The bismuth-doped CdWO4 single crystals are prepared by the Bridgman method. The absorption spectra, emission spectra and X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of various parts of as-grown Bi: CdWO4 crystal are investigated. The absorption edge of CdWO4 crystal is red-shifted from 345nm to 399nm due to the introdution of Bi into crystal. The four emission peaks at 470, 528, and 1078 and a weak peak at 1504 nm are observed under the excitation of light beams at 311, 373, 808, and 980 nm. From the X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopic measurements of the Bi: CdWO4 single crystals, Bi2O3 (Bi3+) and NaBiO3 (Bi5+) samples, we infer that there coexit Bi3+ and Bi5+ in Bi: CdWO4 crystals. The fluorescence emissions of visible bands at 470 and 528 nm result from both WO6-6 in Bi: CdWO4 and Bi3+ ions doped in the lattice, while the fluorescence emission of the near infrared band at 1078 nm is due to the Bi5+ luminescence. The analysis result of XPS is consistent with the change of the fluorescence intensity: along the growing direction the emission intensity at 1078 nm and the content of Bi5+ ion both decrease gradually, while the intensity at 528 nm and the number of Bi3+ both increase gradually.
- Bi ions /
- emission spectra /
- XPS /
- CdWO4 single crystal
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[1] Fujimoto Y, Nakatsuka M 2001 Jpn.J.Appl. Phys. 40 L279
[2] Y Fujimoto, M Nakatsuka 2003 Appl.Phys.Lett.82 3325
[3] Xu J, Ma X S, Gu J 1990 J.Synth.Cryst. 19 283 (in Chinese) [徐 军、马笑山、顾 及 1990 人工晶体学报 19 283]
[4] Peng M, Qiu J, Chen D, Meng X, Zhu C 2005 Opt.Lett. 30 2433
[5] Sharonnov M Y, Bykov A B, Petricevic V, Alfano R R 2008 Optics Letters 33 2131
[6] Fujimoto Y 2010 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 93 581
[7] Wang X J, Xia H P 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 5263 (in Chinese) [王雪俊、夏海平 2006 物理学报 55 5263]
[8] Zhou P, Su L B,Yu J, Li H J, Zheng L H, Yang Y, Yang Q H, Xu J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2827(in Chinese)[周 朋、苏良碧、喻 军、李红军、郑丽和、杨 艳、杨秋红、徐 军 2010 物理学报 59 2827]
[9] Yu J, Zhou P, Zhao H Y, Wu F, Xia H P, Su L B, Xu J 2010 Acta Phys.Sin. 59 3538(in Chinese) [喻 军、周 朋、赵衡煜、吴 锋、夏海平、苏良碧、徐 军 2010 物理学报 59 3538]
[10] Xia H P, Wang J H, Yu C, Luo C X, Chen H B the state invention patent: No. 200910097707.8 (in Chinese) [夏海平、王金浩、虞 灿、罗彩香、陈红兵 国家发明专利,专利号:200910097707.8]
[11] Yu C, Xia H P, Luo C X, Hu Y, Chen H B, Xu J 2010 Chinese Journal of Lasers 37 2610 (in Chinese) [虞 灿、夏海平、罗彩香、胡 元、陈红兵、徐军 2010 中国激光 37 2610]
[12] Wagner C D 1990 Auger and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy 2nd edition (New York: John Wiley) Vol.1
[13] Andrey Novoselov, Akira Yoshikawa, Martin Nikl 2006 J.Cryst.Growth. 292 236
[14] Blasse G, Bril A 1968 J.Chem.Phys. 48 217
[15] Lammers M J, Blasse G, Robertson D S 1981 J. Physics Solid State 63 569
[16] Okhrimchuk A G, Butvina L N, Dianov E M 2008 Opt.Lett. 33 2182
[17] Mizoguchi H, Ueda K, Kawazoe H, Hosono H, Omata T, Fujitsu S 1997 J.Mater.Chem. 7 943
[18] Qiu Y, Shen Y 2008 Opt. Mater. 31 223
[19] Dvoyrin V V, Medvedkov O I, Mashinsky V M 2008 Opt. Express. 16 16971
[20] Garces N Y, Chiril M Ma, Murphy H J, Foise J W, Thomas E A, Wicks C, Grencewicz K, Halliburton L E, Giles N C 2003 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 64 1195
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