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廖志贤 罗晓曙 黄国现



廖志贤, 罗晓曙, 黄国现

Numerical modeling and research on nonlinear dynamic behaviors of two-stage photovoltaic grid-connected inverter

Liao Zhi-Xian, Luo Xiao-Shu, Huang Guo-Xian
  • 本文首先建立了两级式光伏并网逆变器严格的分段光滑状态方程, 分析级联情况下光伏阵列电压对光伏并网逆变器非线性动力学行为的影响, 然后探讨拓展两级式光伏并网逆变器输入电压范围的策略, 并研究前后级电路内部参数变化引起并网逆变器输出电流的快变尺度分岔和慢变尺度分岔现象. 研究发现: 若对光伏阵列电压进行分段控制, 可以有效展宽两级式光伏并网逆变器的输入电压范围; 适当增加前级输出电容值、电感量, 可以避免系统产生混沌运动, 而后级参数的取值需避开多个不连续的混沌区域. 研究结果对提高光伏发电系统的效率与稳定性有较重要的参考价值.
    In this paper, the piecewise smooth state equation of a two-stage photovoltaic grid-connected (TPG) inverter is established and studied; based on the solution to the piecewise smooth state equation of the TPG inverter, effects of the photovoltaic array voltage on nonlinear dynamical behaviors of the TPG inverter are analyzed by using bifurcation diagram, folded diagram, 3D phase diagram, and Poincaré section. Then the nonlinear dynamical behaviors of TPG inverter are compared with the conventional one. And a strategy of expanding the input voltage range for the TPG inverter is explored. Finally, the nonlinear dynamical behaviors in it caused by the variation of main circuit parameters: such as the output inductance and capacitance of the front-stage, as well as those of the second-stage, are discussed through slow-scale bifurcation diagrams. Studies have found that it is effective to expand the input voltage range of the TPG inverter by segment control of the photovoltaic array voltage, and the chaotic phenomena in the TPG inverter can be avoided by increasing the parameter values of inertial devices such as output inductance and capacitance in the front-stage appropriately, but the values of output inductance and capacitance in the second-stage should be away from the multiple noncontiguous region, since it can cause chaotic behavior. The above work may have important guiding significance and application for improving the stability and efficiency of two-stage photovoltaic grid-connected inverter based photovoltaic power generation system.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11262004)和广西科学研究与技术开发计划(桂科攻1348017-2)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11262004), and the Science and Technology Development Program of Guangxi Province, China (Grant No. 1348017-2).

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    Freddy T K S, Rahim N A, Wooi-Ping H, Che H S 2014 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 29 5358


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    Liu H C, Yang S 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 210502 (in Chinese) [刘洪臣, 杨爽 2013 物理学报 62 210502]


    Parvathy Shankar D, Govindarajan U, Karunakaran K 2013 IET Power Electron. 6 1956


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    Herran M A, Fischer J R, Gonzalez S A, Judewicz M G, Carrica D O 2013 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 28 2816


    Gu Y J, Li W H, Zhao Y, Yang B, Li C S, He X N 2013 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 28 793


    Darwish A, Holliday D, Ahmed S, Massoud A M, Williams B W 2014 IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron. 2 797


    Hongrae K, Parkhideh B, Bongers T D, Gao H 2013 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 28 3788


    Keyhani H, Toliyat H A 2014 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 29 3919


    Ahmed M E S, Orabi M, AbdelRahim O M 2013 IET Power Electron. 6 1812


    Cecati C, Ciancetta F, Siano P 2010 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 57 4115


    Chen L, Amirahmadi A, Zhang Q, Kutkut N 2014 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 29 3881


    Yang B, Li W H, Zhao Y, He X N 2010 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 25 992


    Chan F, Calleja H 2011 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 58 2683


    Malik O, Havel P 2014 IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy 5 673


    Xiao H, Xie S 2012 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 5 899


    Liu H C, Li F, Su Z X, Sun L X 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 110501

  • [1]

    Deivasundari P, Uma G, Santhi R 2014 IET Power Electron. 7 340


    Bao B C, Zhang X, Xu J P, Wang J P 2013 IEEE Trans. Electron. Lett. 49 287


    Bao B C, Zhou G H, Xu J P, Liu Z 2011 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 26 1968


    Yucel A C, Bagci H, Michielssen E 2013 IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 55 1154


    Xie R L, Hao X, Wang Y, Yang X, Huang L, Wang C, Yang Y H 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 120510 (in Chinese) [谢瑞良, 郝翔, 王跃, 杨旭, 黄浪, 王超, 杨月红 2014 物理学报 63 120510]


    Luo X S, Wang B H, Chen G R, Quan H J, Fang J Q, Zou Y L, Jiang P Q 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 12 (in Chinese) [罗晓曙, 汪秉宏, 陈关荣, 全宏俊, 方锦清, 邹艳丽, 蒋品群 2003 物理学报 52 12]


    Freddy T K S, Rahim N A, Wooi-Ping H, Che H S 2014 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 29 5358


    Yang Y H, Wang H, Blaabjerg F, Kerekes T 2014 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 29 6271


    Liu H C, Yang S 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 210502 (in Chinese) [刘洪臣, 杨爽 2013 物理学报 62 210502]


    Parvathy Shankar D, Govindarajan U, Karunakaran K 2013 IET Power Electron. 6 1956


    Wu J K, Zhou L W, Lu W G 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 210202 (in Chinese) [吴军科, 周雒维, 卢伟国 2012 物理学报 61 210202]


    Liu H C, Su Z X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 010505 (in Chinese) [刘洪臣, 苏振霞 2014 物理学报 63 010505]


    Herran M A, Fischer J R, Gonzalez S A, Judewicz M G, Carrica D O 2013 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 28 2816


    Gu Y J, Li W H, Zhao Y, Yang B, Li C S, He X N 2013 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 28 793


    Darwish A, Holliday D, Ahmed S, Massoud A M, Williams B W 2014 IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron. 2 797


    Hongrae K, Parkhideh B, Bongers T D, Gao H 2013 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 28 3788


    Keyhani H, Toliyat H A 2014 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 29 3919


    Ahmed M E S, Orabi M, AbdelRahim O M 2013 IET Power Electron. 6 1812


    Cecati C, Ciancetta F, Siano P 2010 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 57 4115


    Chen L, Amirahmadi A, Zhang Q, Kutkut N 2014 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 29 3881


    Yang B, Li W H, Zhao Y, He X N 2010 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 25 992


    Chan F, Calleja H 2011 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 58 2683


    Malik O, Havel P 2014 IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy 5 673


    Xiao H, Xie S 2012 IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 5 899


    Liu H C, Li F, Su Z X, Sun L X 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 110501

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-12-12
  • 修回日期:  2015-02-05
  • 刊出日期:  2015-07-05

