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郝世峰 楼茂园 杨诗芳 李超 孔照林 裘薇



郝世峰, 楼茂园, 杨诗芳, 李超, 孔照林, 裘薇

Semi-analytical solution of the dry baroclinic Lagrange primitive equation and numerical experiment of a non-linear density current

Hao Shi-Feng, Lou Mao-Yuan, Yang Shi-Fang, Li Chao, Kong Zhao-Lin, Qiu Wei
  • 以差分方程代替微分方程给大气原始方程组求解带来了诸多难以解决的问题, 对于(半)拉格朗日模式来说质点轨迹的计算与Helmholtz方程的求解是两大难题. 本文通过对气压变量代换, 并在积分时间步长内将原始方程组线性化, 近似为常微分方程组, 求出方程组的半解析解, 再采用精细积分法求解半解析解. 半解析方法可同时计算风、气压和位移, 无需求解Helmholtz方程, 质点的位移采用积分风的半解析解得到, 相比采用风速外推的计算方法, 半解析方法更科学合理. 非线性密度流试验检验表明: 半解析模式能够清晰地模拟Kelvin-Helmholtz 切变不稳定涡旋的发生和发展过程; 模拟的气压场和风场环流结构与标准解非常相似, 且数值解是收敛的, 同时, 总质量和总能量具有较好的守恒性. 试验初步证明了采用半解析方法求解大气原始方程组是可行的, 为大气数值模式的构建提供了一个新的思路.
    To solve atmospheric primitive equations, the finite difference approach would result in numerous problems, compared to the differential equations. Taking the semi-Lagrange model as an example, there exist two difficult problemsthe particle trajectory computation and the solutions of the Helmholtz equations. In this study, based on the substitution of atmosphere pressure, the atmospheric primitive equations are linearized within an integral time step, which are broadly seen as ordinary differential equations and can be derived as semi-analytical solutions (SASs). The variables of SASs are continuous functions of time and discretized in a special direction, so the gradient and divergence terms are solved by the difference method. Since the numerical solution of the SASs can be calculated via a highly precise numerical computational method of exponential matrixthe precise integration method, the numerical solution of SASs at any time in the future can be obtained via step-by-step integration procedure. For the SAS methodology, the pressure, as well as the wind vector and displacement, can be obtained without solving the Helmholtz formulations. Compared to the extrapolated method, the SAS is more reasonable as the displacements of the particle are solved via time integration. In order to test the validity of the algorithms, the SAS model is constructed and the same experiment of a non-linear density current as reported by Straka in 1993 is implemented, which contains non-linear dynamics, transient features and fine-scale structures of the fluid flow. The results of the experiment with 50 m spatial resolution show that the SAS model can capture the characters of generation and development process of the Kelvin-Helmholtz shear instability vortex; the structures of the perturbation potential temperature field are very close to the benchmark solutions given by Straka, as well as the structures of the simulated atmosphere pressure and wind field. To further test the convergence of the numerical solution of the SAS model, the 100 m spatial resolution experiment of the non-linear density current is also implemented for comparison. Although the results from both experiments are similar, the former one is better and the property of mass-energy conservation is comparatively reasonable, and furthermore, the SAS model has a convergent property in the numerical solutions. Therefore, the SAS method is a new tool with efficiency for solving the atmospheric primitive equations.
      通信作者: 郝世峰, shifenghao@aliyun.com
    • 基金项目: 公益性行业(气象)科研专项基金(批准号: GYHY201306010), 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(批准号: 41405047)和国家科技重大专项(批准号: 2012ZX07101-010)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Hao Shi-Feng, shifenghao@aliyun.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Special Scientific Research Fund of Meteorological Public Welfare Profession of China (Grant No. GYHY201306010), the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41405047), and the National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2012ZX07101-010).

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    Hao S F, Yang S F, Lou M Y 2014 Chin. J. Geophys. 57 2190 (in Chinese) [郝世峰, 杨诗芳, 楼茂园 2014 地球物理学报 57 2190]


    Hao S F, Cui X P 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 039204(in Chinese) [郝世峰, 崔晓鹏 2012 物理学报 61 039204]


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  • 收稿日期:  2015-04-14
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