For the numerical simulation of hot working process of spray-formed FGH4095, the high temperature deformation behavior of spray-formed FGH4095 is studied at different deformation temperatures (1010-1140 ℃) and different strain rates (0.001-10.0 s-1) using Gleeble 3800 thermal simulator. The constitutive equation is established with the sinh model. The calculative results are consistent with the experimental data. It indicates that the accurate material model is provided for the numerical simulation for hot working process of spray-formed FGH4095.
- spray forming /
- superalloy /
- constitutive equation
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[1] Kennedy R L, Jones R M F, Davis R M, Benz M G, Carter W T 1996 Vacuum 47 819
[2] Mi J, Grant P S, Fritsching U, Belkessam O, Garmendia I, Landaberea A 2008 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 477 2
[3] Mi J, Grant P S 2008 Acta Mater. 56 1597
[4] Li Z, Zhang G Q, Zhang Z H, Liu Z W, Tian S F, Yan M G 2000 J. Aero. Mater. 20 67 (in Chinese) [李周, 张国庆, 张智慧, 刘仲武, 田世藩, 颜鸣皋 2000 航空材料学报 20 67]
[5] Hu B F, Zhang S H 1997 Trans. Met. Heat Treat. 18 28 (in Chinese) [胡本芙, 章守华 1997 金属热处理学报 18 28]
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[7] Roberts W 1984 Deformation, Processing and Structure (Ohio: ASM International) p109
[8] Tian S G, Liu Y, Zhou X M, Zhao Z G, Bao X Y, Wang W X 2009 Chin. J. Aero. 22 444
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