The Nb/SnO2 composite thin films were successfully synthesized by sol-gel spin-coating method on glass substrate. The structures and properties of Nb/SnO2 composite thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopey (SEM), ultraviolet visible near-infrared spectrophotometry and four-probe method. The effects of Nb doping on structure and optical-electrical properties of the Nb/SnO2 composite thin films were researched. The results indicate that a tetragonal rutile structure is retained when the Nb content is less than 0.99at%, and the nano-particles are distributed homogeneously in the thin films and their size can be controlled in the range of 5—7 nm. The resistivity of Nb/SnO2 composite thin films decreases and then increases when the Nb content is less than 0.99at%, and reaches a very low value of 9.49×10-2 Ω ·cm at 0.37at% Nb. In the range of 400—700 nm visible region, the transmittance of Nb/SnO2 composite thin films is up to 90% when the Nb content is less than 0.99at%, and the optical band gap of Nb/SnO2 composite thin films are in the range of 3.9—4.1 eV. The visible light transmittance of Nb/SnO2 composite thin films significantly reduce at 1.23at% Nb.
- sol-gel /
- Nb/SnO2 composite thin films /
- structure characterization /
- optical-electrical properties
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[1] Wu C G, Shen J, Li D, Ma G H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8623 (in Chinese) [吴臣国、 沈 杰、 李 栋、 马国宏 2009 物理学报 58 8623]
[2] Ginley D S, Bright C 2000 MRS Bull 25 15
[3] Chen Z Q, Liu H M, Liu Y P, Chen W, Luo Z Q, Hu X W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4260 (in Chinese) [陈兆权、 刘明海、 刘玉萍、 陈 伟、 罗志清、 胡希伟 2009 物理学报 58 4260]
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[6] Ma J, Hao X T, Huang S L, Huang H, Yang Y G, Ma H L 2003 Appl. Surf. Sci. 214 208
[7] Huang J Y, Fan G H, Zheng S W, Niu Q L, Li S T, Cao J X, Su J, Zhang Y 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 047205
[8] Rockenberger J, Zum Felde U, Tischer M, Troger L, Haase M, Weller H, Tischer M, Haase M 2000 J. Chem. Phys. 112 4296
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[10] Jung Y S, Choi Y W, Lee H C, Lee D W 2003 Thin. Sol. Fi. 440 278
[11] Ogale S B, Choudhary R J, Buban J P, Lofland S E, Shinde S R, Kale S N, Kulkarni V N, Higgins J, Lanci C, Simpson J R, Browning N D, Das Sarma S, Drew H D, Greene R L, Venkatesan T 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 077205
[12] Liu C M, Fang L M, Zu X T 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 936 (in Chinese) [刘春明、 方丽梅、 祖小涛 2009 物理学报 58 0936]
[13] Kuang A L, Liu X C, Lu Z L, Ren S K, Liu C Y, Zhang F M, Du Y W 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 2934 (in Chinese) [匡安龙、 刘兴翀、 路忠林、 任尚坤、 刘存业、 张凤鸣、 都有为 2005 物理学报 54 2934]
[14] Santos-Pena J, Brousse T, Sanchez L, Morales J, Schleich D M 2001 J. Power Sources 97-8 232
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[17] Vaufrey D, Ben Khalifa M, Besland M P, Sandu C, Blanchin M G, Teodorescu V, Roger J A, Tardy J 2002 Organic Light-Emitting Materials and Devices 4464 103
[18] Kikuchi N, Kusano E, Kishio E, Kinbara A 2002 Vacuum 66 365
[19] Wang C, Hou Y D, Wu N N, Zhu M K, Wang H, Yan H 2009 Acta Chim. Sin. 67 203 (in Chinese)[王 超、 侯育冬、 吴宁宁、 朱满康、 汪 浩、 严 辉 2009 化学学报 67 203]
[20] Yan J F, Zhang Z Y, Deng Z H 2007 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Nature Science Edition) 35 81 [闫军锋、 张志勇、 邓周虎 2007 华中科技大学学报 (自然科学版) 35 81]
[21] Dawar A L, Joshi J C 1984 J. Mater. Sci. 19 1
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[23] Yan J K, Gan G Y, Chen H F, Zhang X W, Sun J L 2007 Semiconductor Technology 32 109 (in Chinese)[严继康、 甘国有、 陈海芳、 张小文、 孙加林 2007 半导体技术 32 109]
[24] Gratzel M 1989 Heterogeneous photochemical electron transfer (Florida: CRC Press) 66—70
[25] Terrier C, Chatelon J P, Roger J A 1997 Thin. Sol. Fi. 295 95
[26] Jousse D 1985 Phys. Rev. B 31 5335
[27] Shi X, Liu F M, Liu Y Y, Ding P, Zhou C C 2009 Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica 26 0113 [石 霞、 刘发民、 刘妍研、 丁 芃、 周传仓 2009 复合材料学报 26 0113]
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