning, Wu Gang, Li Yan, Qiu Ai-Ci
  • 平面型丝阵负载是近年来Z箍缩实验中研究较多的一种非圆柱型丝阵负载.基于平面型丝阵中单丝的静磁场分析并结合单丝的径向运动方程,计算获得了聚爆过程中负载电流在每根丝上分配、每根丝所受磁场力、丝阵负载区磁场分布、负载总电感及聚爆过程中负载动能变化等规律.模拟计算了平面型丝阵负载Z箍缩聚爆轨迹及聚爆时间,并与"强光一号"加速器上进行的平面型丝阵实验结果进行了对比.结果表明,基于单丝行为的模拟误差约为10%,可较为准确地获得平面型丝阵负载聚爆时间.计算结果有助于深入理解平面型丝阵负载Z箍缩物理过程,同时该模型可用于平面型丝阵负载参数设计.
    Planar wire arrays have been widely studied as a kind of non-cylindrical wire array load in recent years. In this paper the magnetostatic simulation of individual wire in a planar wire array is performed using a radial motion equation in order to understand the patterns of the current partition through the wires, the force distribution on the individual wire, the magnetic field distribution on the planar wire array, and the variations of the total load inductance and the kinetic energy of the wire array during the implosion phase. The model has also been used to calculate the implosion trace and time of the planar wire array used on "Qiangguang-Ⅰ" generator. The calculation results are compared with the experimental results and it is concluded that the model gives an implosion time with an error of about 10%. All the simulation results mentioned above can help one further understand the process of the planar wire array Z-pinch and design the load parameters.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:10905047)资助的课题.

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    Mosher D, Boller J R, Hinshelwood D D,Moosman B G, Myers M C, Ottinger P F, Stephanakis S J 1998 Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 43 1642


    Bland S N, Lebedev S V, Chittenden J P, Ampleford D J, Tang G 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 4911


    Kantsyrev V L, Rudakov L I, Safronova A S, Esaulov A A, Chuvatin A S, Coverdale C A, Deeney C, Williamson K M, Yilmaz M F, Shrestha I, Ouart N D, Osbome G C 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 030704


    Shishlov A, Chaikovsky S, Fedunin A, Fursov F, Kokshenev V, Kurmaev N, Labetsky A, Oreshkin V, Rousskikh A, Labetskaya N 2008 7th International Conference on Dense Z-Pinches (Alexandria: American Institute of Physics) p137


    Jones B, Cuneo M E, Ampleford D J, Coverdale C A, Waisman E M, Vesey R A, Jones M C, Esaulov A A, Kantsyrev V L, Sarfronova A S, Chuvatin A S, Rudakov L I 2008 7th International Conference on Dense Z-Pinches (Alexandria: American Insitute of Physics) p109


    Strickler T S, Johnston M D, Gilgenbach R M, Lau Y Y, Jones M C, Cuneo M E, Mehlhorn T A 2003 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 31 1384


    Esaulov A A, Kantsyrev V L, Safronova A S, Velikovich A L, Cuneo M E, Jones B, Struve K W, Mehlhorn T A 2008 Phy. Plasmas 15 052703


    Калантаров П Л, Пейтлиц Л А 1957 The Inductance Calculation Handbook (Beijing: China Electric Power Press) p317 (in Chinese) [卡兰达洛夫П Л、采特林Л А 1957 感应系数计算手册 (北京:电力工业出版社) 第317页]

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  • 收稿日期:  2009-12-09
  • 修回日期:  2010-05-28
  • 刊出日期:  2010-06-05

