Kinetics of solidification of liquid benzene under high pressure has attracted much attention of scientists, and it is also one of long-standing disputes. In the present work, the gas-gun technique is combined with a recently developed measurement method of light transmittance, and the time dependence of light transmittance of liquid benzene is directly observed during successive multiply shock-compressions. The analysis shows that the transmittance decrease is caused by light scattering effects in a non-uniform optical medium, which is formed by local phase transformation of liquid-solid, and that the scattering feature reflects both the time relaxation and the spacial accumulation of transition process. The argument whether the liquid-solid phase transformation happens under multi-shock compression is clarified, and important experimental evidence is provided for the study of phase transformation Kinetics.
- benzene /
- multi-shock compression /
- liquid-solid phase transformations /
- light transmittance
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[1] Xu Z Y 1988 Principle of phase transition (Beijing: Science Press ) p1—34,412—418 (in Chinese) [徐祖耀 1988 相变原理(北京:科学出版社)第1—34,412—418页]
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[4] Klein R M, Nourbakhsh M, Adler P M 1968 J.Mater.Sci. 3 657
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[27] Matsuda A, Nakamura K G, Kondo K 2002 Phys. Rev. B 65 17411
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