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Investigation of self-pulsing and self-mode-locking in ytterbium-doped fiber laser

Han Xu Feng Guo-Ying Wu Chuan-Long Jiang Dong-Sheng Zhou Shou-Huan


Investigation of self-pulsing and self-mode-locking in ytterbium-doped fiber laser

Han Xu, Feng Guo-Ying, Wu Chuan-Long, Jiang Dong-Sheng, Zhou Shou-Huan
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  • The output characteristics of a continuous-wave diode pumped free-running double-clad ytterbium-doped fiber laser are investigated. In the experiment, not only self-pulsing is observed, but also self-mode-locking is observed for the first time in the free-running fiber laser. The physical mechanism responsible for these phenomena is analyzed. The analysis reveals that the signal is absorbed in the weakly pumped or non-pumped part of the active fiber, which leads the self-pulsing to be present, and self-mode-locking is induced by axial mode beating and self-phase modulation, which are enhanced by nonlinear effects, stimulated Raman scattering, and stimulated Brillouin scattering. The pulse width of self-pulsing decreases as pump power increases. The pulse width of self-mode-locking pulses becomes narrow with the increase of the pump power. When the pump power is higher than 8 W, self-pulsing and self-mode-locking disappear. The interval between adjacent self-mode-locking pulses is 224 ns, corresponding to the cavity round-trip time. The maximum and the minimum durations (full width at half maximum) of self-mode locked pulses are about 35.0 ns and 6.3 ns respectively, and the maximum and minimum spectral widths (full width at half maximum) of signal light are about 7.05 nm and 2.01 nm respectively.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60890200, 10976017, 10876022) and the Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Solid-State Laser Technology, China.

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    Kir'yanov A, Barmenkov Y 2006 Laser Phys. Lett. 3 498


    MartÍnez-Rios A, Torres-Gómez I, Anzueto-Sanchez G, Selvas-Aguilar R 2008 Opt. Commun. 281 663


    Upadhyaya B N, Chakravarty U, Kuruvilla A, Nath A K, Shenoy M R, Thyagarajan K 2008 Opt. Commun. 281 146


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  • [1]

    Myslinski P, Chrostowski J, Koningstein J A K, Simpson J R 1993 Appl. Opt. 32 286


    Rangel-Rojo R, Mohebi M 1997 Opt. Commun. 137 98


    Hideur A, Chartier T, Õzkul C, Sanchez F 2000 Opt. Commun. 186 311


    Jackson S 2002 Electron. Lett. 38 1640


    Leblond H, Salhi M, Hideur A, Chartier T, Brunel M, Sanchez F 2002 Phys. Rev. A 65 63811


    Wang Y, Martinez-Rios A, Po H 2003 Opt. Commun. 224 113


    Brunet F, Taillon Y, Galarneau P, LaRochelle S 2005 J. Lightwave Technol. 23 2131


    Wang Y G, Ma X Y, Fu S G, Fan W D, Li Q, Yuan S Z, Dong X Y, Song Y R, Zhang Z G 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 1810 (in Chinese) [王勇刚, 马骁宇, 付圣贵, 范万德, 李 强, 袁树忠, 董孝义, 宋晏蓉, 张志刚 2004 物理学报 53 1810]


    Li J, Ueda K, Musha M, Shirakawa A, Zhong L 2006 Appl. Phys. B 85 565


    Upadhyaya B, Chakravarty U, Kuruvilla A, Oak S, Shenoy M, Thyagarajan K 2010 Opt. Commun. 283 2206


    Song Y J, Hu M L, Liu Q W, Li J Y, Chen W, Chai L, Wang Q Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5045 (in Chinese) [宋有建, 胡明列, 刘庆文, 李进延, 陈 伟, 柴 路, 王清月 2008 物理学报 57 5045]


    Upadhyaya B, Kuruvilla A, Chakravarty U, Shenoy M, Thyagarajan K, Oak S 2010 Appl. Opt. 49 2316


    Jeong Y, Sahu J, Payne D, Nilsson J 2004 Opt. Express 12 6088


    Lou Q H, He B, Xue Y H, Zhou J, Dong J X, Wei Y R, Wang W, Li Z, Qi Y F, Du S T 2009 Chin. J. Lasers 36 1277 (in Chinese) [楼祺洪, 何兵, 薛宇豪, 周军, 董景星, 魏运荣, 王炜, 李 震, 漆云凤, 杜松涛 2009 中国激光 36 1277]


    Jeong Y C, Boyland A J, Sahu J K, Chung S H, Nilsson J, Payne D N 2009 J. Opt. Soc. Korea 13 416


    Tsang Y, King T, Ko D, Lee J 2006 Opt. Commun. 259 236


    Colin S, Contesse E, Boudec P, Stephan G, Sanchez F 1996 Opt. Lett. 21 1987


    Sanchez F, LeBoudec P, François P L, Stephan G 1993 Phys. Rev. A 48 2220


    Chernikov S, Zhu Y, Taylor J, Gapontsev V 1997 Opt. Lett. 22 298


    Salhi M, Hideur A, Chartier T, Brunel M, Martel G, Ozkul C, Sanchez F 2002 Opt. Lett. 27 1294


    Kir'yanov A, Barmenkov Y 2006 Laser Phys. Lett. 3 498


    MartÍnez-Rios A, Torres-Gómez I, Anzueto-Sanchez G, Selvas-Aguilar R 2008 Opt. Commun. 281 663


    Upadhyaya B N, Chakravarty U, Kuruvilla A, Nath A K, Shenoy M R, Thyagarajan K 2008 Opt. Commun. 281 146


    Upadhyaya B, Chakravarty U, Kuruvilla A, Thyagarajan K, Shenoy M, Oak S 2007 Opt. Express 15 11576


    Jun C S, Kim B Y 2011 Opt. Express 19 6290


    Agrawal G P 2002 Fiber-Optic Communication Systems (3rd Ed.) (New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.) pp59--62


    Dawson J W, Messerly M J, Beach R J, Shverdin M Y, Stappaerts E A, Sridharan A K, Pax P H, Heebner J E, Siders C W, Barty C 2008 Opt. Express 16 13240

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  • Received Date:  16 July 2011
  • Accepted Date:  05 June 2012
  • Published Online:  05 June 2012

