全面禁止核试验条约的达成是防止核武器扩散的重要手段. 如何判断一次核试验的发生是一个关键课题. 研究了基于测量惰性气体氙同位素133mXe,133Xe,135Xe和131mXe来鉴别核试验和民用反应堆泄漏的方法. 通过分析这些处于复杂衰变链上核素的数量随时间的变化,寻找核试验与反应堆泄露事件的区别. 对两次朝鲜可疑的事件进行了测量和分析. 为了验证理论计算结果,设计了一次热中子辐照钚的模拟实验.
- 全面禁止核试验条约核查 /
- 气体裂变产物 /
- 核试验判据 /
- 惰性气体氙核素
It is an important approach to preventing nuclear proliferation that comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty is reached. How to judge whether a nuclear test has happened is a key point. In this paper we investigate a method to distinguish between a nuclear test and leakage from civilian nuclear reactor by measuring inert gas xenon nuclides 133mXe, 133Xe, 135Xe, and 131mXe. The distinction between the nuclear test and the reactor leakage is found by analyzing the variation of nuclide quantity with time in a complex decay chain. Two suspicious events in North Korea are measured and analyzed. In order to verify the theoretical results, an experiment of imitating plutonium irradiated by thermal neutron is designed.-
- comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty verification /
- gas fission products /
- nuclear test criterion /
- inert gas xenon nuclide
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[1] Liu S P, Gong J, Hao F H 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 0363
[2] Zuo H Y, Yang J G 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 6132 (in Chinese) [左浩毅, 杨经国 2007 物理学报 56 6132]
[3] Wu H L, Tian D F 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 032801 (in Chinese) [伍怀龙, 田东风 2011 物理学报 60 032801]
[4] Yu M 2001 Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library for Nuclear Test Measurement and Analysis (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press) p222 (in Chinese) [于敏 2001 中国军用测试核数据库——裂变产额 (北京: 原子能出版社) p222]
[5] Firestone R B 1996 Table of Isotope (8th Ed.) (USA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) p4480
[6] Wang S L, Chang Y F, Wang J 2004 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 38 210 (in Chinese) [王世联, 常永福, 王军 2004 原子能科学技术 38 210]
[7] Wu H L, Gong J 2006 Nucl. Techniq. 29 261 (in Chinese) [伍怀龙, 龚建 2006 核技术 29 261]
[8] Wu H L, Tian D F 2009 Sci. China E 39 261 (in Chinese) [伍怀龙, 田东风 2009 中国科学E辑 39 261]
[9] Liu S P, Wu H L, Gu D C 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 2411 (in Chinese) [刘素萍, 伍怀龙, 古当长 2002 物理学报 50 2411]
[10] Xu S R, Zhang J F, Gu W P 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 027802
[11] Wu H L, Liu S P 2006 Atom. Energy Sci. Technol. 40 10 (in Chinese) [伍怀龙, 刘素萍 2006 原子能科学技术 40 10]
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